Reader Surveys

2015 TCM Reader Survey: Things You Like

With over 1,000 responses, we were unable to post every comment (totaling well over fifty pages), but we have read every comment and have made detailed notes on what you like about TCM.  Here are some of the stand out, “Things You Like” comments from the 2015 Truck Camper Magazine Reader Survey:

I like the personality of the writing.  Life’s too short to be negative.  Point out the issue and move on, unless it’s about the use of gimp.

Unbiased reviews are encouraging to read.

I like your general attitude and demeanor that comes across in your reviews.  I think both of you do a great job overall.

I appreciate the depth of knowledge about truck camping in general and the efforts to get the idea across that it’s so important to match the right truck to the right camper.

I’ve gotten answers to questions that I had not even thought about asking.

Very informative about future camper design improvements, gear, and popular destinations.

The truck and camper reviews for best fit by weight and performance.

I very much enjoy the wit and interest that both Gordon and Angela use in writing articles.  The variety of featured articles is excellent.

It is free and it is about campers.

The fact that the information and articles are relevant to the users of truck campers.  What also earns my respect is that the articles are written by owners of truck campers and that the publishers use and own truck campers themselves.

Good articles, reviews, and pictures.

It is brief and uncluttered.

It’s interesting to read what others are doing and where they are going.

Stories by and about full-timers.

A camper speciality magazine.

I enjoy the stories from the road and also articles showing modifications that others have made.  Easy to reference on a daily basis.  It has very good photos, and mostly good detail in its reports.  You are a great couple.  You work hard and have a great product.

As a new truck camper owner, I really appreciated the easy to navigate website with a clear “You should start here” Newbie Corner.  From there, I have learned about so many aspects of truck campers and looked into so many things and it all started with you guys!  Thank you!

Keeping up to date on all truck camper information.

Great articles about upgrades and adventures.  Wonderful photos.

The adventures others take. The available information.

There’s nothing like it online.  It’s comprehensive, witty, and I’ve learned quite a bit from the tech, lifestyle, and off road articles.  It simply can’t be beat!

Good information for first time buyer.

I like the reviews on the new campers the best.  I also like to read about other campers’ experiences, appreciate the information, and ideas on places to go.

Accessibility of the editors.

Being able to read online and click on links for more information related to truck camping and products.

The variety of articles, especially how to and information 101 articles.

A lot of good useful information.  Well written.

I love that TCM is simply about truck campers and the truck camping lifestyle and not just RVs in general.  My favorite part is the lifestyle stories.  I love reading about others’ experiences, where they have traveled, and the ways they have adapted their truck campers.  I also like the articles where a variety of people answer a truck camper-related question – it’s so interesting and applicable.  I also love the truck camper reviews.  You do such a great job of covering every aspect of the truck camper lifestyle.  When do you sleep?

We are always curious as to where others have gone before and enjoyed.  Love to see how others have modified their units and we enjoy doing so ourselves.

I really appreciate the Mods section.  I learn about things I can change on my camper.  Gear Guide has also been helpful in the past.  Overall, a great online magazine.

You cover truck campers like no other publication.

Interesting and informative articles.  Your passion for truck campers.  And Harley.

Up to date information and reviews of new products.

The stories about the places people have camped.

Reading truck camper stories.

Provides current information on truck campers.  Helps to decide what mods to do.  Just plain fun to look at the new stuff.

Everything!  I really appreciate all the time and research you put into the magazine.  It was a pleasure to meet you in person at the last Texas rally.

TCM stays focused on truck campers.

Very informative.


That the owners are expanding their knowledge by working on their own camper.  With help from friends, it gives them more street credentials in the community.

Reviews and lifestyle stories.

There is really not much I don’t like.  Your website proved very helpful, more than any other source in helping me decide on a new truck camper, and the accessories that I needed on my new camper.

There is not much about trucks, which is really a large part of the investment and travel experience than the camper.  Cummins is just about to launch a new 5.0L V-8 diesel engine in the Nissan Titan that could be a game changer in the truck camper experience, in the long term.

Your magazine is the best about truck campers and the lifestyle.  Thank you for working to improve the industry.

What I most enjoy is the calendar contest and the multitude of wonderful photos submitted by your readers.

The tales and stories of your many contributors are interesting and inspirational.

Like many of your readers, we have spent too many years working toward a rewarding career, financial security, comfortable home, etc.   We have traveled over the years to many countries.  However, we always were on a strict timetable.  We had to be back in the office in a week or two.  What really appeals to us now that we’re semi-retired is being able to hit the road with no return date required.  Do we wish we could have set off when we were younger?  You bet, but we’re in our sixties, with good health, an adventurous attitude, and ready to go this year.  I have found navigating around your magazine educational, inspirational, always interesting, and frankly a kick in the rear to stop just reading about truck camping, and get on with it.  By the way, most of our friends think we’re nuts.  Twenty years ago, when we bought a 24′ boat, they thought the same thing.  We had it for five years, and had an absolute blast traveling and living in 150 square feet.  Great memories.  Thanks for your magazine, and keep up the good work. Maybe we’ll meet on the road one day.

To see what others are doing with their campers, and get ideas where to go.

The quality and variety of information and articles.

New products.

It is the best central place to learn about truck campers and truck camping.

The articles and information.

The camper reviews and information on camper equipment.

The ability to read it anywhere on my iPhone.

Only site that deals directly with truck campers.

The layout of the website allows one to maneuver through the different departments with ease.  The search feature helps to access a specific query quickly.  Articles are well researched and written, and concise.

Owners mods.

Good information on new models.

Frequency and variety of new content.

Everything.  Truck campers are not covered by most other magazines.

My favorite thing about TCM is the stories about real people on real adventures.  More of those would be great.

I love the fact that this is the only magazine dedicated to truck campers.  I’m a truck camper for life!

Camper reviews.

