Camper Mod Contest Entries

2022 World Iron Mod Championship

Truck camper owners from around the world are invited to compete in the ultimate series of mod competitions.  Who will be the Iron Mod Champion of 2022?  It could be you.  And there are three new mod contest twists this time; funny, practical, and madness.

Enter The Mod Contest

Truck campers from across the United States, Canada, and all over the world are hereby summoned to submit their best truck camper modifications for a no-holds-barred Iron Mod competition.  May the best mod and modder win.

Your submitted truck camper modification should solve a problem or address a specific need.  To have the best chance of winning, your mod should solve a problem or address a need shared by hundreds if not thousands of fellow truck campers.  That’s the trick.

For the 2022 contest, we are continuing the three established categories; Mini-Mods, Medium Mods, and Mega Mods.  We’ll publish one mod in that month’s category in every email alert.  On average we’ll have 8-mods per month.  At the end of the month, you will get to vote on your favorite mod from that month.

Two New Prizes: Most Funny and Most Practical

At the end of next year, we will also award two new mod prizes selected by Truck Camper Magazine.  First, Gordon will award the mod-maker with the funniest writing.  From the title to the explanation, give us your funniest writing and you may win the Funniest Mod Entry of the Year.  The prize might be a rubber chicken.  Or a whoopee cushion.  Or rude socks.  We haven’t decided yet, but it’s sure to be funny.

The second prize will be awarded by Angela for the most practical truck camper mod.  Angela will be looking for an exceptionally functional mod that could (or should) be applied to every truck camper.  Angela will determine what she thinks is the most beneficial mod and award the Most Practical Truck Camper Mod of the Year.  The prize won’t be funny, but it will leave you in stitches.  Hint.  Hint.

If you have submitted a mod in 2021 that hasn’t been published yet, and you would like to re-work it to make it funnier or more practical, contact us and we can update your mod.

Mini-Mod Madness in March

In March of 2022 we are going to have something of a mod contest inside of the mod contest; the Mini-Mod Madness in March.  We have about 30 mini-mods on deck. Some are very simple and very easy, but that’s what mini-mods are all about.  Get ready for March.  It’s going to be insane.  And fun.


Monthly Iron Mod Winners Get Mugged

Monthly winners will win an extremely limited edition 2022 Iron Mod mug (see below).  Only the 11 monthly winners of the Iron Mod contest will get a mug.

Iron Mod Mug Front

Iron Mod Mug Back

The 2022 Top Modder of the Year

For the December finals, readers will pick the best of the monthly mod winners to determine the 2022 Top Truck Camper Mod Maker!  The Grand Prize is a $250 gift certificate to Amazon, Lowes, or Home Depot.  Second Place will be a $100 gift certificate to Amazon, Lowes, or Home Depot.  Third Place will be a 2022 TCM Calendar.

The 2022 Mod Contest Rules:

1. All submitted truck camper modifications must have been made by yourself on your own truck camper rig.

2. All modifications must be new to TCM.  Please do not send in modifications that you have submitted for a previous Truck Camper Magazine mod contest.

3. All modifications must result in a physical change to the truck camper rig; cosmetic, decorative, and/or functional.  Repairs do not count unless they have also improved the stock design, appearance, or functionality of the truck camper.

4. To submit a mod, use the mod-submission form.  Every submitted mod must be individually submitted with the mod-submission form.  We require at least one photograph per mod.

What Qualifies as a Modification?

A truck camper modification is a physical change you made to improve the stock design, appearance, or functionality of your truck camper.

A modification can be a simple cosmetic change like new fabric for the seat cushions, or a floor plan change like a re-arrangement of the camper dinette, or the addition of a new or better component or appliance, and anything in between.  Interior and exterior truck camper modifications and decorations count.

The best modifications are things you did to improve the aesthetics or function of the camper to better suit your personal needs.  Did you alter your camper to make it work better for your truck camping lifestyle?  Chances are you made a qualifying modification.

Good luck mod makers!


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