Truck Camper Magazine Blog

Your Summer 2014 Truck Camping Plans


At the 2014 Mid-Atlantic Truck Camper Rally earlier this month and again at the North-East Truck Camping Jamboree in Mystic, Connecticut this past weekend, there were lots of conversations about where folks were going in 2014.

Some are headed out on long trips including Alaska, Nova Scotia, and the Four Corners area of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah.  Others are planning trips to trout filled lakes or beach camping.  One couple was planning a trip to visit friends and family and exploring museums and antique stores along the way.

All of these conversations got us thinking about how we inspire each other.  Listening to someone share their truck camping plans can be contagious.  We’ve even experienced conversations where one couple says, “We’re going to Alaska” and the next couple says, “Really?  Can we caravan with you?”  Now that’s an inspired moment!

This week’s question of the week is, “What are your summer truck camping plans for 2014?”  Tell us where you are going, and what you’re looking forward to this summer.  We can’t wait to be inspired.

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