I enjoy reading the stories of other peoples travels.  I like to see where they have gone and what they have done.

I like the travel articles and reviews.

Current information available for truck campers, and interesting articles.

Up to date information.

Information about repairs and mods.  Stories of other campers and where they go and places to camp.

Ease of access, and all the information about related products.

Maintenance articles are very helpful.

Stories of places visited.

Great place for ideas on different truck campers, equipment, etc.

Adventures and places to go.  Love the ideas on how to fix things.

Learning about different travels that we can do.  Improvements that we can make to our camper. It is the best magazine for people with truck campers, or those that are interested in maybe purchasing a truck camper.

I found TCM when was looking for ideas to build a custom expedition style camper able to sustain a minimum fourteen day dry camp trip before a resupply is required.

I like Truck Camper Magazine because it is devoted to truck campers.

The trips people take.

Truck Camper Magazine offers me a place to look at many types of truck campers and experiences people have with them.

The site is very easy to navigate and all the information is written in laymen’s terms.

Truck camper owners inventions and mods.

It is informative and entertaining.

Overland and boondocking stories.  I also like the new camper reviews and camper mods.  I read almost every story you send.

Truck camper focus.

I like it all!

Good source of information.

Angela has always been quick to respond.  If she does not know the answer, she gets the answer.  Keep up the good work.

It keeps me informed about campers and upgrades.

I enjoy seeing the truck camper improvements by their manufacturers.

The reviews of new truck campers and gear.  The sponsor’s websites.

I love the interviews and the fact that you guys live the truck camper lifestyle.

The major article in each issue.  I wish there were two major articles routinely rather than just the one.  The features (dealer inventory, shows etc.) aren’t nearly as interesting.

Gear and model updates.

Finding out what’s new in truck campers.

I like the lifestyle articles best.  I also like the maintenance related articles.

The lifestyle stories and pictures of others adventures.

Education, new products, maintenance.

Friendly articles.  Written as if you were personally writing them for me.

Practical information to help make informed decisions about purchasing, maintaining, and utilizing truck camper to its full potential.

I enjoy reading about other travel destinations.

Concise, easy-to-read article summaries.

The number one reason I read Truck Camper Magazine is that it is the only magazine available that covers my camper and the lifestyle I adore.

Very specific information on my favorite kind of camping.

The frequency of articles.

Very informative and great reading.

I like to read about how other troubleshoot problems and how I can use their fixings when I go tent camping.  I also dream about the when I will be able to purchase a truck and camper.

Great resource in my decision making process on what make and model of truck camper to buy.

Keeps this former and future truck camper up to date.  The writing I find entertaining.

Total involvement of the writers, as well as their enthusiasm.

I like everything about the magazine.

Best source for truck camper information, which is user centric with actual experience.

I love the email updates.  If I didn’t have them I know I would never remember to check the website.

Relevance to our lifestyle.  Information that we are interested in.

Everything.  It is formatted perfectly and easy to find interesting stories and information.

Coverage of models, features, and new items.

Good stories and truck camper manufacturer information.

Pictures and stories on camper solutions or upgrades.

The truck camper subject matter, and the good writing.

Just about everything.  I go to your web site at least four times a week.

I like all of it.  When I was working overseas, the emails I looked forward to were my wife’s, and then Truck Camper Magazine.  Thank you for all of the hard work to make this happen, and all of the people that help you.  TCM helped me set up my first rig right.  I now have a 2012 Dodge 3500 diesel.  I love it.  I also have a 2006 Citation 10-8.  Thank you.

The best resource I have found for truck camper reviews and information on truck camping.

Product reviews.

Interesting stories, mod ideas, easy to navigate website.

I like the stories and pictures about how people use and travel in their truck campers the best.

Technical insights and safety.

The pictures of new equipment.

Readers truck campers and truck camper experiences and adventures.

A great site with valuable information.

Great content.  The ability to keep in touch with other campers and developments.  The articles are interesting with a lot of variety.

I like that it comes to my email box and I can quickly access it from there.  Very informative articles.

Ease of navigating site.  Love the tours of inside the campers.  The magazine is truthful with constructive criticism.  Thank you.  Love the magazine.

The variety of subjects covered; a little something for everybody.

Truck Camper Magazine is a great place for the beginner, or the informed, to learn something new.

I enjoy the truck camper reviews and articles from folks on where they have been with their truck camper.

What I learn about truck campers.

Trip reports and new gear announcements.

Variety of articles.

I like the lifestyle stories.  I like to see how different people are using truck camper.

The different rigs and truck camping locations.

Travel ideas and updates on new truck campers.

It’s everything about truck campers, and in depth!

The question of the week.  I’d like to hear more about your camper improvements and repairs.  I’d like to hear how the cat Harley is doing and other pet stuff, and I’d like to hear about the rallies and camping spots.

Truck camping lifestyle stories and interviews.

Technical information, dealer inventories.

Information about truck campers and the lifestyle.

I like all of the TCM content.  Some content is not as important to me at this time, such as the dealer inventory and RV shows and rallies, but that could change in the future.  Factory tours, new camper reviews, new gear, etc. are interesting to keep up on the latest news and changes in truck campers.  When I replace my current camper it will be helpful to know.  But it’s the articles on off road stories, camper 101 articles, mod contest, reader e-mail and feedback, and the camper lifestyles stories that are the most interesting part of TCM for me.

Articles about truck campers and their owners, new gear, and campers being produced.

The information on changes and up dates on pop-top campers. Stories on off road camping trips, as well as information on trucks.  Also coverage of advents such as Overland Expo.

Most everything. thanks Gordon and Angela.  My Ram 3500 mileage is about 10% high on the computer also, but a great truck so far.  Thanks for the mileage stories and reader polls on it.

The travel stories and pictures.

The up to date articles you receive on line and the ease of receiving and storing it in my computer for later use.

