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TCM Hauls A Hot Dog

This past week we were exploring Michigan when we came across an enormous hot dog!  Now we’re not talking about the wieners you see at 7-11.  Oh no.  We’re talking about a seriously humongous frank that literally spanned the roof of a restaurant appropriately called Wienerlicious.


Above: Caption Contest Photo – click to enlarge

With the camper blocking the building, we stood in just the right spot and got this photograph.  The American flag is almost too perfect, but I assure you it’s not Photoshop.  This is the real deal; and our admittedly ridiculous sense of humor, out in the world.

This week we’re holding a caption contest for the above photograph.  The rules are simple.  First, only three captions per entry.  Second, keep it PG-13.  And third, keep it PG-13.

All captions must be submitted no later than 11:59pm PST this Thursday, July 23rd.

The caption that makes us laugh the most will win a Truck Camper Magazine T-shirt.

The caption contest is now closed.  Click here to see the winner of our hot dog caption contest.



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Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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