Mechanical Engineer, Charles Phy, reveals the lessons learned in designing, building and road testing a custom storage bed for a Ram 5500 and Eagle Cap 1160 double-slide truck camper. Don’t miss this absolutely stunning rig!
We had an incredible time making this video with Charles Phy. He and his wife, Mary, were very gracious when we asked, “Would you like to make a video with us about your rig and how it came together?” You know, the kind of question every moochdocking truck camper guest asks – right?
Charles has a stunning double-slide Eagle Cap 1160 truck camper rig that’s well within the payload capacity of his Ram 5500. And oh that Ram 5500 – what a truck!
Charles is not kidding when he says in the video, “If there was a slalom course for truck campers I’m sure I could have taken it.” Well Charles, maybe we’ll just have to make that happen someday.
A very special thank you to Charles and Mary Phy for making this video possible. Thank you!
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