Plain and simple reading.  To the point articles.  Prior information.

I appreciate the information and reviews contained in the magazine.

I like the human interest stories and travels.

It’s one of the limited number of information sites about truck campers.

Well written and informative with articles of interest to truck campers, how to articles, and new products.  We enjoy the travel stories, which are very informative.

Lots of varied information, and the diversity of camping it covers.

Safety, gear, and places to go.

Market specificity.

Informative, friendly, updates on truck camper industry.

Articles are interesting, educational, and relevant to what we want to do in the future.  The surveys are interesting.

Varied content.

The reviews, especially your honesty about your new Dodge Ram.  Lots of promise, but lack of delivery.  I like the modification stories and the maintenance articles.

Well-balanced, good writing, and good humor… amazing!  Great resource.

The focus on truck campers and the people that use them.  I am always looking through the life style section and reading about people and their adventures with their rigs.  I also really like the photo gallery.

The interviews with other camper owners.  The new products you show.

Information on campers.

Research about issues of maintaining and upgrading camper systems; hearing about interesting experiences of other truck campers; weekly turnaround of feedback about interesting topics
Being new to truck campers, it has helped with a lot of little things that I hadn’t even thought about.  I can’t wait to you at the Mid-Atlantic Truck Camper Rally.

Well written informative articles with relevant and illustrative photos.

We currently do not own a truck or camper but will be purchasing a setup in the near future. TCM is a awesome magazine because it provides so much information for the “newbie”.  When the time comes to make our purchase, we will be much more educated.  Thanks TCM.  Great job!

The articles.  Also, it makes me feel part of a large group with similar interests.

Good advice given.  I enjoy user and magazine reviews on truck campers and products.

One stop site that has information on many vendors.  Loaded with information for someone like myself that wants to switch RV types in the future to a truck camper.  I currently own a fifth wheel.

Excellent, fun stories, and safety info.

Topic specific articles, camper owner stories and gear updates; especially mods.

The candid and down-to-earth way that you write the articles.

It is very informative about all the various aspects of truck camping.

The new camper reviews and new gear articles.  I also love the in-depth repair and upgrade articles.

The even-handed writing style that presents a fair and honest presentation of the information without bias.  That is very refreshing in this day and age.

Mod contest, lifestyle stories, camper reviews.

The up to date information on equipment and new campers.  The listings of shows and rallies and the adventures of other campers.

Camper and gear reviews.  Listing of and easy access to manufacturer and dealership websites.  Truck camper enthusiasts that have included camper modifications and equipment additions in their stories (and pictures).

Articles describing interesting camping places, and gear articles.

Something to look forward to, mostly during the long North East winter.  Information about new products.

Great source of information.  We bought our truck camper this year and traded a 36′ travel trailer after a three month trip to Alaska and back to Virginia.  We found a truck camper would go almost anywhere.  Towing a 36′ travel trailer limited us where we could camp.  We could not get to the remote areas.  Next trip 2016, 5 months in Northern Canada and all of Alaska.

I retired at 55 and, in 15 months I will be 62.  A good bit of money will free up and I plan on purchasing a new truck camper and do a lot of traveling, towing mostly my boat.  I’ve been enjoying your website for 8 years.  Thank you very much.

Pretty much everything.  Harley is cool too!

The articles, the tech tips. the readers rigs, and places they have been.  The stories, the improvements they have made to their rigs.  The pictures are great.

The enthusiasm!  Also, the writing is very professional and witty.  Very much on par with any other professional publication.  It’s so nice to have a resource that’s so totally involved with every aspect of the truck camper industry.

Diverse topics related to truck campers.

You’re doing a great job.  It seems to be very informative.  I enjoy it.

I like the stories on the other truck campers and where they go. It gives me ideas on where to go.  I like to read about the new camper models.  I really like to hear Harley’s opinions on truck camping.

Informative and very interesting.  I also like the surveys.

Great writing about a variety of truck camping topics on a timely basis.

New articles every week.

It’s the only website for truck campers.

We wouldn’t enjoy our truck camper as much as we do without the great information we get from your magazine.  We recommend it to many people on the road, especially the Newbie Corner for folks considering a truck camper.

Have been in around RVs of every type and kind for 64 years.  I love the adventure, the people and the freedom.

Staying informed of new things, campers and the gear that goes with them.

The information provided in the question of the week is very helpful.  The articles and photos are interesting.  Also, I find the updates to campers and camping gear useful.

Everything!  Keep up the fantastic work!

Positive attitude, relevant tech articles, and peoples camper and truck specs.

Equipment updates; off-road excursions; exploring the entire USA.

Real life reviews and honest opinions.

I really enjoy the forward thinking of the young people at TCM and their thought process about what might be useful and helpful.  We love learning.

Introduced me to an entirely different world of travel.

Always a story of interest and a great list of sponsors.

That it is specific to truck campers.

All the helpful information that they give, from their own experience or from truck camper owners. I am new to Truck Camper Magazine.  My wife and I have decided to purchase a truck camper by March of this year.  The reason being is because we both got a month long vacation time off work and our kids will also be off school for the summer.  We are taking a road trip with no real plans – just go and see where our new camper takes us.  The second reason for buying a truck camper is we want our kids to be more outdoor oriented.  Our kids spend too much time on their iPads, phones, and other electronics.  Hopefully, truck camping will bring us all closer together and let my children remember those times when I’m gone.

Mentions of roads to travel and good campgrounds.

How people personalize and update their campers along with new items that help in choosing how to upgrade.

It keeps me up to date on what’s happening and how to customize my camping.

Availability on my phone.

Pertinent how to do information, and pertinent surveys.  A personal response to me which helped me solve a problem.

A place to get factory information on how to repair a truck camper.  I always refer back to the caulking article for roof and sidewall caulking tips.

Reviews, tips, features.

