Here are the 2018 truck camper gatherings, rallies, and must attend events suggested by readers. Additional rallies and gatherings will be added the the RV Shows and Rallies section as they are announced.
We will also remind you of truck camper rallies and gatherings as we approach the event dates. If you are hosting a truck camper rally that’s not featured below, please contact us.
Must Attend Events Shared By Readers
This week we asked readers about the 2018 events they will be attending with their truck campers. We suggested our must-attend event for 2018, Florida Flywheelers. In response, readers suggested two similar events in Maine and Minnesota.
“I compete at the antique tractor pulls here in New England. I attend the annual show, swap meet and pull at the Raitt Family Homestead Museum in Eliot, Maine. It is usually the last weekend in July. There is a group of us with campers that attend.
The admission fee is minimal. There is no charge for the camping. There is no electricity, water or dump. We bring our own power and water and we dump when we get back home. We make sure that we leave the area cleaner than we found it and enjoy being invited back each year.” – George Randall, 2012 Ford F350, 2016 Arctic Fox 865
“The Upper Mid-West A-C Club puts on an event called Orange Spectacular. It is from July 27-29 2018, at the McLeod County Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, Minnesota.
I belong to their club and work at the campground. There is no camping fee or gate fee. I also belong to there Florida Flywheelers. I am on row 48 spots 17, 18, and 19. I’ve been a member there over 15 years.” – John and Elaine Simon, 1993 Dodge Ram 3500, 1993 Alpenlite 11’
2018 Rallies and Gatherings
December 1 – 5, 2017
2017 MWTCF Annual Christmas Party
Branson Stagecoach RV Park, Branson, Missouri
Organizers: Doug and Tammie Baughman
Contact MWTCF to register for the party, and to Reserve your campsite. Please do not contact Branson Stagecoach RV Park.
February 21 – 25, 2018
Florida Flywheelers Gathering
Flywheelers Show Field, Fort Meade, Florida
Organizers: Florida Group
This is a dry camping gathering (not a formal rally, but a fun get together). Truck campers gather at the far back of the dry camping field. Flywheelers fees are needed for camping and attendance to the show.
April 20 – 22, 2018
First Annual Cirrus TC Owners Rally
Tremont Camp, Townsend, Tennessee
Organizer: Jason Hammond
April 26 – 29, 2018
California Truck Camper Rally
Jug Handle Creek Farm, Just north of Mendocino, California
Organizer: Robert Adamis
You must contact Robert to make reservations and then pre-pay on the reservation page.
May 3 – 6, 2018
Texas Truck Camper Rally
Johnson Creek RV Resort, Kerrville, Texas
Organizer: Princess Craft RV
May 17 – 20, 2018
North-East Truck Camping Jamboree
Sandy Pond Campground, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Organizers: Geraldine Roy and David Snow
10% off if you mention you are with the NE Jamboree Group. Must sign up by May 3, 2018 to be camped with the group.
July 10 – 15, 2018
2018 Midwest Truck Camper Rally
Ozark Mountain Springs RV Park, Mountain View, Missouri
Organizers: Doug and Tammie Baughman
There is a 25 rig limit, so sign up as soon as possible.
July 11 – 15, 2018
NATCOA 2018 Rally
Grande Hot Springs Resort, LaGrande, Oregon
Organizers: Rich Bain
You must contact the resort to make your own reservations. Be sure to tell them you are with the group. Then, sign up for the rally here.
July 20 – 22, 2018
North-East Truck Camping Jamboree
Pioneer Steam & Gas Engine Show, Saegertown, Pennsylvania
Organizers: Mike and Cathie Tassinari
This Jamboree is more of a gathering. Walk around the show and enjoy all the Pioneer Steam & Gas Engine Society has to offer. Fees and information on the NE Jamboree website.
September 8 – 11, 2018
2018 Midwest Truck Camper Rally
Arrowhead RV Park, Collins, Missouri
Organizers: Doug and Tammie Baughman
There is a 20 rig limit, so sign up as soon as possible.
September 12 – 16, 2018
North-East Truck Camping Jamboree
Gettysburg Campground, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Organizers: Lee and Beth Lee
There is a 15% discount for water, electric, and sewer sites. Please state that you are with the North-East Truck Camping Jamboree to get the discount.
October 11 – 14, 2018
North-East Truck Camping Jamboree
Newfound RV Park, Bristol, New Hampshire
Organizers: Mike and Cathie Tassinari
Please DO NOT call the campground. You will pay Mike Tassinari upon arrival. It will be $31 a night for camping.
December 2018
2018 MWTCF Annual Christmas Party
Branson Stagecoach RV Park, Branson, Missouri
Organizers: Doug and Tammie Baughman
More details coming soon.
Above: Photo taken at the 2017 Texas Rally
If you enjoy the truck camper rallies as much as we do, it’s time to take a look at the 2018 rally schedule and make your rally plans. It’s all on tap and ready to rock in the 2018 Shows and Rallies section.
Above: Photo taken at the 2017 North East Truck Campering Jamboree in Lake George, New York
The RV Shows and Rallies section will be updated as additional 2018 rallies are announced. We will also remind you of rallies as we approach the event dates. If you are hosting a truck camper rally that’s not featured in the RV Shows and Rally section, please email us.
Above: Photo taken at the 2017 Barn Party in Iowa
Above: Photo from the Mid-Atlantic Truck Camper Rally in Virginia