Are you going to Alaska this year? How about the Four Corners area? Maybe a cruise up Route 1 along the California coast? Or is it finally time to buy a truck and camper rig? What are your 2019 truck camping resolutions?
Normally we make bold truck camping resolutions. For 2018, we planned a big trip out west to attend a NATCOA rally, visit friends and family, and truck camper companies in Oregon, Washington, and Western Canada.
Our 2019 truck camping resolutions are – at least for now – rather low key. We are still going to go truck camping in Florida this winter, and we will still visit our family on the East Coast, but I don’t see us taking a big trip out west this year.
I am hoping we make a trip to Maine. We have readers up there who have asked us to visit many times. Maybe it’s finally time to make Maine happen. We’ll call it our Maine Plan, and our truck camping resolution for 2019. Make it so.
This week’s Question of the Week is, “What are your 2019 truck camping resolutions?”
Are you planning a cross-country trip for next year? Got the itch to walk around without a stitch at Burning Man? How about finally visiting your Uncle Ned in Hoboken? You haven’t see him in 20-years! But seriously folks, what are your truck camping plans for 2019?
This QOTW is now closed. Check out what fellow TCM readers are doing in 2019 by reading, “Big Truck Camping Plans For 2019“.