Useful info for truck campers and for people who appreciate and use truck campers.

The articles cover everything from interesting truck campers to people taking their campers to places all over the country and Canada.  I also like to see whats new in truck campers and equipment.

The new product reviews, and rally Information.

Cool stories.

Friendly, knowledgable, informative.

I like the many pictures of places of travel from all over the world. I like the stories of activities that campers join and display. I love the many pictures that are submitted for the calendar. I wish people submitted more pictures of their rigs and setup besides the calendar. These give a lot of ideas to use whether you have a truck camper or not.  Many of your articles apply to camping at large and not just to truck campers.  An example of this is your recent story on propane tanks.  Keep up the good work.

It covers a lot about things to do and places to see with a truck camper.

The stories and reports. I just got a new 1172 Lance and F350.  I hope to meet you and talk to you.  I really enjoy TCM.

It appears automatically in my e-mail and Facebook feed.  I don’t have to “go get it”.  My family has camped with truck campers since the 1970’s.  Always looking for new places to camp and new updates to the campers.  I’m always looking for our next camper to buy!  That would be truck camper number 6.

Learning about the different products offered by the manufacturers and ways people option their campers.  I’m saving up to buy one when I retire.

Travel and lifestyle stories.  Also stories about people making or modifying rigs.

I like the travel articles.

Pictures and camping stories.

Good basic information on truck campers and how other people use theirs.

Everything is great.  Really enjoy member stories and experiences.  Camper reviews are good and up to date.

Free, interesting, comes weekly, and slightly humorous.

Regular updates to content.

Campers adventures and camping gear.

Truck Camper Magazine keeps me up on new products and mods.

Stories about travel, and stories and interviews with companies.

It keeps me informed.

Great information that is useful to us.  A lot of this information would be hard to obtain without Truck Camper Magazine.

Educational articles, lifestyle, catching up, new campers, rally info, mods.

Everything.  Did I mention Gordon’s humor?

Discovering truck campers that I may otherwise be unaware of.

Love all of the information and reviews.

The ability to read about the variety of campers on the market and the good and the bad of each type.

The stories of all of the TCM readers and manufacturers.

I will soon retire and I can find what I need in a truck and camper.

Lifestyle articles.  Boondoggling.

The accessibility of Gordon and Angela.

Up to date info on the industry and camper’s stories.

You’re right on the money with subject matters and you provide a very good resource for campers, equipment, and problem-solving.

Informative, entertaining, sense of kindred spirits, well written.  Neat people.

Articles about people who do dispersed camping and the places they go and the things they do. I also like your tech and repair articles.  The articles on your own personal camper overhaul are great.  Articles about unusual campers like the AEV Jeep brute with a Four Wheel Camper combo.  Harley does a super job keeping you guys on track.
I find TCM to be timely, relevant, and broad spectrum.  Plus I appreciate the knuckleheads that run it.

Modifications and lifestyle stories.

I like the idea of reworking an older camper as there are so many out there.  The twice a week blog is something I look forward too.

Adventure articles and how to articles.  Also love to see mod ideas from the mod contest.

Reviews, outdoor, boondocking.

The quality, relevance, and frequency of the content.  I asked a question of TCM and it ended up being a question of the week.  Very helpful.

It’s free and easy to access!

Change nothing.  Keep up the good work.

Variety of topics.  Love the way you write, Gordon.  Always interesting travel info, photos, and honest opinions.  Mods are terrific!

The stories on where people have traveled and information regarding their trips. Updates on truck campers and new improvements.

The various categories of information available to subscribers.

The lifestyle stories are awesome.

This is a great source to learn all about truck camping.

It’s a fun read!

Reviews of campers and the stories of travel.

I like the question of the week.  I love to read all the answers and look at photos the readers send in.  Personal travel stories, the mod updates to campers, factory tours with video or photos – all good stuff.

Love that it is truck camper specific, that the reviews are in-depth and honest, and the stories are about real people.

Mods, mods, and more mods!  I love to see the creativity people have with their camper.

In the Army there is a saying – position improvement!  Aka, truck camper mods!

It lands in my inbox when I least expect it!

Online, free, suggestive, accessories for your truck, especially suspension.

Everything.  I plan to purchase a camper for full-time living in retirement in about two years.  I am learning what to expect through your publication.  Thank you.

Well written.  The variety of subject matter.

It’s free, very informative, great reports, and pics.

There is great information for new campers like ourselves.  We love the calendar and like to know about different manufactures and their changes.

Travel stories, modifications.

Reviews of truck campers and truck camper gear so that we can make our camper even better!

You give a fair review of each camper you choose.

Lifestyle, Tech, Gear guide, Off Road and Expeditions, and the Blog.

Love that both of you are actual truck campers.  Enjoyed having met you at last year’s Princess Craft Rally in central Texas.  Learning of modifications others make is very useful.  I thoroughly enjoy your sense of humor in the article writing.

I think you guys are doing a great job.  Keep up the good work.

Reminds me of the old Camper Coachman!

For us, it’s mostly for nostalgia.  We’re retired and totaled our pickup, so we no longer camp.  We had a 2001 Ford 350 and 1997 Lance Squire.

I love that Truck Camper Magazine provides the most up to date information on changes and news in the truck camper market.

It’s the only magazine I know of that covers truck campers.

Various sections; polls, off-road, description of equipment and appliances, etc.

It is free!  I also like the frequent updates/new articles.  I really like the lifestyle articles.

Informative, diverse, colorful.

Writers actually using truck campers.  Real world truck camper experiences.

Sense of belonging and either keeping abreast or learning from others more attuned and experienced.

It comes to me via email.  I have enough stuff to remember.  Thanks.

The fact that it is dedicated to truck campers.  Your in-depth analysis of your truck purchases was very informative.

Stories about choosing trucks and truck campers, and information about truck camper systems.

