On January 25th, 2012, NBC’s Today Show featured Meg, Jed, and Jenny Wolfrom after their horrifying Peru experience in late December.
Video Link: http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/50585772#50585772
We were relieved to hear that Meg, Jed, and Jenny have received help from the United States Government and are now on their way to recovery. They have also been able to retrieve their Phoenix truck camper rig.
Above: Meg and Jed Wolfrom and their Phoenix truck camper rig
From their Facebook page:
“After several weeks of digging through the aftermath of the attack with doctors and corrupt police and the US embassy, we are happy to announce we are OUT OF PERU and have made it to Chile with our truck and camper! Jed is showing off his new smile! WoooHoooo!!!”
We first wrote about Meg and Jed in October as they fulfilled their dream to explore Central and South America in a Phoenix custom truck camper. Their original story, “Meg and Jed Wolfrom: Adventure Americas” covered the first six-months of their South American adventure.