Scott Gregson and Sasha Bezer (aka Stonyboot) recently toured Torklift International‘s factory in Sumner, Washington. Kyler Morrison, Torklift’s National Sales Manager, walks Scott and Sasha through the facility and explains the process of manufacturing the company’s frame-mounted tie-downs, turnbuckles, towing systems, and suspension products.
Since Truck Camper Magazine’s last visit to Torklift, the team has added three welding robots. The tour also showcases the Mazak laser cutter debuted at Torklift International in 2017 and their large in-house powder coating facility.
Like Stonyboot, we are also “heavy users” of Torklift products. We run Torklift Talon tie-downs, Fastgun turnbuckles, StableLoad Upper Overloads, and a “Palomino Landing Pad” style aluminum bumper on our personal rig. We love these products and appreciate their Made In the USA quality and lifetime warranty.
Our last official Torklift International tour feature is from 2015, but it goes further into the manufacturing process, history, and culture of the company as well as revealing Torklift’s forward-looking mindset towards team and advancement. For a deeper dive into this renowned truck camper gear manufacturer, check out, “Torklift International’s Magnum Super Factory“.
Nice work, Scott and Sasha! Click here to request a free Torklift brochure.