Reader Surveys

Things You Like About Truck Camper Magazine

With over 1100 responses, we were unable to post every comment (totaling well over thirty-seven pages), but we have read every comment and have made detailed notes on what you like about TCM.

Here are some of the stand out, “Things You Like” comments from the 2014 Truck Camper Magazine Reader Survey:

You live what you preach.  You travel in a camper.  I particularly like the camper reviews.

Love everything.  I’ve learned so much about truck campers without ever owning one.  It’s made me much more knowledgeable and sure that the camper we buy in 2014 will be the best one for our needs.

Great useful articles which are candid and objective, plus we love you guys!

You have a close relationship with your readers.  Discovery of new ideas related to truck camping.

It’s a magazine devoted to truck campers!  It is also weekly with a vast amount of info, or links to.

That it is web based.  No subscription fees!  Nice articles that ask good questions.

I like the camper reviews and pictures, and the tech articles.

Truck Camper Magazine is the closest thing to a truck camper encyclopedia, making it easy to compare different makes, and models.

We love your lifestyle adventure stories that you publish.  You are our go to website when we need any truck camper information.

You two are real pros, with a passion for what you do.  Your matching a truck to a camper was an instant classic.  Even though I’m a veteran truck camper, there’s still much to learn!

Good variety in articles.  No apparent bias toward brands.

Gordon and Angela do a wonderful job.  I just wish I had the time and money to visit places like they do.  I like the articles about tech, places to travel out west and interviews with other truck campers.

My dream is to live full-time in a truck camper, traveling to remote sites mainly in the American west and southwest.  I also hope to travel to all parts of the country and parts of Canada, all on back roads and boondocking as much as possible.  Due to a family situation, I am not able to do this now, but hope to within a few years.  Truck Camper Magazine inspires me and allows me to keep my dream alive.  I look forward to the twice-weekly articles.  I enjoy the photography of interesting areas.  I also enjoy the articles about gear and boondocking.  I learn something new every time I visit the site.  Thanks for providing such great information.  I hope to see you all some day at a rally in my new camper and truck, which will be my home.

I’ve met the publishers at an RV show and Truck Camper Rally; you made yourself immediately available and passionately answered several questions, all while letting just gotten lunch languish in the background.  You put me first, handled my needs almost overwhelmingly, and then after making sure I was satisfied, left me with a smile on my face that leads to more truck camper addiction, my favorite affliction.  TCM puts me first.  All of TCM is always available online everywhere on every device; I can’t lose or misplace it and it’s always neat and organized!  That is very important for an organizationally challenged male.  TCM makes me feel good.  Now excuse me while I go out to the neat and organized truck camper and sit in my cake!

Interesting stuff, seeing what others are doing.

Besides everything I clicked on, TCM is free and just keeps giving!

Good resource towards long-term plan to purchase truck camper.  I am currently traveling full-time in a fifth-wheel trailer.

I like most of the interviews with the manufacturers of campers and gear.  Like some of the personal articles of individuals.  I like the announcements of rallies.

There is some good information and the links to related websites.

Information about the various truck campers and their features.  Articles about them in use.

The mod contest!  If it has enough entries I’d love to see it offered twice a year – Spring and Fall.

The calendar contest is great.  It makes the magazine interactive and really gives the sense of community to the truck camper world.

Good resources all in one place, ideas for trips, good advice and how-to’s.

Greatly enjoy the reader input.  Finding through them new places, as well as the pictures provided and I enjoy the blog.

Reading about campers to determine if there’s any information I could use to improve my camping vacations.

The camper reviews, manufacturing articles, new gear and mods.

Short reads, and frequency of delivery.

I just started receiving.  I like the easy access to manufacturer websites.

Gives us usable and pertinent information.  We also love to hear what others are doing, especially modifications to their truck campers.

I like articles of the down-to-earth wonderful people who love to explore the wonder of this planet.  I also like the modifications articles to get ideas.

Frequent issues, timely information, interesting stories about others truck camping excursions and suggestions, lots of pictures.

You cover a very wide range of subjects.  Keep up the good work.

Rallies and events info.

Updated content.  Y’all respond quickly to questions, very helpful.

Being able to read online.

I like getting two articles each week.  The format is easy to follow and content is varied which keeps things fresh.

Looking at the new models.  Checking out a trip someone made and their pictures.

Everything!  Seriously, TCM was exactly what I was looking for when I found it, and I appreciate the writing, photos, and reviews.  I really enjoy the current layout and content.

