Truck Camper Magazine Blog

TCM Visits Big John’s RV

We first pulled into Big John’s RV in August of 2007, and immediately found Trouble.  Trouble, as he is known, is Big John’s cat.  At the time, Trouble was VP of Complaints and Night Security for Big John’s RV, and greeted every customer, if he was awake, and felt like it.


Big John, Trouble’s caretaker, is also the Owner and Founder of Big John’s RV.  With twenty-five years of experience selling, servicing, and matching truck campers, he impressed us with the depth of his truck camper knowledge, and the friendly manner in which he shared that knowledge with anyone who visited his dealership.

Big John has a deep booming voice that he uses warmly to greet his customers.  “Hey kids!” he’ll say with a soft smile, “Need some help, or should I shut up and leave you alone?”  We have actually heard Big John say this to customers, who always laugh.


When we returned to Big John’s RV this past October, Trouble had retired and was living his days sleeping, eating, and doing whatever he wants to do.  Big John was still at the truck camper game with four new Travel Lite truck campers, four new Arctic Fox truck campers, and a good selection of used truck campers in inventory.


Big John’s RV has moved since 2007 and is now on a lot they share with Discount RV Center off 1-25 in Longmont, Colorado.  Big John RV has its own building on the lot with a truck camper service center and from offices.


These above photographs show the inventory Big John’s RV had in stock in October.  Since our visit, Big John’s RV has received 2015 Arctic Fox truck campers and additional used stock.


One of the highlights of our visit to Big John’s RV in 2007 was seeing his unique and custom truck camper loading and unloading machine, aka Big Red.  This contraption makes the process of moving truck campers fast, smooth, and steady – at least in the experienced hands of Big John.

To work the loader, Big John turns on a motor that powers the machine and guides it to the truck camper he needs to move.  After carefully lining up Big Red with a camper, he pushes the machine’s carpeted arms under the left and right camper wings and gently hoists the camper into the air.

Once airborne, Big John can steer the loading machine around the other campers and trucks in his lot and place the camper down exactly where he wants it.  Once the camper is lowered to the ground, Big John pulls the carpeted arms away from the camper.  The whole process is fast, smooth, and steady.  Every dealer should have one of these, or two.

Once again, we enjoyed our visit with Big John.  He’s one of the most knowledgable and friendly truck camper folks you’ll ever meet.  If your in the Denver area, and you’re into truck campers, stop by and say hello to Big John.  Just don’t be surprised if he calls you a “kid” no matter what age you might be.

For more information about Big John’s RV, visit

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