This week’s Question of the Week was truly a smashing success! With exploding mayonnaise, cannon shot orange juice with pulp, oozing beer tragedies, pickled beets bursting, watermelon detonations, and more, these may be the most outrageous Question of the Week responses ever. Snarf warning: Do not drink coffee and read this.
This week’s Question of the Week was, “What items have fallen and busted in your camper while traveling?”
“In 50+ years of RVing, everything inside, including refrigerator contents, has broken and smashed onto the floor, table, or bed. Outside we’ve lost utility doors, tie-downs, generator covers, lawn chairs, and more.
The moral of the story is this; never move any RV without doing a careful walk around outside and inside, checking everything to make sure all is secure and ready for the road. About 25 percent of the time you will have forgotten something important!” – Ralph Pilkington, 1997 Ford 250, 1999 Lance 1030
“We recently went into some backcountry driving, in four-wheel drive low, to camp for a few days. While traveling down a very rough section of road at slower than walking speed, I heard a big thump in the camper.
Stopping to see what happened, I discovered a rather large watermelon my wife had put into a cabinet – unbeknownst to me – laying on the floor. It was in two halves with a few small chunks splattered around the kitchen area.
After we had a good laugh, we made a mental note to always put watermelon in the sink, especially when traveling the rough four wheel drive back roads of Wyoming. The watermelon tasted great in camp that night.” – Bob Watts, 2011 Dodge Ram 2500, 2000 Fleetwood Angler
“I left a coffee cup in the microwave while driving down the road. I learned (1) microwave doors have a good latch, (2) microwave doors are not watertight, and (3) one more thing I could do to make my wife question her marriage vows.” – Tom Scholtens, 2010 Chevy 2500HD, 2013 Bigfoot 25c10.4
“Make sure you have secured your porta-potti. On my first trip in my 2002 Four Wheel Camper Hawk with a brand new Thetford tall porta-potti, I traveled down Highway 20. I arrived to find it upside down and with all the fresh water on the floor. Thankfully, the black tank chemical and water did not leak. Now, I have two straps so that it cannot move.
If you have an old Norcold three-way refrigerator make sure you turn the flame down before you go to bed. I found this out in the middle of the night when a can of diet 7-Up exploded from freezing. I was sure a tree limb had fallen on the roof of the camper. I turned on the lights and found the contents of the refrigerator all over the camper. The explosion had blown the door open. KA-BOOM! indeed.” – Bill Harr, 2005 Toyota Tundra, 2013 Four Wheel Camper Hawk
“The worst was when the bottle of toilet treatment purple stuff got dumped in the toilet cabinet. This stuff is bad enough in small portions, but overpowering if concentrated. Kinda like skunk!
I learned (1) large portions just make large messes, (2) the nasty smelling stuff often has a not-so-nasty replacement, and (3) make sure the toilet chemical is sitting in a tub so any spillage (whatever color!) is retained and easy to clean up. That cabinet now has a well-caulked fluid-retaining base. The EPA would be proud.” – Bob Ragain, 1994 Stewart and Stevenson M-1078, Alaskan 10-foot NCO
“Our medicine cabinet used to give us a headache when opening and most of the time would open on its own when traveling. Now we tightly pack each shelf so it won’t shift and put a bungee cord across the mirror so it won’t open on the road dips. Now we can use Tylenol when we want!” – Pattie Cimaglia, 2011 Ford 350, 2011 Lance 1191
“The microwave oven door was not completely closed. The result was that the glass plate turntable crashed to the floor.” – Gary Smith, 2006 Ford F250, 2010 Palomino 8801
“I forgot to secure the television and smashed the screen by the time we got home. I have to include it on the television antenna checklist to remind myself every time. Friends of ours forgot to lock the refrigerator door and yes, the entire contents were on the floor. What a mess! Even I learned that lesson.” – R. Folkerts, 1999 Ford F250, 1997 Lance
“We do not like plastic plates, so we use Corning plates, bowls, etc. After all they are unbreakable, aren’t they?
Well, if you do not secure the overhead cupboard doors they may slide out while you are driving, hit each other, and the floor. They do not break. They explode into little bits. The bits sneak into cracks along the baseboard and are really fun to get out.
So, lesson learned; make sure the overhead cupboard doors are secure. Oh, and by the way, open the doors slowly after driving as the plates may leap out and try to get to the floor and hit you or each other.” – Bill Billyard, 2000 Dodge Ram 3500, 2008 Palomino Winter Creek 115RS
“Wrong question. It should be, what hasn’t fallen and busted in the camper while traveling? Every cabinet door, every drawer, everything on a shelf has at some point come off and down on the floor or the dog.
What have we learned? We added a foam pad that covers the entire floor of the camper. It is one of those they sell for people who work standing up. Every cabinet door and every drawer has a second latch, not just the factory one, to keep it shut.