Keeping current on what’s happening in the truck camper world and learning about people’s travel experiences.

Easy accessibility via the internet.  Interesting stories about people’s travels.  Plenty of truck camper related links to explore off the home page.

It is very informative on new products and I especially enjoy reading the stories of extended trips.

Great articles.  I like your writing style, fun easy to follow and humorous.  Good photos and information on camping gear and new campers.

You two do a great job!

I like to see how others travel, where they travel and what they use to travel with.  The calendar contest was fun.  I thought I was the only one who took photos of their camper like it was a member of the family!

I like the question of the week.  I like that you put the type of truck and camper the responder owns.  It was a big factor in my buying decision.

Stories from retired couples and how people equip their campers.

Everything!  Your magazine has been very helpful.

Good mileage, park any place, easy parking, all season use, etc.

Great articles with a lot of useful information in all areas of truck camping.

Every one can add their two cents and ask questions on your surveys and weekly questionnaire.  That’s the best.  You hear what works and may not.

Convenient delivery to my email.  The authors actually use a truck camper.

New ideas and places to travel.

Short frequent issues (as opposed to less frequent longer issues that could not be sneak-read at work).  Links to suppliers and sponsors.

Information only applies to truck campers.

Stories and other people’s adventures; plus I get ideas of places to travel.

The information and stories that others share.  Love reading them.

Reading about all the places I haven’t been yet, but plan to go.

Focus is on buyer’s experience, with the number of suppliers/OEMs.  An area to support OEMs might be helpful.

Articles about new truck camper gear truck modifications and places people have camped with truck campers.

One place for information on an unfamiliar and decentralized industry.

Professionalism and reliability.

Keeps me updated on new campers which someday I’ll be able to purchase.

Ideas with other owners that have moderated their campers.

First hand travel experiences and trips.

The information generated is always accurate and up to date.  Plus the owners of TCM try to go to as many rallies as possible.  This keeps their feet firmly planted in the real world of truck camping.

It’s up to date and you have a good presentation!  Yes, Harley is great!

It gives me a way to fantasize about trips I’m looking forward to taking.  It also gives me practical information about truck campers.

Up to date info, lifestyle stories, and what’s happening in the truck camper world.

Reviews, show and dealer information, travel and lifestyle.

Reviews, trip locations, personal stories.

It keeps me excited about camping, aware of what’s new, and informed about what others are doing.

I like the fact that it is.  What a treat to armchair a trip to some great spot, with details, with one click of a computer key.

Very down to earth coverage, interviews, reporting.  Very refreshing.  Hosts are accessible.

Enjoy the information that experience supports about equipment and skills needed to enjoy the truck camper experience.

The articles from numerous campers on their mods, or just your questions of the week, very informative.

The regularity and detailed content.

Places to travel, tech info, and maintenance on the RV.

Great articles, ideas and always has a sense of humor.

It is regularly updated, better than print magazines.

Keeping up with what’s new.  Your Lance 1172 story has me dreaming.  Hope to buy one in 2015.

I like that it is available on line for free.  I think they do a good job and call it like it is, (for the most part) when testing campers.

Great source of information to keep updated on the world of truck campers and truck camping.

Individual stories and keeping informed about the new campers.

Fresh ideas, new gear, cool places to stay and see.

It’s my magazine campsite of choice.

It’s well written, present and very informative.

A go to place specializing in just truck campers.

Articles about how people use equipment, particularly unusual uses and articles from manufacturers explaining their gear.

Keeps us up to date on new trends, ideas, and equipment. It’s a good escape when unable to travel.

Free and easy to view.  Best truck camper website!  Up to date news, rallies, products, etc. for truck campers.

It’s all about something i’m very interested in and it’s free.

I would say most everything.  That is why I have been with you from your very first issue.

Everything.  Keep up the fantastic work.  I love your site.

It’s great to see lots of info on truck campers.  You are one of a kind.

Keep up to date with what’s new in truck campers.

Interesting articles on people’s camping trips.

Personal approach to your interviews and reviews.

It’s always available.  Good, informative articles and interesting life stories.  I like the reviews.

Adventures, stories, boondocking, new campers and trucks.

Good info about truck campers.  Love hearing about where other people go truck camping and seeing their photos.

Great real time stories and adventures.  Great informational articles.

Camper and camper gear reviews, other camper’s stories, reader surveys.  Great magazine – thanks.

Comes every week, very informative and entertaining.

I enjoy the articles on the rallies.  I also enjoy reading about the adventures of truck camping couples.