TCM is the one website that we check every Tuesday and Friday.  In February of 2014, we bought our first camper and love, love it.  We made a pact to use it at least once a month even if it’s just for a day or two.  I can’t wait to see where our truck camper takes us this year!  We’ve met so many wonderful people and Truck Camper Magazine always comes up as a great, fun source of information.  Thank you for the great articles and capturing the joy in truck camping.

Its reviews of sponsor’s products tend to be pretty accurate and don’t seem to pull a lot of punches.

TCM brings a bit of camping to the work week.

Information on new truck campers and equipment.

It is informative and interesting, especially the stories.  I like getting a first look at new campers and ideas.

The whole package!  It is super that the magazine is focused on improvements to existing equipment.

It is objective and produced by two humans that actually live the lifestyle, and one cool cat.  The greatest contribution the magazine made to us was, after purchasing our large camper, it took over a year to find a used pickup that could handle the weight.  Without your guidance we would have purchased an undersized truck with potential problems looming on the road ahead.

There is no better online source for information on truck campers than TCM.

The obvious enthusiasm you both bring to the magazine, and to the rallies.

Personal stories/photos about various types of truck campers and modifications.

Great variety of articles.  Good source of information on industry trends.  The author’s humorous personality.

Quick access to manufacturers’ websites.

Unbiased reviews.

All the good info on truck campers.

It has relevant articles regarding truck campers and equipment.

I enjoy the articles about the various travels and places visited by people traveling in a truck camper.

It is a source of information that I don’t find any place else.  I like the articles that specifically deal with off-road boondocking.

I like to stay current with everything regarding truck campers.  Living in the Buffalo, New York area, truck campers do not exist and local dealers act like they are extinct.

Information!  I plan on buying a camper.

Reading about how people are modifying their campers and where they are camping (their adventures).

It’s about the campers I own.

We are new to truck camping and enjoy getting ideas about mods that truck camper owners have done.

Witty writing, variety of topics covered, pictures of trips and locations.

Variety of articles, product reviews, and experience stories.

The stories of trips others have made, and pictures.

Product information and modifications that people do.

The information given when making a primary purchase of a truck camper has been invaluable.

A lot of great information and stories.

You are on top of the industry.  I have visited with you at the Overland Expo.  You are on the road like your readers.  And now you are making mods to your own truck camper.  Music to an off-roader, “the build”.

I get the e-mail and can quickly decide if an article is of interest or not.  Very time efficient information for me.

Keeps me informed on new truck camper improvements.  Dedicated exclusively to truck campers.

The consistency of publication and all content.  Having up to date information.

Great resource that brings together the entire community of truck campers.

Information and lifestyle articles.

Very interesting and informative. I particularly like the truck camper reviews – both written and video – to help make my next purchase decision.

Information on off-road travel and photos.

Very informing about the industry.  I have been truck camping since 1968.

Keeps you up to date on truck camper info.

Seeing the innovative ideas people have to improve their camping experience.

It’s interesting, informative, and a fun read.

TCM is e-based.  The frequency.  Angela and Gordon answer email!  Current subject matter, broad-based, like for the beginner to full-timer.  Good USA coverage but you’re still skewed to the east coast.

It is current and up to date.

It’s all good!  Keep up the good work!  I look forward to each issue. The video on Lance struts and the articles on your new Ram truck were the most interesting and useful to me.

Equipment reviews.

Convenient, timely, and often!

I feel it is very informative with articles and reviews. The truck camper gear.  It’s the only website or magazine dedicated to us truck camper outlaws.  I also love the mods.

I learned everything I needed to know to purchase and outfit my first truck camper on this site.  I love reading about people’s trips and their adventures.  The modifications described are so interesting and inspiring. I love the sometimes zany humor and the personal warmth.

I like reading articles, completing the surveys, reading about new products, new campers, and their improvement from model year to year.

It gives me a place to look for mods.

The present content is great, but would be much better if it included travel destinations; show camping spots and name them so others can go there.

Travel stories and product information.

TCM focuses on truck campers.

An excellent blend of people stories, product information, and wanderlust!

My favorites are the mods articles.  After that, I enjoy the the stories of unusual trips or experiences truck campers have.

In depth analysis of features and how-to articles.

Articles and stories.

I like that it’s so easily available, updated a couple times per week, and keeps me up to date on the truck camper industry.

The people that run it.

Good Information for newbie truck camping.

The very down to earth articles and stories are the best!  Information is available about everything you need to know, from starting truck camping through longtime camping experiences.

DIY projects.

The detailed information on a RV lifestyle that unfortunately is overlooked in most other publications.  Plus, the in-depth coverage of an industry that has 60 to 70 year old roots, but offers the modern technology of recreational vehicles developed in the last decade.

I like the lifestyle stores, and pictures of other reader’s rigs the best.  Being in the Mid-West there are very few truck campers and it is nice to know there are so many like-minded campers out there. I started reading TCM before I purchased a truck camper and have put my 34 foot fifth wheel up for sale.  Reading about other people’s experiences helped me make the decision to buy a truck camper. TCM makes me feel like I am part of a unique RV community.  As you always say, “Go Anywhere, Camp Anywhere, Tow Anything”.  Thank you!

Everything.  I read it cover to cover, or should I say I look at every pixel.

Quick and easy read, and it’s free.  Thank you!

The only magazine that really understands and lives the truck camper lifestyle.

TCM is by far the best, independent and informative magazine I have been able to find.  Top Marks!

The camper reviews and the different experiences people have while camping.

Factory tours, detailed info on truck campers.  Ways to improve loading, tires, maintenance.
It’s paper-free, online, and mobile friendly, free to users.  It’s how I get my twice a week fix of everything truck camping; please keep our twice a week alerts.  Harley runs the show with an Iron Catpaw.

Truck Camper Magazine provides useful insight from gear to campers, which allows my family to have a better experience each time we travel in our truck camper.

