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Your Campsite Behavior Revealed

If anthropologists attended a truck camper rally to observe truck camper owners, they would discover a curious behavior.

Humans who own truck campers tend fall into one of two categories;

1. Those who arrive at a campground, park, and are done.  No muss, no fuss.  Just park and camp.

2. Those who arrive at a campground, park, and then set up a sprawling array of rugs, matts, signs, flags, lights, steps, canopies, chairs, tables, pink flamingos, and more.

Where the first category of truck camping humans is happy to have a level campsite for the evening, the second category sets up a campsite.

This week’s Question of the Week is, “Are you a park and done truck camper, or are you a park and set-up a campsite truck camper?”

If you’re a park and done camper, tell us why.  If you’re a park and set-up a campsite camper, tell us about how you set-up your campsite, what you put out, and why.  Of course we’d love to see pictures of your campsites all set up.


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Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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