Earlier this week we announced a top secret project; METCAT, or Matter to Energy CAmper Transporter. This device can send a complete truck and camper rig anywhere on the globe at any point in the future, or possibly turn its occupants into a Tabby Cat (we just discovered this). To find out, we asked for volunteers who could tolerate the stated risk, and didn’t mind arriving stark naked and craving a fist full of Twizzlers. If you missed the announcement, click here.
What follows is our brave list of volunteers. Naturally we can only select one of you, and the test will be conducted in complete secrecy. We will not publicly announce who’s selected, but that person will be contacted shortly, whisked away with their rig to a hidden laboratory where the first METCAT launch will occur. If all goes well, we’ll announce the results here in Truck Camper Magazine. If not, well, it’s a heck of a way to lose a reader, but it’s all for science.
Besides, we’ve been thinking about adopting another Tabby.
This week’s Question of the Week was, “If you could transport yourself and truck camper rig anywhere in the world, where would you go?”
“Well, since Honda generators are known to be reliable, I don’t mind Twizzlers, I can certainly pack some clothes, and I have spent the better part of 2013 preparing my rig for travel into the future, please ask Harley to send me and my rig to the Island of Palawan in the Philippines!
Specifically, one click south of the Umalad River and three clicks north of the beach. If I remember correctly, that should put me in the middle of a grass runway not too far from my childhood home. I’m really looking forward to exploring some of the places I got to go as a kid. We didn’t have a truck camper back then so this should be fun.
Have Harley double check that location on Google maps. I don’t want to end up in a jungle thorn patch with no clothes or have to use a winch to get out of a rice patty!” – Tim Holman, 2013 Ford F-350, 2014 Wolf Creek 850
“The transporting does not worry me, as it seems Harley, the cat, is in charge. What worries me is there is no mention of getting me back! The answer is easy for me, Yellowstone National Park, fifty years from now. Can I pick mid-September? I would be surrounded by my kids, grandkids and their kids. Yep, that is what I would want.” – Bryan Appleby, 2008 Ford F550, 2009 Lance 1191
“England.” – Paul Oulton
“Spain and cross into Moroco.” – Clifford Cizan, 2010, Dodge Ram, 3500 Dully, 2013 Arctic Fox 1150
“On a mountain cliff on the isle of Capri.” – Telesca, 2001 Ford F-350, 2014 Chalet TS-116
“Libby Flats, in the Snowy Range, Wyoming, during elk season.” – Dennis Thorell, 2010 Chevy 3500, 2009 Northern Lite SE
“Australian Outback. We would camp and explore for several weeks, at least.” – Cliff and Susie Kellogg, 2006 Chevy 2500 HD, 1999 Apache popup
“South America for a two month trip. I would start in Panama City and head south in their late spring season. Or possibly go to New Zealand in the Summer.” – Thomas Bender, 2011 Ford F250, 2009 Sun Valley Apache Chief 8.65 WS
“Central America. I lived in Panama for a year and long to visit the area again. So relaxing and beautiful.” – Tim Burk, 2005 Dodge 3500, 2011 Eagle Cap 950
“If I could travel anywhere, anytime into the future, I would like to go to Central Europe, in about twenty years, after all the conflicts and money issues are gone. I would love to visit Bonn, Berlin, and Munich in Germany, move on to Warsaw, Poland, Prague in the Czech rep, Vienna, Austria, Budapest in Hungry, then Bucharest in Romania. I would then travel through Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and then end up in Croatia, where I would load my rig onto a ship and enjoy a slow trip back to the Port Of Montreal, Canada, then home.
