About a week ago, Angela, Harley, and I were driving Route 70 across Utah. We were talking about the drought in California when, “Hey, there’s a truck camper towing a Jeep!” We still get excited when we see a truck camper on the road. We even point.
A few minutes later we were talking about the terrible flooding in Texas when, “Look! There’s another truck camper! And they’re towing a Jeep!” Again we were excited and pointing at it. I guess we are just easy to please. Harley slept through the whole thing.
An hour passed and we saw yet another truck camper, towing a Jeep. This time neither of us said anything. We didn’t have to. The truck camping gods were doing all the talking, and they clearly wanted us to publish a Question of the Week on towing a Jeep. Message received.
This should come as no surprise since we have many good friends who tow Jeeps behind their truck campers. In fact, the need to tow a Jeep is often how they decided on a truck camper rig in the first place.
This week’s Question of the Week is, “Do you tow a Jeep behind your truck camper?” If you do, tell us about your Jeep, how you tow it, and where you go.