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2018 NATCOA La Grande Oregon Rally Events

The 2018 NATCOA Rally in La Grande, Oregon runs from Wednesday, July 11th to Sunday, July 15th at the Grand Hot Springs Resort. Sites are still available.

July 11 – 15, 2018
NATCOA 2018 Rally
Grande Hot Springs Resort, LaGrande, Oregon
Organizer: Rich Bain
You must contact the resort to make your own reservations.  Be sure to tell them you are with the group.  Then, sign up for the rally here.  ​

Rich Bain sent us the following information and calendar of events for the 2018 NATCOA Rally in La Grande, Oregon:

“As of today we have 21 rigs confirmed with reservations at the resort, and seven more sites available. There is still time to make a reservation, but don’t wait too long.

Please remember that once you have signed up you must contact the resort and make your reservations. As always, there is no fee to attend the rally. You only pay for your RV site at the discounted rate.

Wednesday July 11th
7:00pm – Dessert potluck meet and greet

Thursday, July 12th
11:00am – Tour of the Northwood Manufacturing truck camper factory
Afternoon – Explore the area or return to socialize at the resort

Friday, July 13th
10:00am – Caravan to Baker City
Visit the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center

Saturday, July 14th
Seminars and games in the clubhouse
5:00pm – Hawaiian themed potluck dinner
Prize giveaways

Sunday, July 15th
8:00-9:00am – Farewell breakfast

Some of the seminars are still being worked out. If anyone has a presentation they would like to share, please contact me.” – Rich Bain, President, NATCOA


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