The only magazine (print or internet) that is specific to truck campers.

The newbie articles are a big help to a guy like me who is truly new to truck camping.

Especially the lifestyle stories and modifications sent in by readers.

I like the email alerts, the stories, and the lifestyle of you and your readers seem to match mine.

Love seeing the folks and their truck camper also the new campers.

Enjoy the truck camping articles.  Also like seeing what’s new for truck campers.  Also enjoy the tech info.

To see some of the modifications people have made to their campers.

Traveling in our camper was something we enjoyed doing before my husband died.  I still have the truck and camper, but no longer travel.

All of the great info on truck camper and that it is the only Truck Camper Magazine.

Everything.  I rely heavily on all my decision making based on your hard work.

It’s user-friendly attitude.  Most helpful for the newbies,as a matter of fact I would not hesitate to advertise TCM to all my friends or any one interested in the truck camper industry.

The only good source of info I know of.

Harley the Cat!  And the fact that you try to get hard data facts on things and stay within operating limits of vehicles the average person will rely on.  Those that have other knowledge will know where they can tweek that info and data.

I like the humor in the videos and in the stories.

Everything, yes everything.  A great magazine.

Very timely and practical information.

A one shop stop.  Everything I need to know is right here.

A truck camper is a truck camper and not other in an RV questionnaire.

Usually it arrives one to two times a week and the warm weather photos brighten my day.  It’s very informative and it’s free!

I think the frequency is just right with a good mix of features.  The articles about folks visits to various state and national parks is particularly interesting.

A lot of good info especially for us new owners.  Oh yeah.  It’s free too!

Love Gordon’s sense of goofy humor, and the photos, articles on experiences and travels.

Rig mods, pictures of other rigs, travel stories and pics.

Availability of information.  That good looking Angela.

Good info on a lot of aspects of truck camping.

The many different types of surveys and information you provide, the modifications contest which showcases innovative ideas, and your comments on new RV designs.

Constant updates.  As content is ready, it’s uploaded.

Information about lifestyle with a truck camper connection with others.

I’ve enjoyed reading all of the articles on the site.  I look forward to the new articles, keep up the good work.

Being informed to make a good decision on a purchase.

Humorous editor.

Everything is much better than Trailer Life or Motorhome.

Non-biased reviews.

You keep us informed of the upcoming changes in campers and gear.

I think you have done an excellent job of providing many different aspects and benefits of truck campers as the most versatile RV for my intended travel destinations.

Articles on off-road camping and off the grid.

The articles about people’s travels and their campers.  Also the articles on new campers.

Good info on a specific topic I like; a big part of the truck camper community.

I like that there is a Truck Camper Magazine.

Great personal truck camper stories, truck camper manufacturer information, and truck camper rally coverage.

Packed with information, some of it for me, some for others and I like the frequency.

Input from owners and gear manufacturers.  Focuses on the uses of truck camping.

Very professional, comprehensive coverage of high interest items, stories, reviews, tours, how to, new gear, matching truck to camper, etc.

Articles about campers, specs and floor plans.  Also, sponsor site access.

You guys rule.  If you’re a truck camper enthusiast nothing compares to your publication.

Excellent interviews and travel stories.  Like the truck camper reviews and factory rep interviews regarding new models. The content of the magazine keeps me excited about eventually have the time and funds to venture out in a truck camper.

Various travel articles, camper improvement implemented articles, and short concise stories about new campers on the market.

Love the stories that campers send in with photos of places that they visit.  Great tech articles.

The articles and photos of all the different camper models.  Tech and new product features, too.

Interviews with other truck campers, finding new places to explore, and finding out what is new in camper manufacturing.

Great information to assist those of us who have yet to make a decision on purchase of a truck camper.

Life style stories and photos.  Everything I need to know about buying a truck camper is on the site or can be found through the links.

Interesting writing and keeps me up to date.

Short and Sweet, great info and no filler.

Best honest truck camping info out there.

Reviews from people that have no conflict of interest on products TCM has advertised.

Up front and personal.

The only go-to truck camper publication in the market.  Plus, the info is spot on when making a purchase.

Reviews, news, and stories.  All good info to enable us to plan our future life on the road!

It gives me ideas about changes and/or upgrades for a safer operation of the truck and camper.

Free, easy to access, and it feels like a community.

I like your stories.  I like being able to use the magazine for reference because I am shopping for a truck camper and you’ve been helpful with information.  I like the lifestyle stories and hearing about new campsites and parks to visit.

