Truck Camper Magazine works with freelance writers, but we require an approved article proposal in advance. If an article proposal is approved, we will then solicit an article for possible publication. We do not accept unsolicited finished content.
An article proposal is essentially a 100 to 150 word outline; a pitch on your article idea. This outline should be focused, compelling, and highly relevant to truck campers. Accompanying high-resolution photography is required.
Truck Camper Magazine provides expert advice on all aspects of the truck camping lifestyle. Article topics should be about your truck camping lifestyle, truck camper modifications, truck camper destination(s), or truck camper tips. It is required that you own a truck camper to write for Truck Camper Magazine. Other ideas are welcome, however all article proposals must be truck camper related.
Fun and humor is a very important consideration for all content.
How to Submit an Article Proposal
Please submit your article proposal/outline and article photography to us at [email protected]. The article proposal should be submitted as a word processing file or email text.
All submitted articles and photography must be your original work and you must hold the publishing rights. By submitting your articles, you grant Truck Camper Magazine the right to publish your work. Pay rates and story approach are subject to discussion prior to assignment.
We will read your article proposal and contact you if we are interested in proceeding with an assignment. A response to unsolicited articles or other contributions is not guaranteed.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your interest in writing for Truck Camper Magazine. We look forward to receiving your article proposal.