WARNING: If you are faint of heart, or just can’t bear seeing a truck camper in distress, do not read this story or watch these videos. Turn away now.
Fellow truck camper John Wells sent us the following video clips that are almost impossible to watch. As the story goes, there was some truly horrible flooding at a N-SSA (North-South Skirmish Association) event earlier this year. Fortunately, no human being was hurt, but I’m afraid one very old and dilapidated truck camper didn’t make it.
John explains;
“Here are short video clips of the elderly truck camper getting jammed under the bridge to the N-SSA firing line, getting sucked under, and popping up the other side as flotsam and jetsam. No truck campers were harmed or destroyed during the making of this film. Well, maybe one.”
Above: Film credit to Dawn Dumene, contributing member of the FoK (“Firepit of Knowledge” – another story, another time), and Knap’s Battery E of the N-SSA
Fortunately, there were no human casualties, and the camper was so old that the property manager had been after the owners for some time to haul it away. I guess it was parked too close to the creek to boot.
Sorry for the laughter in the background. The folks watching knew that no one was in the camper, and that it happened to be a camper that had been more or less condemned by the property manager, who was also present at the time.
But it still brings a tear to the eyes of a true truck camper aficionado! Sniff. Sniff.”
Back in 2009, we ran an almost equally horrible article about another camper that tried to go swimming. Fortunately, that camper survived. Link: Gary Handser: River Rising
Folks, don’t let your truck campers go swimming. Go anywhere and camp anywhere, but keep it on dry land for goodness sake!