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East Coast Northwood Rally Announcement

Joel and MaryAnne Vanscoy have announced that the 2020 East Coast Northwood Rally will be from May 13-17, 2020 at Holiday Trav-L-Park in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

East Northwood Rally May 2020

May 13 – 17, 2020
East Coast Northwood Rally
Holiday Trav-L-Park, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Organizer: Please contact Joel and MaryAnne Vanscoy if you have any questions or need more information.

Joel and MaryAnne sent in the following announcement:

“At this point, we have 47 water, electric, sewer campsites reserved in a location surrounding our rally’s meeting area.  We can get more sites if needed.

Campground site reservations and site payment will be handled by the campground.  Contact them by calling (866) 849-8860.

Please reference our event as the East Coast Northwood Rally with the campground staff’.  To receive the discount rate ($44 -15% discount +tax) you must use this name along with the reservation number 32086762 when booking your site in the group area.

The registration cutoff date is March 1, 2020.  At that time the campground opens up the reserved sites and the group rate is no longer offered.

The rate will cover two adults and four children for each campsite.  This special rate will be available starting Sunday, May 10 and it is good until Tuesday, May 19 if anyone wishes to stay after the event.

There will be golf cart rentals available from the campground.  You can reserve them at this time.  You can bring your own golf cart, but must show proof of insurance.  I believe the operator’s minimum age is 16.

We will have a rally tent to provide shade and refuge from the unlikely possibility of liquid sunshine.  This area will be for registration, event information, casual gathering for morning coffee, presentations, group meals, celebrations, socials or just hanging out.

We’re working on an educational session to help us all face challenges that pop up along our travels.  We’ll also have a swap meet, so make room in your storage bins for new stuff.

We will have a barbecue Saturday afternoon with a dessert potluck.  A raffle will be held after the potluck.  An ice cream social will be planned for another night.

A campfire will be going each evening for all to enjoy.  There will also be plenty of free time to explore the area.  We’ll see what else may come together between now and May, 2020.

There will be a $25 per person registration fee for the rally with a maximum of three people charged per site/rig.  This is to offset costs incurred in the production of this event.  All proceeds will be totally redirected into the event.  This is payable in person at the rally.

How To Sign Up

1. Call the campground at (866) 849-8860 and sign up naming our group, the East Coast Northwood Rally’, and using the code above.

2. We would appreciate you letting us know that you are attending.  Email us to let us know your interest, ask questions, and to be added to the update email list.  Please do this as soon as possible so that we can plan for the rally.

3. The most up to date information will be kept current on the NORA site forums under ‘Let’s hook up’, (no it’s not a new dating site)

All current, past, and possibly future Northwood Manufacturing owners are welcome.  Please feel free to contact me via email with any questions or concerns for this rally.

Let’s show the West Coast how the East Coast can do it!  This is going to be fun!” – Joel and MaryAnne Vanscoy



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