Experiences others have had, good and bad, and the places they travel and pictures from their travels.  I like the surveys too.

The fact that it’s a resource for truck camper enthusiast.

Just about everything, especially the reviews of new units.

Honest reviews of products.  Lots of pictures of the campers and gear.  Great advice.  Questions of the week are terrific.  Helpful how to information.  Access to the best truck camper info from the experts.

Best resource for truck camping period!

Great stories of real people enjoying their truck campers in many different ways.

Honest realistic opinions, not too much hype in the reviews.  Gimp is Gimp.

Had an invite to visit friends at camp site and I had never been to one.  My wife is starting a dog sledding crew with our huskies and we were looking around the camp site and realized how a camper would work well for her to go to sledding events.  After some internet research I found Lance campers web site and realized how a truck camper would be perfect for our needs, 4×4 for snow, go anywhere boondocking plus I could still use my pick up when not camping.  Found TCM and read it regularly as we plan our purchase.

I’m always happy to see the emails and find at least one article of interest in each.  There is always something of interest for me.  Makes a nice bright spot in my day.  Thanks.

Being able to see what’s new in the segment.

Your on line magazine is well laid out with interesting articles and info.

Articles come frequently.  Discussions of uses of truck campers, likes, dislikes, advantages, etc. Set up of truck to handle the different sizes of truck campers.

The fact that it is the only way to see and read about truck campers, gear and places to explore.

News about truck camping rather than about $200,000 monster RVs.

Finding info on truck campers instead of other RVs.

I haven’t found anything that I don’t like.  I really like reading about where others have been.

Clear, concise, and humorous product and camper reviews.  Continuing focus on camper weight issues.  Excellent website layout appearance and ease of use.

I like that they show new campers for trucks and updated features for truck campers.

Lifestyle articles are by far my favorite, keep them coming, please.

It is free and arrives in my inbox twice a week.

What others are doing to modify and improve their campers.

Lots of information on buying and set up camper and truck.

The updates and the lifestyle interviews.

Very informative.  I’m seriously considering an RV at retirement and I’m thinking a truck camper may be the way to go.  I am still considering, but the information at Truck Camper Magazine is top notch.

Informative.  Will help us make an informed decision on our purchase.

Reading about the editor’s camping trips and sites to see and also those of others.  Reading about ways others can access the internet on the road, good campgrounds.

Some articles about travel places.

Shows up in my inbox regularly.

Good articles on lifestyles and equipment.  Good reference on a lot of topics.

First of all, Happy Birthday, does the Seven Year Itch apply?  Getting to know the Whites, sense of humor, very thorough interviews, the use of very good photography, and the stories of fellow travelers on the asphalt ribbon.

Gordon, your thorough reviews of your new truck camper.  Great pictures and unbiased feedback!  Thank you!

I love the pictures of the mid to southwest United States and truly hope to visit them some day.

The information on new products and the reader modifications.

Detailed descriptions about gear, camper and gear maintenance, new innovations, trips, and pictures.

It’s online at I can look at it at my leisure.  Links to many sites, good stories (overweight), your research and travels.  A favorite website.


TCM is focused on truck campers.  I just purchased the windmill that there was an article on, and installed and tested it yesterday.  My buddy and I were impressed with its performance. I went to the rally at Glacier and had a great time.  These are things I would have never known about.  You are a constant useful source of info, and yes, a little humor, which never hurts.

Up to date info on all truck campers.

Seems to be pretty straight forward about the important information.

I enjoy the stories about how other campers use their rigs, and where.

New product reviews and expedition stories.

Up to date information about truck campers.

I like the good information and reading about other truck camper trips.

The personal touch.

Very informative and targeted towards our interests.

Your unbiased opinion!

Great information, camper upgrades and changes.

I  just started reading it.  I love the articles of people’s adventures.

Reviews on campers and equipment, and camping stories.

I find the lifestyle interview sections very interesting and helpful in terms of learning about camping destinations in other parts of the country.

Information relevant to truck campers and modifications.

It focuses on how I camp.

I’ve gained a lot of knowledge about truck campers.

Your keep it writing style light.

Down to Earth reading.

It keeps me up to date on the truck camper industry.

Keep up with truck camper innovations and designs before purchasing.

I like the reviews on new campers and the interviews with the builders.

Easy to quickly pick articles I choose to read.

It’s factual it, it’s informs of us of what’s new and best of all, pictures of people in places we have been or where we would like to go.
Staying up on new trends in the industry.