On time and free, plus the folks who publish it are super nice and always give honest advice.

Love the stories.

Best single source for general information about truck campers.

Great truck camper information, not available anywhere else.

We really like everything about TCM, can’t think of anything we would change.

Bright and breezy attitude.

I love the camper reviews, the interviews done with campers, and the interviews done with industry executives who showcase their new products.

The magazine is very informative for beginners and seasoned truck campers.

The information on new products and on the changes truck camper manufacturers are making.

Stories about people’s adventures and reviews about new gear.

Very friendly and great user information.  Love the articles, photos, information, and especially that you personally use a truck camper and can relate to issues, etc.

Comes out frequently.  Very interesting topics.

Keeps me update on the latest trends in truck campers and gear.  I enjoy the camping lifestyles articles and interviews with camper manufacturers.

I enjoy seeing new campers, seeing where others travel, and learning from others.

I like that it comes out twice a week.  I really enjoyed the process you went through when you and Angela were shopping for a new truck.  I also like your articles about repairing, maintaining, and upgrading your used truck camper.

That you do not have a lot of advertising and what advertising you do have on the emails and website are small and unobtrusive.  Please keep it that way.  If you start with the pop-ups and big banner ads, I will unsubscribe.

Keeps me current on what’s trending in truck camping, primarily with respect to new floor plans, interior materials, and construction.

I enjoy reading articles written by truck campers on their travels and especially places of interest they have visited.

Lots of information about trucks and campers.

Everything!  I have been researching and re-reading articles for over two years in hopes of buying the right truck camper.  Your information, articles, lifestyle stories, and guidance have been a blessing.  Thank you.

It’s well written and interesting.  I get good information from articles about other truck campers’ experiences.

I enjoy seeing reports on new campers as well as the factory tours.  Informative DIY projects are important for readers.

Easy to read, relevant information.

It’s interesting to know what other campers are using and doing.  It’s also great to find those interesting places others have traveled for future trips.

Articles concerning new campers.  Articles about the travels of others.

Hard information on campers and equipment.

Very honest and have very informative information.  Great articles.

Many of the articles are interesting and I like looking through the mod contest submissions to see if there is anything I can use in my camper.

I like the at-home style of reporting and story-telling.  This approach makes camper articles very real in terms of personal ownership.

It’s free, twice a week publication (would like more), with great articles and information.

Great resource for the industry all in one spot.

Great information for a newbie like myself.

Frequency of the magazine, interesting articles on upgrading truck campers, technical articles on items such as electrical systems and solar power, and stories from other truck campers about their treks throughout the world.

I like the truck camper reviews.  I also like reading about what’s being introduced by different manufacturers as innovations in their campers.  I like seeing the information on RV shows.  I almost attended the one in North Carolina or overlanders (Overland Expo East) but wasn’t able to due to medical reasons.

I have owned a truck camper for the past six years.  Traveling is our main source of entertainment.

I really enjoy reading about trips that other truck camper owners have taken so I can more easily plan future trips, and go some places I never know existed.  Always ready to learn new things and experience new adventures!

You are the defacto only real resource for truck campers besides manufacturer’s brochures and webpages.

Very easy to talk to you when I have a question, and your service tech reports like your sway bar article.  It changed the way I drive with my camper on.

It has encouraged me to make a truck and camper purchase that is well matched and so that I will have no weight and handling problems.

It focuses on the camping lifestyle we enjoy.

It’s an online magazine, and the reader surveys.

Since I am interested in maintenance of and going places in my truck camper, essentially every article in TCM is relevant to me.

Content to help us with our new lifestyle.  We truck camper owners are still in the minority.

I like the fact that you report on industry trends and new products, which is very helpful in choosing new equipment.

I enjoy looking at the Buyer’s Guide periodically to get ideas about our next truck camper.

Now that you have your own truck camper, I look forward to Gordon being out there in the hot sun making camper repairs like the rest of us have to do!

Very informative, free, arrives regularly in my e-mail box.

I like the conversational tone.  Lack of politics and religion.

The information share by others about the upgrades, modifications, and improvements they have made on their campers.

Travel ideas and tips shared by readers.

I’m a DIY guy so the camper mods are great.

The new product reviews.

Keeps us informed about new campers and products, and interesting truck camper trips people have been on.

The personal stories and equipment discussions.

I like the facts that you post.   Also, the way for one to get the information needed.

Interesting articles about people and travel and truck campers, all delivered free via e-mail.

What’s not to like?

I look forward every week to reading the articles and information you provide.  I especially like reading about people who live full-time in their campers, and people who like to boondock.

I think you do a great job overall.  You have opened up a whole new world to me, and I hope to someday live full-time in a truck camper.  Thank you.

I look forward to getting to read two publications a week.  Great articles.  You do an amazing job keeping things interesting.

I like your new truck camper reviews, gear reviews, factory tours, and articles about people and their truck campers. I also like the accompanying photos in your articles.

Not too many articles in each issue.  I can read all quickly.  Great reviews, realistic content. Love the articles on folks out there traveling!

Lots of information at your fingertips.

Variety of articles.  Mods others have done.

Expedition articles and lifestyle articles.

Reviews of truck camper products, surveys, and RV show schedules.

Insight into other’s truck camper adventures, the reviews of new products, and awesome mods.

The personal travel articles and pictures.

It covers a wide variety of topics to suit all readers’ needs, at least their camping needs.   Besides that, the price is pretty reasonable.

Information on different brands and stories from real people

I love the reviews of new campers.  Once our kids are grown we plan to get a truck camper to travel in.  Something with comfortable seating like in the Eagle Cap you reviewed.

We had a pop-up for about 10 years and just bought a Lance travel trailer.  I felt like I knew the Lance already because of reading your magazine for so many years dreaming of a truck camper.  Hopefully, by the time I am ready to buy a truck camper, Lance will take note of what you have said about needing comfortable seats in a camper.

