Doug and Tammi Baughman sent us the calendar of events for the summer rally of the MidWest Truck Camper Group. This rally will take place near Fairmont, Minnesota at the Flying Goose Campground. The rally runs Monday, July 11th through Friday, July 15th.
Here is the information about the rally from Doug and Tammie:
“To attend, please call the Flying Goose Campground at 1-507-235-3458 to reserve your site. Make sure you tell them your with the MidWest Truck Campers to get your discount.
You also must register with us, the Wagon Masters, to let us know you are coming. Registration for the rally is $20 per adult and $40 a night for the campsite. Please email us to register.
There are 26 rigs signed up so far. We are truck camper based, but this rally is open to all RV types. All are welcome.
Monday, July 11th
– Arrival supper and itinerary
– Meet and greet campfire
Tuesday, July 12th
– Open house and rig modifications day
– Miniature golf tournament
– Hayride and pontoon boat ride in the evening
– Potluck supper and campfire
Wednesday, July 13th
– Hobby day and lounge around day family style. Volunteers needed! Bring your own hobbies to do (crafts, wood carving, fly fishing, metal detecting, etc.), and share with others in the clubhouse.
– Picnic lunch provided
– Afternoon clubhouse activities; games, bingo, prizes, and mixed smoothie drinks
– Possible potluck supper
– Campfire
Thursday, July 14th
– Seminars
– Sign contest with a prize for the winner
– Potluck supper
– Raffle with prizes
Friday, July 15th
– Farewell breakfast
After the rally everyone is invited back to our farm for an after the rally gathering. Come enjoy the beautiful Iowa sunrise and sunsets. This is a social event. If the sweet corn is ready, we will have a corn boil. If everyone wants, we can go to a local Danish community and check out some of their museums. Otherwise, its socializing and checking out the farm and going on a tractor ride. We have seven rigs signed up for this so far.
It has become a tradition, and many are also coming to our farm before the rally to caravan with us to the rally. If you’d like to join us, let us know. We will depart our farm early morning the 10th of July. Many are are coming on July 9th and boondocking. Please visit our website and email us if you want to join us for the fun!” – Doug and Tammie Baughman