The focus on people’s truck camping experiences including where they go to and the activities they pursue, especially the photography and writing aspects.  Also in terms of getting back in there off the grid to do hiking, rock hounding, fishing, etc.

Timely and interesting info and experiences of others.

That I get something new to read at least once a week.  I read just about everything on the updates.

Lots of information for wannabe truck campers like us!

Camping stories, seeing the latest campers.

Stories of readers trips and reviews of campers.

Travel articles and truck camper improvement articles.

Narrative travelogues. (We just ordered a Lance Travel trailer after several years of owning a motorhome.)  Appreciate the reviews of manufacturers, especially since we chose one that is primarily a builder of truck campers.

Most everything. At some point we might try one of the rallies or shows but have not done so yet.

Articles about interesting places to visit.

I enjoy the adventures that people have had.

Informative and interesting.  Can easily relate to articles.

Truck camper news articles and travel articles.

The bi weekly updates with new content to look forward to two times per week.

Updates on new models of campers and trucks.

Trip reports that give us ideas for future destinations.  Also, reports of truck camper activity in other countries is interesting and the modification ideas.

Enjoy the travel stories of folks with campers.  I like the gear sections.

All the personal stories, dealer links, and newbie advice.

I have the feeling that you are doing your very best.

Real world people and reviews.

It is the only Truck Camper Magazine.

The coverage of truck campers and where truck campers go.

It is very informative regarding campers.

All the truck camper info you could possibly need at your fingertips.  Credible publishers, with great deal of integrity.

I like the feature articles demonstrating an out-of-the-box lifestyle.  New gear articles and updates on current truck camper building innovations, I find quite valuable.

Articles on campers, tech, and new products.

Informative, interesting, and helpful.

I own a truck camper, so it is nice to keeping up with latest models and news.

Informative articles, staying up with industry.

Great info, easy layout.

I am new to truck camping as of October 2013.  I like the articles on where to go and learning more about truck camping.

I love that it only covers truck campers!

Focus is on truck campers only.

Love the different articles, helps me dream big for when my husband and I will be able to take longer than three days for adventures.  Keep up the great work!

It seems to honestly reflect the White’s curiosity and enthusiasm for the subject matter.

Always interesting content. The best place to find out what is new and current in truck camping. Latest equipment.  Inventory locations.

The ease of access through the internet.  The layouts and excellent articles and reviews.

The information on new campers and products, plus all the travel places you visit.

Articles on people traveling.

Knowing that there are lots of others out there who are truck camper enthusiasts.  The area of the country where we live they are very scarce.  RV companies and shows in this area never have so much as one truck camper on display.

Online, relevant, good sense of humor.

I’m a new subscriber – still looking at it all!

The reviews on new campers.  And reviews on gear.

Articles on latest news, camper updates and tech updates.

Lifestyle stories and product reviews.

Everything.  Look so forward to all the articles.

I enjoy reading about new campers and gear.

I like it because it is about the only magazine that talks strictly about truck campers and educates us about truck campers the trucks that we need to carry them.

I purchased a brand new camper last year.  Love it.  Had it built to my specifications.

Virtually everything!

Easy to read, quick, to the point.

Helpful product information, interesting destinations, news and shows.

It’s fantastic.  I wouldn’t have a camper without it.  Look forward to every issue.  Best magazine I get.

The calendar contest pictures were great!  You’re doing a good job.  Keep it up!

Not bias on reviews.

Learning about truck camper trips, rallies, new models, and people with like interests.

Down to Earth people and information.

All the info and people’s adventures.

Mostly I like the trip reviews, travel tips etc.  New innovative products I can retrofit like LED or ride control.

Frequent updates on specific topics.

Online access only.

It’s there, but not too frequent in my email inbox.

Interesting and for us truck campers.

Tech articles, and travel articles.

It’s about a group that seems to be different than the other RV groups.  I don’t think that most RVers know you can full time it in a pickup.

Great information.  People have some great ideas for trips.

The variety of info and the timeliness, especially new ideas for road trips.

Very informative and dependable.

Good format, concise, good info.

The humor.  The dispersed camping methods and places.  The life experiences, methods and destinations shared by others.

Reading and learning about truck campers and gear.  Stories of other people’s adventures and what to watch out for.  Good advice.

A website that just involves truck campers only!

Different camper reviews.

It is a great site with relevant info for truck camper enthusiasts.

Receiving it twice a week, keeps me motivated towards purchase of new rig.  All the work you put into this publication.