Wealth of knowledge about campers and equipment.

Honest, full of facts, and always fresh articles.  Love Gordon’s sense of humor.

Mostly getting other readers perspectives, ideas, and how they do things while camping.  I’m a new truck camper person so I’m on a steep learning curve.  New gear reviews are also great.

It is about truck campers and the truck camping life!

It seems to be more relevant to my truck camper lifestyle.  The gear reviews are well thought out.

I like to see how other people use their campers.  I like to review the sponsor websites for new ideas.

Reader surveys and what other owners have done to improve their units.

Timely, informative and interesting.

Stories about camping and places to go.

I really enjoy both the travel articles and the articles on modifications and repairs.  Good non-biased coverage of all brands!

The camper mods. Things other campers have added to make their camping experience better that I could do. Places people camp that I might want to go to. New camper reviews and floor plans.

Reader feedback questions and answers are great for a newbie.

Up to date information on manufacturer products.   Mods applied to truck campers.

The frequency of updates and timeliness of the information presented.

Timely and relevant articles. Real people’s experiences.

The entire magazine. I used the magazine as a resource last year when investigating my first truck camper. The website is a tremendous resource for those new to truck camping.  Keep up the good work.

Interesting stories, helpful information, and travel tips for destinations.

Question of the week.

It is down to earth reporting.

Appreciate the lifestyle stories and experiences the most

What I like about Truck Camper Magazine is all the useful how to articles and reviews.  For me, being new to the idea of a truck camper, I like the newbie section.

Everything!  Most interesting and informative.  You do a good job.

The fact the information is relevant and current.

It’s free, provides valuable information from other campers or manufactures.

Tech stuff, how to mods, ideas to make my camper more enjoyable.  Looking forward to see what you guys do to your new-to-you camper.

Keeping in touch with those who enjoy a similar lifestyle.

Readers stories, how to articles.

All the neat information and surveys by readers.

Current, real world, objective information about truck camping and equipment.

Articles about off road adventures.

That it comes as an e-publication full of great information.

We have found TCM to be a valuable resource for us as we researched the whole world of truck camping.  We purchased our first truck camper in 2014 and have appreciated the articles and stories – very informative!  Thank you!

Shows up automatically in my in box.

Excellent!  I like the periodicity of publishing and the content is excellent.  It is easy to get distracted by all the interesting campers, mods, and travel stories.

I love reading about the different lifestyles of the people purchasing a truck camper.  I had no idea there were so many uses for it, i.e. photography, boondocking, etc.  We use ours for visiting state parks and staying overnight in our kid’s driveways.  We have our own space and love it. There are no worries about the length now.  We had pulled a 30′ travel trailer previously.  Great website!

I enjoy reading about new truck campers.  I enjoy the interviews you have with the manufacturers.

On January 9th, 2015, we purchased our first truck camper, a 2015 Lance 1172 at the Nashville RV show from Bankston RV in Huntsville, Alabama.  All of our research originated with information from Truck Camper Magazine.  We knew nothing about truck campers before finding your website.

I especially like the modifications shown and the articles about places visited.  I also liked the truck camper calendar photos.

The how to articles.  Gear reviews.  Camper modifications.

It’s a better magazine than most that I pay for.  So much information at your fingertips.  Oh yeah, and and no stupid pop-ups, thanks for that.  Now I feel guilty, I should be paying.

I like to read and see the pictures of truck campers as they describe their vacations and experiences.

Fresh information on campers and gear.

I like everything that you write.  Because of your magazine, I will be buying a pop-up for my truck soon and go camping.  Thank you.

TCM helped get me into truck camping and the magazine provides not only great information on all things truck camping, but provides stories about people that did, what we all dream about doing.  It is a great resource.  Thanks Angela, Gordon and Harley!

Keep up-to-date on new models, experiences of other campers, ideas on mods, and truck information.

I like the wide variety of truck camper topics covered.

The stories of other RV owners.

Feels like family.

All the the great reviews, and the cat.  Harley is great.

It is my best source of information about truck campers, truck camping gear, and the truck camping lifestyle.  I learn how to be safe, modify and maintain my truck camper, and find awesome places to visit.  I trust that the information is accurate and timely.  It’s also a great escape from these long, long months of winter in New England!  Thank you so much for a terrific magazine.  Harley, you’re doing a great job.

Equipment reviews.

Variety of content; always something for everyone.

It’s nice to read an open opinion about all products.

Very helpful to us when shopping for our first truck and camper.  I learned how to beach camp from articles in your magazine.

Like that you include photos with your articles!  Very helpful and the funny comments – Gord!

Information you can read about and the updates of camper gear.

Convenience of reading right on my phone.  Very good information, both stories and reviews.

I like the camper reviews and.the individual stories with photos pertaining to trips and usage of truck campers.

Everything!  You’re on the right track!

Absolutely everything!  Hope you have the best camping year yet!

Entertaining and informative.

Opening my email and seeing a new TCM email alert.  For 10 minutes I enjoy reading about my favorite pastime and hobby.  I leave all my the pressures of the day behind and immerse myself in the world of truck camping.  Love it!

Interesting and informative.

I can’t wait until each issue comes up.  All the articles and interviews are very informative and entertaining.

I like to read about a lifestyle that I would like to have in the future.

The truck camper adventure stories.  New camper reviews.

Truck Camper Magazine has information not found in other RV magazines.  It is geared just for the truck camper, which makes it the magazine to have if you own a truck camper.

Short, newsy, frequent, current information, written by actual truck campers.

It’s awesome!  Everything is directed to and about truck campers, and that is what I am interested in.

I cannot afford a truck and camper yet, so I still use my little two-person tent.  I do my dreaming on your website.  Really helpful.

The good reviews and amounts of information available.

