Truck Camper Magazine Blog

Hobbies After Dark

This week’s Question of the Week was, “What do you do to entertain yourself in your truck camper after dark?”

“I must be one of the lucky ones that doesn’t get any reaction from bug bites, bee stings, and poison ivy.  Therefore, when night falls, and the bugs come out, I love to find dark areas that have a clear view of the night sky and enjoy natures’ free show of stars, satellites, meteors, fireflies, wolf calls, and quiet.” – Jesse Taylor, Pennsylvania

“I actually don’t have a truck camper, but I wish I did!  I started out in a tent, then a pop-up, and now a hybrid.  My wife wants a fifth wheel.  I want a truck camper.  The budget says go back to the tent!  We’ll see who wins.  Anyway, there is a great new card game called S’mores.  I purchased it for $5 or $6 from Bass Pro Shop and my family loves it.  It’s easy enough that my four year old can play but fun enough that my wife and I aren’t totally bored with it.  S’mores is made by a company named Education Outdoors.  I haven’t purchased any of their other products yet but their game, Camp has also received great reviews.” – Bruce Baker

“So what do these two campers do after dark in the camper on their truck you ask?  We can do a lot of things, and we have!  From pulling out the maps to see where tomorrow will take us, to looking at our National Park Passport and deciding which National Park we will go to next.  With a fantastic sound system from Jensen that plays DVDs and a twelve volt television, we could also watch a movie or put up the antenna and check out what is going on in the outside world.  But I can honestly tell you that in the ten months we have owned our rig, the television has never been on at night.  Why watch television when mother nature puts on such a fantastic display almost every night?  Another thing we do is read, and we talk, a lost art in my opinion.  What’s great is that after almost thirty years together, we have great conversations, make each other smile, and most importantly, we laugh.” – Laurie and JP

“At home we hardly ever watch a movie together.  So, if it’s not a campfire night, we make a nest in the cabover and all watch a movie.  We do the same thing in the Vee berth of our boat when we are on Lake Superior.  I have to say that, in the middle of the winter, I can always find a memory of a great movie with a great family.  Keep on truck camping.” – Bigfoot Dave

“My wife and I enjoy reading and watching DVDs after dark in the truck camper.  It’s also a good time to talk about what we saw that day and our plans for the next day.” – Charlie Cherry

“In order of preference, reading articles from Truck Camper Magazine that I have printed up before hand and brought along on our trip; writing a résumé of our day’s experiences, and writing postcards to family.  It feels a bit like talking to them.  Finally, reviewing the daily photos, deleting the unwanted ones, and reliving the special moments!  And by the time I go through all of these, my eyes start to be heavy and I am ready to fall asleep feeling happy with my truck camper experiences!” – Denise Hupé, Québec

“We read our Nooks.  There are thousands of books in one small package.” – Jack Lochhead

“Tie flies, make fishing lures, and play cards.” – Marc Stelting

“Depending on where we are, especially in Alaska in the spring, we usually play an exciting game of, “Find The Mosquito”.  This is combined with reading, preferably a soft cover book, which does less damage as a swatter!” – Robert Geers

“Marylou and I have been interested in, and participated in living history, mainly Revolutionary War through the Civil War, for many years.  We both love music.  I usually pack along my octave mandolin (maybe harmonica and ocarina, too!) on camper trips.  We sometimes enjoy playing and singing Irish, Revolutionary War, and Civil War folk songs, either in the camper or around the campfire.  We’d love to join with other truck camper folks that enjoy traditional music at a camper rally sometime!” – John and Marylou Wells

“Listen to music and read.  Occasionally watch a movie.” – Tom Wilson

“I really enjoy getting on the air with my Ham Radio after dark.  Being far away from all the electricity and interference of town allows you to hear and talk to Hams from far, far away.  I always enjoy talking to New Zealand before going to bed to find out how tomorrow is going to be.  This photo was taken during ham radio field day a few weeks ago where we used our radios to talk to other Hams in every state in the United States over the course of twenty-four hours.  I use my computer with my radio to chat digitally with other Hams all over the world.  It is quiet so I can do it after my wife Allison goes to bed.  This setup is also great when boondocking far out as it allows me to send and receive email when there is no internet.” – Brian and Allison Wetter

“Now you really hit my passion button!  After dark is when I shine, or glow if I’m having a hot flash.  Some days I get out my computer and write a funny (always with a twist) story that I ship off to some magazine or other.  Some evenings I bone up on a new lecture or two and start sending out the word that I’m ready to entertain.  Sometimes I sit for hours choosing pictures to print that I’m going to slice down the middle and have laminated.  When I’m particularly energetic, I surround myself with beads and combine my photography with beadwork to make stunning (or so I’m told) bookmarks to go into the ten books that I’ve written.  At present I’m finishing up a Mini Read (my own line of books) about Greece and writing another about the fifteen years I’ve had my truck.  During the daytime I’m always on the prowl for new and different beads for my creations.  Other than that, I’m as lazy as a three-toed sloth.  Oh, did I mention that, when I’m in my camper for months at a time, I’m working.” – Joei at

“Not fair when Gordon gives all of the good answers, but I agree.  Reading and internet if available, but mostly reading.  I also plug the iPod into the camper system to listen to tunes.” – Mark Turnbull

“We read loads and loads, play dominos or some other card game, and we watch television some.  We are usually so tired after the days activities we’re not up very late.” – Connie Wolff

“In the evening, we connect our cameras to the television and enjoy slide shows of the day’s activities.” – Judi Sutherland

“Angela – As to your question, my wife and I play cards, watch a movie, or read a bible study.” – Joseph and Sidonna

“We usually watch television if get any channels.  If not, I put in a DVD, lay back, and watch.  The flat screens are a blessing.” – Gerry Mizell, Louisiana

“I always bring my guitar and like playing inside because the confines of the truck camper bring out good acoustic sounds.” – Rob Urban

“A walk around the campground in your pajamas (at least to the outhouse or looking at the moon).  Most times we are sitting by the campfire.” – Bonnie

“We’ve just begun with our truck camper this June.  So, in the Northwest, dark doesn’t happen until about 10:00 or 11:00 pm.  Personally, sitting around the campfire and watching the stars come out has been about my only activity.  We have been bringing a couple of family games, but we stay busy all day.  By nightfall, the kids are to pooped to party and falling asleep.  I’ll have to wait until August when sunsets are earlier to have a true answer for this question.” – Russ Strong

“Truck camping after dark is a special time for me.  It’s a time to star gaze, sit around a fire with friends, or catch up on my reading.  I like the way the day slows down then, especially if I’m camping off the beaten path.”  – Al Stebbins

“Sit around a good campfire with friends, talk, have a drink, chill out, and enjoy the outdoors.” – John Hobart


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