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Have You Explored A Slot Canyon?

We are developing a feature on using a truck camper as a base camp to explore the slot canyons of the southwest and beyond.  Tell us about the slot canyons you’ve visited while truck camping!

Slot Canyon Destination Article

Above: Our 2010 hike in Southern Utah’s Buckskin Gulch was absolutely amazing

For a future destination article, we want to know which slot canyons you have explored while truck camping.  Any slot canyons in the world are welcome, but we specifically want to know about the ones you visited in a truck camper.

For each slot canyon you mention, please include the name, the location, and the difficulty of the hike.  Please also include where you camped – whether it was a campground nearby or a dry camping spot.

If there are any important details, like the conditions of the road, the walk to the trailhead or a tip to make hiking through the slot canyon easier, please include that below as well.  In a nutshell, what do you wish you had known before you went?

All truck camping experiences while exploring slot canyons are welcome.  Your write-up and photography (at least one photograph is mandatory, more are preferred) will be published as part of an upcoming feature story in Truck Camper Magazine.

Having experienced feedback from fellow truck campers who have visited and explored slot canyons will make planning a slot canyon trip even better.

Thanks for sharing your tips and ideas for truck camping through the slot canyons!



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Truck Camper
Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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