With interior space at a premium, truck camper owners come up with ingenious ways to utilize interior and exterior storage. Where Class A motorhome owners might bring their cooking bowls from home and stuff them into a random kitchen cabinet, a truck camper will find a set of nesting bowls and put them in exactly the right spot – where they just fit.
Other items collapse for storage and expand for use. Something as simple as a full-size colander can take up an enormous amount of space in a truck camper. However, a collapsible colander folds flat to fit into a drawer. As a result of this careful product selection and clever packing strategy, truck campers have a lot more with them than motorhome and towable owners might ever imagine.
This week’s Question of the Week is, “How have you used nesting and collapsible products or nesting and collapsible strategies to save storage space in your truck camper?”
All nesting and/or collapsible products or strategies you’ve used in a truck camper are fair game. As actor Fred Thomas famously said in Die Hard 2, “Stack ‘em, pack ‘em, and rack ‘em.”
Please fill out the form below to tell us about your nesting and collapsible products or strategies to save storage space in your camper.