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Wanted: Affordable Truck Camper Rigs

Cost-no-object rigs are impressive, but we’re looking for truly affordable truck and camper combinations. If you have a truck and camper that cost under $50,000 USD / $64,216 CAD total and put your rig together in the past 5 years, we want to hear from you.

Affordable Truck Camper Poll

We have noted a troubling trend toward mega-buck truck and camper combinations over the past few years. This is partially our fault because it’s tough to ignore the no-holds-barred truck and camper builds. Some of the blame belongs to human nature as our readership loves to read about these dream set-ups. It’s a bit like reading about that new Ferarri when you drive a Honda Civic.

When the rig build totals repeatedly push deep into six-figure range, an unfortunate message is sent; truck campers are only for the rich. This is absolutely not the case. While truck camping will never be a cheap hobby, it’s still affordable. We’re going to prove it.

What Is An Affordable Rig?

Everyone defines affordable differently, but we’re drawing the line at $50,000 USD / $64,216 CAD as the total for both the truck and camper.

That’s less than some of the mega-rig owners spend on their aftermarket suspension enhancement and battery systems, but awesome truck camper rigs are still possible under this approachable sum.

In fact, it’s even possible with a brand new camper. Click through our Buyers Guide and you’ll see campers under $25,000 USD / $32,180 CAD from Scout, Palomino, Northstar, Four Wheel Campers, Capri, and Adventurer. These will be base campers that may need to be factory ordered, but they are available.

Unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible to find an “affordable” new pickup truck capable of carrying a truck camper. For most folks, the best bet will likely be a used truck. Even then, the costs of used trucks are high thanks to the recent shortages and inflation. Easy? No. Possible? Yes.

Tell Us About Your Affordable Rig

If your truck and camper combination cost less than $50,000 USD or $64,216 Canadian in total, and you purchased both in the last five-years, we want to hear from you. No, we need to hear from you.

Please submit fully functional (and truly de-mountable) truck and camper rigs. Of course, all matters of truck campers are eligible; pop-ups and hard sides, fully featured and shell models. Whatever gets you truck camping.

Let’s prove that affordable truck and camper rigs are not only still possible, but awesome. I bet some of you built your own camper (that counts), or refurbished a used camper (that counts too), or found the deal of the century (like we did for our camper) and spent way less than the proposed limit. How low can you go? How awesome can the affordable rigs get? We can’t wait to find out.

Thank you to those who have participated.  The responses are being compiled and will be published soon.



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Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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