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Have You Used Your Camper As An FEV?

We’re looking for Family Emergency Vehicle (FEV) stories from 2018 to the present. If you’ve used your truck camper rig to escape a natural disaster or help a friend or family member in need during that time, please share your experience.

Whats Your Family Emergency Vehicle Story

Family Emergency Vehicle (FEV) experiences you could share include using your truck camper rig to evacuate and/or recover from a hurricane, forest fire, flood, earthquake, tornado, snowstorm, or other natural disasters.

We also want to hear if you’ve used your truck camper rig to help a family member or friend who was in the hospital or needs help or care at home.

Your feedback and advice will help fellow truck campers who will face family emergencies down the road. Thank you for sharing your FEV experiences and advice!

  • To make things easier for us when we compile the responses, please write in complete sentences and do not type in all caps. Thank you!
  • To make things easier for us when we compile the responses, please write in complete sentences and do not type in all caps. Thank you!
  • To make things easier for us when we compile the responses, please write in complete sentences and do not type in all caps. Thank you!
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
    If you have more photos to share, feel free to send them to [email protected]. Please label all photos submitted with the location for the caption.
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
    If you have more photos to share, feel free to send them to [email protected]. Please label all photos submitted with the location for the caption.


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