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POLL: How Hot and Cold Will You Camp?

Right now we are truck camping in the northwest.  It’s early-August and temperatures are soaring into the high 90s, low 100s anywhere that’s not in the high-altitude mountains.

We stayed cool in Idaho’s Sawtooth National Forest for a week (highly recommended) and loved it, but we have upcoming magazine appointments in Washington and Canada.  We can’t stay in the mountains forever.

Angela, Harley, and I can tolerate temperatures up to about 85 degrees, as long as the humidity isn’t too bad.  In the northwest, humidity has been in the 20 to 40-percent range and extremely comfortable.  With temperatures in the mid-80s, with low humidity, windows open, and the Fantastic Fan cranked – we are good.  Over 85 degrees, we’re not happy.

During the winter, we enjoy camping right up to freezing low temps.  We prefer warmer weather, but aren’t afraid to run our propane and/or electric heaters (if we’re plugged in).  The tipping point is when we have to consider whether to winterize.  Give us forecasts in the 20s and we might change course – literally.

So there you are.  We prefer temps no higher than the mid-80s and no lower than the mid-30s.  We prefer sunny days in the mid-70s with lows in the mid-50s, but you can’t limit yourself to fair weather camping all the time.

This week’s Question of the Week is a poll.  We are interested in what temperature extremes you consider for cold and hot weather truck camping.

Click here to take the temperature poll!


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Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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