I like the product/manufacturer detail insights on the products I am interested in, where they provide info sooner, or better, than is available on the manufacturer’s websites.

Free online Truck Camper Magazine.  Almost everything.  Overcab struts great improvement after seeing article.

Keeps me informed on truck camping equipment and destinations.

Enjoy the various interviews about truck camper adventures and travels and the truck camper product reviews.

Travel articles mostly off road, and reviews.

Getting it more often than a magazine, plus it is easy to store and travel with!

The editors and the content.  You two are great people!

The gear reviews and the mods are the best ever!  Please make a section on peoples mods!  Those rock!

The info on places to go and the hints on how others have done stuff.

It’s free.

Meeting the American style of adventures.  I am Spanish from Catalonia.

I can read TCM anywhere, anytime.  I can keep up with the latest in truck campers and improve my camping experience.

Info mod series, and after market products.

I like receiving e-mail updates with something of interest to me.  It keeps the magazine relevant and something to look forward to every few days.

Good articles on buying campers and the buyers guides.

Tech info and personal pics and stories.

Upbeat, informative, and great photos.

Information on travel locations.

Only source for truck campers.  Other websites are 99% for large RVs.

Truck camper product info.

Unique presence in the truck camping industry.

Free!  Informative and lets me know what and how other people are using their campers that I may not have thought about, especially anything related to free or cheap dry camp locations.  It cost a lot to fill up my truck so every little bit of savings helps keep us on the road.

Variety of articles, humor in writing, clear summary of article in e-mail alert.

The special targeted truck camper info.

We are planning a trip to Alaska in 2015 for the whole summer so all Alaska related stories and blogs.

Destinations, blogs, and lifestyle articles.

I like the frequency of publication and the each concentrates only on a few articles in each issue.  Sometimes I read them all and on some I only read one.  On many of the on line magazines there are some many articles I get tired going through them all to decide which are work reading so I just delete the magazine.

Feature stories of other truck campers.

I want to learn about truck camping issues.  They provide detailed info.

Interviews with fellow truck campers and the places that they have visited.  Gives me ideas for places that I would like to visit with my family.

How consistent you are at providing interesting articles week after week.  Very Impressive!

Helps me live vicariously!

I like reading the adventures and looking at the pictures of other people’s vacations.

Reading about the travels of other truck camper owners.

Informative and free.

I like having a source of information about truck campers.  The print magazines rarely cover truck campers.

Learning about places to go.  Near gear for the camper.

Varied interesting content.

The light-hearted stories and boondocking stories.

Reviews using video.

Keeps me abreast of current trends and new and innovative products.  It’s the Consumer Reports of truck campers.

Current news, your sense of humor, and source for bucket list of places to go.

I like reading online.

Interviews of people who have gone on long trips.

Travel stories and new camper tours of inside.

New content to my e-mail.

Everything.  What more can be said?

The reviews on campers.  The ability to go to a manufacturer’s website and look at specs.

It only deals with truck campers and their gear.

Help sections in general.

Everything.  I have purchased numerous items from vendors you list to help with our camping!  We like email alerts.

Pretty much everything from soup to nuts.

General news and info about truck campers.

Up to date information on new products.

Pertinent, up-to-date articles that I find useful to my use of my pickup camper.

It’s a very informative, all-encompassing tool.

The pictures and the lifestyle stories.  It helps me add to my bucket list.

Truck camper information.

It is a great magazine!

The adventures, places to go, things to see, how to get there, and what to do to bring joy.

It’s like one stop shopping.  Pretty much covers all aspects of truck camping.  What’s new, equipment, stories, how to, etc.

Photos and camper reviews, newbie articles.

Exclusively about truck campers.

Pretty much everything!  It’s a great publication.  Very helpful and informative.

All the information that is available.

A different kind of camping.

It’s all about truck campers.

Ease of use on iPad.

Weight issues, understanding cargo capacities, and safety.

Reviews and that everything is online.

Checking out new and improved truck campers.  Comparing the different truck campers.

Reading stories and pictures of truck camper trips from the east coast of US to Alaska.  Also, planning and prep.

Updates on new campers and notices on truck camper rallies.

It’s you and Angela and your commitment to truck camping.

It’s an informative, quick read that keeps me up to date on the truck camper world.

It is very informative, well put together, and free.

I like the stories truck campers tell about their adventures mostly, but I like the overall content in the TCM because it is informative and I can find just about anything I want to know about truck campers all in one spot.