I would also love to see the improvements and modifications to truck campers in another twenty years. Who knows? Maybe there will be a flotation system, to allow us fishermen to practice our hobby with the comforts of a rolling/floating home?” – John Desjardins, 2007.5 GMC Sierra 2500HD, 2002 General Coach Globetrotter
“A tough question, and a whole lot tougher if you have traveled the globe as I have. To add to that, you give us our choice in time, this may be the most difficult question you have ever asked. That said, and after much thought, it came down to Mexico at the height of the Aztecs circa 1400s. However, they did not have the road system of the Roman Empire at its height circa 100 BC. The Romans were as advanced as any even compared to today and as they say, “all roads lead to Rome” and they truly do. It’s one of the most fascinating times in the history of the world. Meet me on the West side of the Colosseum. It’s where they have all the truck camper parking.” – Don Pryor, 2011 F350, 2009 Arctic Fox 1150
Editor’s Note: METCAT cannot go back in time. In fact, backwards time travel has been long proven to be impossible, but we’re working on it anyway. As soon as we have it figured out, Harley will have your rig parked next to the chariots.
“I have to admit that, in addition to being a huge fan of truck camping, I am also quite a geek. I am one of those people who loves gadgets, sci-fi, and wizards as much as I love football, campfires, and turning a wrench. So, if I could go anywhere, it would have to be to New Zealand. I think it would be amazing to be able to drive the countryside where the Hobbit and LOTR series were filmed. I would travel the same roads and paths as Bilbo, Frodo and Gandalf on their missions to rid the world of evil. Sounds like an idea for a travel agency.” – Jeff Holloway, 2004 Chevy Silverado 3500, 2011 Lance 950S
“Machu Picchu, because I like the way it sounds when you say it and it is pretty hard to get to.” – Tom Julkowski, 2005 Ford F350, Still Looking
“Australia after the side trip to New Zealand.” – Anne Brown, 2013 Ford F450, 2011 Chalet DS116
“I don’t have a truck camper yet, but plan to get one within the next two years. I would transport it to New Zealand! It looks like one of the most scenic countries in the world and to top it off we have friends there who we’ve never gotten a chance to visit.” – Joanne Hall, don’t have one yet, don’t have one yet
“New Zealand.” – Gene Lueg, 2004 Toyota Tundra, 2011 Northstar 650
“I’d go to Alaska, but then probably drive back. This would give me more time to enjoy the scenery in Alaska. Besides I never like returning on the same route which I took to get somewhere. I want a new route and this would do it.” – Steve Cilenti, 1999 Ford F350, 2012 Arctic Fox 990
“I would be in the Lamar Valley of Yellowstone Park in early September. The tourists are gone, animals out, and camera in hand.” – Candace Krewer, 1998 Dodge 3500, 2005 Lance 1181
“Antarctica. I want to photograph down there and, now that we have an all-season truck camper that’s still under warranty, I would like to really test things out. I also just got a Cabellas propane Fire Ring that doesn’t need firewood or my chain saw to feed.” – Richard Noll, 2001 Dodge Ram 3500, 2014 Arctic Fox 1150
“On Midnight, December 27th, we would go to Freedom Off-Road, Northstar’s Australian Distributor, just north west of Sydney! Then we would plan a wonderful outback truck camper experience for at least three months. But only if we can come back by May 1st.” – Joe and Nina MacDonald, 2013 Chevrolet Silverado 3500, 2013 Northstar Igloo U
“Siberia to explore the vast wilderness of Siberia and western China.” – Ken Sanders, 2001 Ford F350, 2011 Host Everest
“Key Largo, Florida.” – Arthur DeVries, 2003 Chevy Silverado 3500, 2008 Montana 3000RK
“South America to Brazil.” – Neil Steirer, 2008 Ford F350
“Torngat Mountains National Park, far away from home.” – P Nystrom, 2006 Toyota Tundra, TBD
“Mongolia and Siberian Plateau. I would be checking out the wild landscapes in that part of the world!” – Lucien Langlois, 2012 Ford F-250, 2004 Lance 1025
“Australian outback, China, Europe, even Africa. I would love to go to as many places as I could. But I guess I would have to go with Australia and I’ll go right now. Where should I drive to get to the transport?” – Tim May, 1993 Dodge W250, 1987 Vacationeer 9′ 10”
