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Truck Camping in Foreign Countries

We had some excellent responses to our first Question of the Week in a long time; “If you could go truck camping in a foreign country, what country would that be, and why?“.  As a magazine, we have only truck camped in the United States and Canada and look forward, with some trepidation, to truck camping beyond these familiar borders.  Thank you to everyone who sent in their answers.

“Put me down for truck camping down under!  Australia has been on my list for seemingly endless exploration and photographic opportunities!” – Tim Holman

“My wife, Kathy and I are recently returned Peace Corps Volunteers.  We served in Belize.  Our house in Dangriga was a stone’s throw from the Caribbean Sea, with only a narrow park between us and the beach.  Many evenings we sat on our veranda watching kids play as frigate birds soared overhead and pelicans dove on unfortunate bait fish.  Val’s Backpacker Hostel was at the end of our street.  Dana (pronounced Donna) Joseph was the owner.  She, husband Simeon, and two wonderful kids, quickly became our great friends.

Every evening we walked to Dana’s where we met many world travelers, most walked from the bus station, young people stooped under backpacks.  They came from the states, Europe, and beyond.  Often they drove.  They came in (or on) bicycles, adventure motorcycles, SUVs, converted vans and buses, and yes . . . truck campers.  I greatly envied one, very much like the one now in my driveway, was to drool for.  The couple were down from Canada, extreme snowbirds.

Kathy and I had drug a small Airstream around the country, visiting grandkids and national parks, for a couple of years before Peace Corps.  Now we’re home, grateful for our service, and very appreciative of America.  We own a new Arctic Fox cabover, in part, with the possibility of returning to Central America in mind.  We’d love to visit Belize again.  The people are beautiful, sincere, and welcoming.  And the children… I tear up just thinking about the kids at Gulisi Primary School.  Unqualified love.

In that part of my imagination that daydreams about what to do with lottery winnings, I picture arriving in Belize bearing gifts, then going on, through Panama and all the way to Patagonia.  But mostly Belize.  The jungles, the beaches, the cayes… the smiles on beautiful faces.” – Clint Norrell

“Hi Angela.  My answer to this question is simple.  I won’t go truck camping in foreign countries.  America is a beautiful country with lots to see.  Our economy is doing very bad, so I would rather vacation here in the United States and keep my tourist dollars in this country to help our own economy, then to vacation in a foreign country and support their economy.” – JT

“Hi Angela.  I guess I am not as adventurous as some.  I truly believe there are so many places to be seen right here in the good old USA.   Especially after viewing Jack Dykinga’s photography who wouldn’t want to go to some of those places.  If I did travel to a “foreign” country it would be Canada.  It is a means to get to Alaska!  I am not as boring as this may seem, just wish to travel and visit the areas in my own country.” – Sue S., Michigan

“Greetings from Mulege, BCS, Mexico.  It is my hope to travel by truck camper from Prudue Bay Alaska to Usailla (UsaWiya), Argentina, the Southernmost point.  In the meantime I have a list of campgrounds for Mexico mainland and South with GPS Coordinates.  Prior to my settling in one spot I, 4×4 camped all over the mainland and Baja.  I drove the Baja from San Diego to La Paz (Cabo did not exist) four times before the road was built and it took twenty days of trailing to reach La Paz.  I would highly recommend anyone to come to the Baja.  Now paved all the way, and plenty of gas or diesel.  And safe.  The only violence is centered around Tijuana to Rosarito Beach.  The toll road from the border is very safe.  The whole peninsula is well patrolled by the Mexican Marines, Army, and ATF (Federales).  As for camping on your way down, the safest place is at a PEMEX gas station.  If anyone needs more information, you can contact me directly at [email protected].  Happy Trails!” – Bill

“That’s easy!  The camper will sail to Amsterdam from Houston.  I shall drive through Europe, Russia, and Asia.  Once in Asia, a short ferry ride to Alaska will complete my “around the world trip”.  The roads still need to be studied but the “Northern” way seems the most interesting to me.  Oh!  Dreaming with my eyes open.  Now you can imagine all the prep work that needs to done: spare tires, spare parts for the truck, water filtration system, spices, dry food/meat, medication/safety kit, satellite phone, fuel containers, clothing for all seasons (including Siberia–layering system).  This is something I can do, or at least put on my list of “things to do”.  We shall see.” – Sylvie Mathis

“Canada is the only one I want to go to.  We were there last summer, then to Alaska.  I want to go back.  British Columbia and the Yukon are awesome.  I need more time.  I would like to make it to the Arctic Circle next time.  You know for a Michigan boy, the Grand Canyon would seem pretty foreign.  It is also on my “Bucket List”.  Keep up the good work.” – Matt Reinker


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