The 2019 Mid-West Truck Camper Summer Rally runs from Monday, July 29th to Friday, August 2nd at the Cottonwood RV Park in Columbia, Missouri.
Here are the specifics:
July 29 – August 2, 2019
2019 MWTCF Summer Rally
Cottonwoods RV Park, Columbia, Missouri
Organizers: Doug and Tammie Baughman
Doug and Tammie Baughman, the organizers, have sent us the following message and calendar of events:
“We still have campsites available for the upcoming rally. Here is a breakdown of what is scheduled. We are looking forward to seeing you!” – Doug and Tammie Baughman
Monday, July 29, 2019
5:30pm – Snack and Appetizer Potluck
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
9am – Open House Rig Tours
Afternoon – Free Time – socialize, games in clubhouse or tour the city
5pm – Finger Sandwiches and Dessert Potluck
After Dark – Outdoor Movie
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Morning – Free Time – socialize, games in clubhouse or tour the city
Afternoon – SkyMed Seminar and Ice Cream Social
6pm – Smoked Meat Picnic Potluck – bring anything but the meat
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Morning – Round Table Discussion and Show and Tell
Afternoon – Free Time – socialize, games in clubhouse or tour the city
5pm – Loaded Baked Potato Potluck – potatoes provided, bring toppings
After Potluck – Free Raffle
Friday, August 2, 2019
8:30am – Farewell breakfast
The Wagon Masters will provide some breakfast for the group so if everyone else chips in a little that would be appreciated.
For a full listing of more events in 2019, visit our RV Shows and Rallies page.