I like seeing articles on what people are doing with their rigs.  I also like repair and maintenance information.

The email updates.

I like everything about Truck Camper Magazine and hope it never changes.

Keeps me up to date about truck campers in general.

Updates on new products and events.  I also like following your new-to-you camper and Ram truck.

Just one great magazine.  You cover everything from soup to nuts.  Great job you two!

I appreciate the reviews of new products and highlights of travels.

Good overall coverage of all truck campers and their associated issues, both good and bad.

Frequency of issues.

TCM keeps me up to date with what is going on in the truck camping world.

Reading the stories, and especially advice from other truck campers regarding tips and tricks on doing things better/smarter.

Fantastic publication.  I’m very appreciative of your work.

Very informative, yet casual reading.

The magazine has been very helpful in educating me before I make a purchase.  Angela personally saved me a ton of money educating me on what to look for before I purchased a used camper.

I tend to read the technical articles and the trip reports.

Information, reviews, modifications.

Informative, and you live the lifestyle.

The fact that you purchased an experienced camper and are sharing the knowledge as you make it a safer, road ready unit.  I have learned of things to look for in my own unit that I have not thought of.  Thank you.

Interesting and informative articles.

Keeping me updated.

A great and much needed resource!

I like the length of articles; not too long, not too short, and they are packed with information.

The folks that run it and everything in it is awesome!

What’s not to like?

I enjoy the latest innovations, features, gear, and latest camper models along with all the helpful tips that subscribers share.

Truck Camper Magazine has been such a wonderful source of information to educate myself on all things related to truck camping.  Before I spend a single dollar, I plan to be well informed and hopefully know what I’m getting into.  I hope to convince my wife to get a truck and camper when we retire in about five years or so and go for full-time truck camping around North America and want the experience to be something we cherish for the remainder of our lives.

New model reviews.

Informative, lifestyle stories, new products.

It is very informative and helps to expand my imagination.

Variety of valuable information via trip reports, camper reviews, and stories from interesting people you interview.

The stories about people who travel in truck campers are particularly interesting, but I also like learning about new developments.

Reviews of equipment.

Love the lifestyle articles.  They’re very motivating.

It caters to truck campers.

Great fun!

Good reviews on truck campers.  However, the manufacturers did lend you the camper so I am not sure how truthful the reviews really are.

In particular, stories by other people of their journeys and experiences, and the modifications and improvements to campers.

The lifestyle stories and interviews have been extremely helpful as we plan our camping summer in Alaska.


Your tone of voice and approach to articles, interviews, and reviews.

Reviews and repair articles.

Learning or keeping up with what’s new in the camping world.

I like that I have met the folks who publish it, and their cat!  It is a nice resource with a variety of interesting articles and resources on an area of interest to me.  When I visit an advertiser’s website, I try to go through TCM to get to it.

Stories and information.

Reviews. Photos.  Journeys taken.

I can find a lot of information quickly.

You’re on top of everything new to truck campers.

I use this publication to keep me informed about ideas people have to increase the the enjoyment people receive from their camping experience. I look for the add-ons and changes people take advantage of that enhance their fun and relaxation.

You are out there with people that have truck campers and live the truck camper lifestyle.  You are getting their stories and promoting this type of lifestyle that others are passionate about.  You are informing people of every aspect that you can to help them make the best decision about truck camper related issues.  Someone has to do it and we out here are grateful that you are willing to do it for us.  Thank you Angela, Gordon, and Harley

TCM reviews.

I like the bring-your-own-shelter type of camping.  Truck campers fit that description. The Class C I currently own fits that too.

Still getting used to the format, but like what I have seen.

Dealer new inventories, repair/restore articles, and truck camper gear advertisements.

All I have to do is click!

Camper and equipment reviews.

Honest reviews and a deeper insight as compared to all other publications.

Your passion for everything truck camper.  It’s genuine, and you guys are bonafide.

Keeps me current on new things.

The wide range of topics considered, and it’s free!

Easy to read, convenient, and full of facts.

It’s the only total truck camper resource.  It helped me make my decision on what type and where to buy my truck camper.

I enjoy getting information on all types of truck campers and accessories.  And the computer links to dealers and vendors.

I like looking at inventory.  I like the help on which is the best camper for a specific truck.

Articles about fellow truck campers trips to exotic places or hobbies that can be done on the road!

Living in Australia, accurate truck camper information can be hard to obtain.  They are becoming more popular and so will TCM.  TCM is a one stop shop for what’s new and available, and a good resource for past products.

Information is well presented with a twisted sense of humor that my wife and I can relate to.

You try hard to do a fair and good job on all your reporting.  Your articles are also well written and down to earth.  Keep up the good work!

It’s a great place to learn about the world of truck camping.  We’re newbies, and just purchased our first truck camper last year.

I like the personnel stories, and new camper’s and equipment you need for travel.

Excellent source of truck camper information, excellent source for back issues, and research.  You guys provide up to date information that is practical, accurate, and well balanced in industry subject matters.  Salute!

Reviews on gear, equipment, and new camper models.  Stories of travel adventures.

TCM covers such a broad range of topics for beginners as well as veteran campers.

Honest evaluations.  We have similar views as far as preparation for boondocking as apparently you’ve done your share of off-the-grid camping.  Boondocking is my sole purpose for the truck camper. I have other RVs for family camping.

Information on happenings and products.

Good basic information, simply explained.  Love to hear other peoples experiences and see pictures of places and campers.

Balanced yet opinionated reporting.  Decent writing.  Lots of gear and what’s new.  Good variety across the truck camper spectrum (pop-ups to slide outs).

Truck camper and gear info.  Easy access to dealer stock.

The focus on truck campers.

Information on campers and equipment.

Reading articles and personal stories.

We’re independent people and truck camping fits right into the way we live.

Unbiased reviews are encouraging to read.

Truck Camper Chooser
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