Truck Camper Mods

Announcing the 2018 10×10 Tournament Winner

Drum roll please.  The mod votes have been cast and tallied.  With 48.1 percent of the vote, the Super Mod Contest winner of 2018 is…

10x10 Final Mod Winner

Congratulations to Scott Richards for getting the most reader votes and winning the 2018 10X10 Mod Tournament Grand Prize!

Your Camper Step System To Use While Towing Boat (#3) mod received 48.4 percent of the reader vote making you the 2018 World Champion Truck Camper Mod Maker.

Scott Richards has won the Grand Prize: a $250 gift certificate to Lowes, Home Depot, or the big box hardware store of your choosing, and enviable bragging rights no truck camper can deny.  Congratulations, Scott Richards!

Steps To Get Out Of Camper With Boat In Tow

Second Place goes to Jim and Joan Thompson with their Dinette Into A Desk With Office Chairs (#1).

Jim and Joan Thompson have won a $100 gift certificate to Home Depot, Lowes, or the big box hardware store of his choosing.  Congratulations!

Office chairs in truck camper

Third Place goes to Darrin Pickett with his Wardrobe To Custom Pull-Out Pantry (#7).

Darrin Pickett has won a 2018 Truck Camper Magazine Calendar and a TCM T-Shirt of his choosing.  Congratulations!

Homemade Kitchen Pantry Pulled Out

Thank you to the 100 mod makers who participated in the 2018 10X10 Mod Tournament.  We are inspired by your mods!

To see the 2018 10X10 Mod Tournament winning entries and the other incredible monthly mod winners for 2018, click here.



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