Truck Camper Magazine Blog

More Tech In Truck Campers – or Tech No!

While visiting a truck camper manufacturer last summer, the research and development group showed us a prototype touch panel system that controlled a multitude of camper functions.  For example, the touch screen showed holding tank and battery levels, controlled the heat and air conditioning, and turned the water heater on and off.

The team was very excited to share their cutting-edge RV technology with us, but honestly it left me cold.  As someone who works on a laptop all day, I like to get away from technology when we’re camping.  I might enjoy reading a few choice websites on my smartphone, but I really don’t want to be fiddling with a screen to turn on the water heater.  A simple switch will do, thanks.

Then again, having a computer in our truck camper that controls and monitors every tank, function, and feature would be amazing.  Imagine pulling up your smartphone and being able to remotely see the level and temperature of your camper’s holding tanks, battery amp hours and health, or that a water sensor was just triggered in the forward right corner of your roof.  Once you start down the technology road, the possibilities are endless.

Next thing you know, your camper will greet you when you approach it.

“Hello Fred.  Where are we going camping today?”

This week’s Question of the Week is, “Do you want more and more technology integrated into truck campers, or should truck campers be a minimal technology zone?”

Put another way, should future truck campers have a central computer that controls and monitors everything, or should the industry stick with old-school knobs, switches, and analog display panels?

This Question of the Week has now ended.  Click here to read the reader responses.


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