I enjoy the new campers.

Tech articles about new products for my truck and camper.  Loved the Windwalker (had the small wind generator with ladder mount).

Free.  Interesting articles and good photography.  Good information about owning a truck camper and traveling with it.

I love reading about the experiences of others and discovering new places to visit.

You are about the only game in town for truck campers besides manufacturer’s brochures and an occasional article in an RV magazine mostly devoted to other types of RVs.

A one stop place to learn every aspect of truck camping.

Good read!  Keeps me thinking about truck camping even when I am not going anywhere.

It is very active, with interesting reports on a regular basis.  Seems to be continually evolving.

Equipment and camper reviews, industry news, factory visits, how-tos and mods.

The editors.

Expedition off road type camping.

It is for truck campers exclusively.

Everything.  So helpful and informative.  Look forward to every issue on the web.

I like the articles about people out on the road and what they have done to make their vehicles better and more livable.  I also like getting the e-mail newsletter.

Info is up to date.

Camper information and tech data.

Surveys like this.  Timely articles.

Everything so far.  We look forward to each issue!

Lets me dream.

Reviews of new campers.

Informative, frequent, free, digital, always interesting, etc.

Expeditions, neat/exotic location trips, etc.  Gear and new truck camper reviews are good, but not the main thing I like.

I like truck campers, so therefore I enjoy reading about them.

Free gain of truck camper knowledge.

Interviews and reviews about new products.

Mod contest.

It has been a good source for finding reference sites.

Clean, clear, concise, and you respond to all my questions personally.

New gear for truck campers.

The knowledge gained from reading it.  It keeps the readers up to date on the industry and allows the industry to get to the consumer via TCM.

I like it because it represents the truck camping culture.  It is everything truck camping.  There is really nothing else out there for us.  All other sites and magazine related to RVs represent only the other recreational vehicles.  You do such a thorough and willing to answer our questions directly or refer us to someone who can.

I’m very new to truck camping and picking up all the information I can.

Lifestyle stories and the educational 101.

Coverage of truck campers, specially photos of other rigs in use.

It’s on-line, free and produced by truck campers.


Up-to-date info on truck campers.  Organizing stuff inside and outside truck campers.

Gives me important information.

The information, reviews, travel photos. Interview videos.

Broad coverage of items that interest me.

That all the info is geared specifically to truck campers.

Pretty much everything.  I’ve looked at literally every section on occasion.

Great resource when you need info about truck campers.  I try to maintain a list of interesting places to visit found in your mag.

The articles written by fellow truck campers.

I like the interesting stories from truck camper users telling about their travels and the photos. This helps me create a list of must see places.

Only truck campers.

So easy to understand.

What I look forward to most are the stories of truck campers and their travel stories and ideas.

The diversity, suggestions for improving the camper, articles by owners (including gear, adventures, places visited), the editor’s humor.

The travel articles and original truck and camper setups.

The great articles and humor.

Great nice magazine.  For me it’s number 1.  This survey also gave me information about more TCM channels.

It is pure, to the point, topic related and well written!  Keep up the great work and a very happy 7th anniversary.

Enjoy the range of content.  Always looking to find new places.

Good assortment of truck camper info and new products.  Need more impartial user reviews.

Gordon works hard to put together a great package.  I’m engrossed with each.  I especially like articles on travelers to historic, out of the normal places, and motorcycle trail rides.  Thanks bunches, Gordon.

The personal feel and great content.

Information that it provides about truck camping in all areas.  Keep up the great job!

Lots of information that has helped us decide what camper to purchase and ideas for what to do with it when we get it.

Everything!  My favorite is the articles where readers describe their travels.  I really like the writing and the way the articles and website are done.  A perfect balance of informative and informal, very well done.

Angela and Gordon are my heroes.  The magazine is perfect; just need to move thing around once and a while.

Everything is easy access and informative.  I like the stories and writing style.  You guys do a great job and oh yeah it’s free!

Unbiased, honest information.

It looks like you are having fun!

Informing people about weight ratings, also reviews of different campers.  I am interested in non-slide, short bed, hard side campers.

Well written articles about truck campers that cannot be found anywhere else.  It is difficult to find relevant information about truck campers anywhere else and the website has definitely helped guide my decision to purchase a truck camper.

Informative articles.  Witty writing by the editors and readers alike.  TCM has definitely helped me make an educated and well thought out purchase decision.

What I like most is the coverage of new products and product changes by manufacturers to campers.  Without your website, I’d never know what was going on.