“That is a tough question. If traveling to other countries, I would like to see Ireland. I’m not sure why exactly, but it looks beautiful in pictures. If staying in the USA I would love to see Alaska by truck camper.” – Brent and Patti Portschy, 2005 Dodge Ram 3500, 2006 Host Tahoe
“The Quinault rain forest in Washington state. It’s very nice there!” – Keith Nylander, 2012 Dodge Ram 3500, still saving
“I’ve been thinking about this and your suggestion of the Keys would be a real nice get away being that it’s 12° right now and the country is freezing. That is a wonderful idea. Second, the Grand Tetons National Park is somewhere I have never been. It would have to be in the summer time. I would love to stay where the mountains and the water meet and somewhere where there is cell service and its to close to civilization. If you go to QT Luong’s website that is where I’d love to stay. Beautiful place.” – Jeff Hagberg, 2002 Ford F250, 2006 Travel Lite 800SBX
“Today. Key West, Florida!” – Al Hubbard, 2004 Chevy Silverado 2500HD, 2000 Starcraft Roadstar Popup
“Anywhere in Alaska, but probably north of the Arctic Circle.” – Howard Bisco, 2007 Ford F150, 2012 Palomino Bronco 1251SB
“Australia.” – Ernest and Doriece Wallace, 2006 Chevy 2500HD, 2005 Lance 881
“New Zealand.” – Grant Davidson, 2005 Ford F350, 1965 Avion C-10
“I would go to Africa and visit all the game preserves; one long Safari in the wild!” – Larry Wiethop, 2007 Ford F-250, 2004 Lance 920
“Talking this over with my wife, she came up with Spain. However, I’m not fluent in Spanish and would not like trying to ask. ‘where can I find diesel fuel and a campground with thirty amp service?’ Considering I live in the Northwest and put up with the cold, rain, wind and more rain from November through April, I would prefer the transporter fly us off to Hawaii for at least four months with access to the other islands when the whim strikes us to move on. But I’m not sure how many RV parks are available on the islands. Hopefully the transporter personnel will take care of those details so all we have to do is lounge around with our bare feet on white sand beaches.
Darn it Gordon, I wish you wouldn’t make me daydream like this when the ‘Pineapple Express’ is due to come in later this week. Well, at least we’re not living in the Polar Vortex area!” – Roger and Elaine Odahl, 2008 Dodge Ram 3500, 2004 Eagle Cap 950
“I’m brave and it will be fabulous if the top secret METCAT can transport my rig and furry friends to my Aunt Lucille’s residence in El Cajon, California on March 23, 2014. After delivering us safely and unharmed on terra firma (I’m confident), I will back the rig up under an empty, arched canvas shelter and unload the Bronco to serve as my personal residence.
Cocktail hour is 5:30pm. The first few days after the transport will consist of me test driving and arranging financing for a newer, used truck with a V6 and capability to install a proper and legal tie down system. There is no fee for this camping space on aunties’ five acres. It is a blessing if I can spend several weeks with my El Cajon aunt and then drive north to Lucerne Valley in the high desert to visit my other aunt. The sunrises and night skies are incredible. I treasure spending quality time with my California family, as much as being outdoors in nature and creating travel adventures for myself.
Sure, I like Twizzlers, preferably strawberry and can you leave behind an environmentally friendly shopping bag of money in the METCAT? I’ll need extra cash for this fabulous adventure.” – Pegg Anderson, 2005 Chevrolet Colorado, 2000 Palomino Bronco 600
“New Zealand.” – Darrell Watson, 2012 Dodge Ram 2500HD, 2007 Lance 815
“Buenos Aires, Argentina. Round trip please! We would stay about six months.” – Bernie Langreck, 2013 GMC Sierra 3500HD, 2014 Arctic Fox 990
“Selene Valley, California. The roads to there are treacherous, and the Navy Jets love to startle the unwary driver. I’ve dreamed of going there and staying longer than two days for years. Now I can. I’ve been there in a Jeep, but other than having a comfortable seat there isn’t much in the way of creature comforts in any Jeep.” – Marcus Egge, 2013 Dodge Ram 1500, 1988 cabover
“Europe.” – Joseph Moreno, 1998 Chevrolet 3500, 1999 Lance 1135
“Argentina and Chile.” – Daniel Lignon, 2005 Chevy Silverado 2500HD, 2005 Northern Lite 8.5
Check out even more responses to our Question of the Week on our Facebook page.