Keeping us informed about the industry trends, and keeping manufacturers alert to our needs.

I love the stories and pictures of travel.  When my wife retires I would love to be able to travel the west.

Concise informative information on truck campers.  I plan on purchasing a truck camper in the next few years.

It’s online, updated weekly; everything about it.

Just about everything.  You guys do such a great job!  I like how you allow other TCM readers who travel the freedom to share their adventures with others through TCM.  Another section I like is the Top Shots series.  We used the information and suggestions when we were planning trips in Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, and Rocky Mountain National Parks!

Reading about truck camper destinations.

I like keeping up on new truck camper models and gear.  I also like seeing where other people have gone and adding those spots to my bucket list.

Great info and ideas for truck campers.

Easy to use.

It’s the one site that got the goods; the tech help and the places to go to use your new goodies.

Expedition, off road, boondocking stories.

Access to manufacturer’s websites through links, focus on truck campers, info on truck campers, factory tours that show how the product is constructed, and, oh yes, truck campers.

Boondocking stories and technical reports.

It is a fun and interesting venue.

I like the frequency in which you provide new articles.

Truck camping is a big part of our life and we are grateful to have a resource to learn from, to generate new dreams, and to enjoy the contribution of those in commonality with ourselves.

Your informal writing style, personal editorials, lifestyle and expedition articles, especially full- timing.

Reviews and articles and you have enough to keep it interesting, although more would be good too.

My wife and I own a truck camper, and I can relate to the interests of the folks in the articles.

The information and other truck camper’s experiences.

Lifestyle stories.  Discussions about mods that can be made to the truck.

I especially like the lifestyle stories.  It helps me know how my truck camper life will be when we get to travel.

Connection to others with truck campers.

I love truck campers travel stories and the photos.

Provides technical info and experiences of other camper owners.

Everything, it is well thought out magazine.

Camper and accessory information stories provided about travel destinations.

I love hearing about everyone’s adventures and the different ways people use their truck campers.

Good source of information and articles.

Solid info on a topic that’s almost invisible elsewhere.

Love the longer term reviews like the Wolf Creek 850, the mod reviews, off road stories, lifestyle stories, and camper reviews.

Love to see the reviews about new gear and camper models.  We can’t afford to buy a new camper yet, but always have an eye to our next purchase.

The information, reviews and personal experiences.  I enjoy seeing the different trips people take along with the photos. This gives the wife and I ideas on places to go.

It’s really the only source of information about truck campers that I have found.

Good articles and good sponsors.

Owning a truck camper traveling around the country has been on our bucket list.  Thanks to all the wonderful info and real life stories we decided to not wait any longer and are going to make it happen this year.  Can’t wait!  Thank you.

I like how specific it is and the newbie corner has been hugely helpful.  Loved the Ricky from Poison article.

It tries to cover a little of everything in its limited allocation of space.

Nice to have something that is specific to truck campers.  We live on the east coast and there are no dealers nearby to get information from.

It is a good read and generally I find something of interest.

Hopefully it will help me make an informed decision soon.

The camper and truck modifications.

I like the stories and videos of people’s adventures.  I love to travel and have been through all but six states in the U.S.  I have mainly used a tent or a motel.  Now I have a truck and will be looking for a camper this year.  I won’t have to eat in restaurants or sleep in strange beds anymore.  The stories inspire me and hopefully in the future I will be sending in my own adventure to you.

Information on current innovations and developments related to truck camping.  Really enjoy the modification contest.

Information, Information, Information.


It’s free and I can get it in 95% of the places I go.

Mods are my favorite articles.

Accurate and informative information; website has a lot of very good information for newbies to old hands.

Its fun, informative, and interesting.

Reviews and buyer’s guide.  I’d like to see more travel articles.

Well written articles, plenty of photos, nice topics, weekly issues. It’s nice to be able to see how other people with similar likes work with their rigs.  Last but not least, the girl that is doing all the typing and in your photos of the new truck is hot! (Angela) What can I say, it’s the truth.

Keeps me up to date in the truck camper world.

The places people go.  I have learned about so many new places.  The articles on new campers and equipment.  Thank You!  Keep up the good work.

The information it provides on truck campers and gear.

Honest, fair, trust worthy owners.

All the information you need to decide on a truck camper.  A way to keep in touch with what is going on with truck camping.

I especially like the lifestyle stories, it helps me know how my truck camper life will be when we get to travel.

Truck Camper Chooser
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