Double checking the status of the latch is the driver’s job before rolling. The trim around the kitchen counter shelf was replaced with a strip of molding to give a raised edge to keep things from sliding off, although they will still bounce off on a rough road. Next task is a removable bungee net in the area above the cassette toilet.” – Bill Peters, 2013 Chevy Silverado 1500, 2013 Four Wheel Camper Hawk
“We had forgotten to empty a french coffee press that was in a wash basin in the sink. We hit a bump in the road and heard a strange crash behind us. We opened the door to discover fine wet coffee grounds all over the floor, cupboards, table, and upholstery. The good thing was that it was plastic so we didn’t have to deal with glass shards, but the nauseating burnt coffee smell lingered for days. As someone who hates coffee, I was not very pleased!” – J. Thomas, Ford F250, 2014 Lance 825
“I frequently leave things on the counter, on the dinette seat, or my favorite spot is on the floor under the dinette table. They will be where I will want them when I stop next, so why move them? They usually stay in about the same location during travel, but of course sometimes they fall to the floor.
The the main take-away here is that I never leave anything unsecured that can break or cause a mess. The worse that can happen is that I spend fifteen seconds picking something off the floor when I walk in.” – Fred Patterson, 2013 Ford F350 SD, 2002 Lance 1161
“Plastic drinking glasses are the main items I have had come tumbling down as I open the upper cabinet in which they are stored. I have minimized that from happening by stretching a bungee cord across the cabinet opening (using a pair of screw eyes into the inside of the cabinet) at a height that prevents them from falling out.
They still fall over, but at least they don’t fall out. I still open the refrigerator door slowly to catch anything that may be wanting to escape the confines of that cold dark place.
The only time I had a mess to clean up after traveling was when I forgot a full cup of coffee on the dining table and it ended up on the seat cushion. I wasn’t sure whether to be happy that my cup didn’t hit the floor and break or unhappy that I had to clean the seat cushion.” – Eldon Rhodes, 2008 Chevy 3500HD, 2011 Lance 1050
“One early spring late night we pulled into Zion National Park Campground and, unknown to us, they had added angled combination speed bumps and drainage ditches. Of all the places to have a fall and bust explosion.
The angle was the killer. Our kitchen cabinet normally stays quite secure and popped open. A couple of Melmac plates and bowls slammed to the floor and literally exploded. We had white Melmac plate and bowl fragments everywhere.
All of this occurred in slow motion in a campground. This was the first and only such crash and break we have had in over nearly 30 years of truck camping. We were shocked by the effect. I don’t know if the plates and bowls were cold or what, but wow.” – Gary and Laurii Gadwa, 2012 Ford F350, 2011 Eagle Cap 950
“Our pantry door opened and the sliding metal rack slid out losing a few items to the floor. I added velcro to the slide to avoid that happening again.
On a side note, my wife had a mayonnaise bottle explode all over her face when it was opened for the first time at a higher altitude. I wish I could have gotten a picture of that.” – Pete Haidinyak, 2016 Ram 5500
“Originally we started out with a set of Corelle dishes until one trip when the cabinet door came open. We cleaned slivers of dishes up for two days. We still find some after three years. Lesson learned, and now we use all plastic dishes.” – Bob Presto, 2008 Silverado 3500, 2008 Lance 1191
“Orange juice, with pulp. Our refrigerator latch is old and the juice popped the door because it was in on its side. The top has a reduced neck, so when the cap broke we must have had the full cannon effect. It went all over all the low walls in the galley, even up on the backsplash. It took four towels and a roll of paper towels to clean it up. That pulp did not want to come off!” – Bob Bergen, 2000 Ford F350, 1987 Real Lite
“This did not happen to us, but to the people we bought our previous camper from. The refrigerator had a very secure looking latch that was rigged up by the previous owner. He explained what led up to it.
The camper was built new with a standard office refrigerator that had no special latch like camper refrigerators do. They loaded up for their first trip out and on the first left turn the refrigerator emptied itself all over the floor. This included a dozen eggs that all broke and covered nearly the entire floor. I guess it was quite a mess.
The worst spill that happened to us was the time my wife forgot to fasten the seat belt that held our water jug in place. It didn’t really spill much, but could have taken out a side window if it was a couple inches higher.” – Vince Kurpan, 2012 Ford F150, Panther Sierra
“For our first camper many years ago we got a beautiful set of Corelle dishes. Do you know how many shards of glass come out of a Corelle set? We found them for years after what we thought was a good cleanup. Lesson learned? Corelle is glass. We use paper on the road and keep a recycle bag of paper for fire starter.
We also learned that a small bungee cord wrapped around the two door handles on the clothes closet in the Chalet will keep the items from flying out.” – Anne Brown, 2013 Ford F450, 2013 Chalet TS-116 triple slide
“A brand new computer. It didn’t really fall, but was just as broken. We had new air bags and went mountain climbing. It was steep and lots of bounces. I left the computer on the floor, just so it couldn’t fall. When we got in, the computer had slid all the way to the back because the road was so steep. One of the bounces must have been too much and she never worked again. My laptop is now packed between two pillows.” – Lois and Dan Zell, Ford F350, 2010 Lance 1040
“My worst mess was not from something falling, but it did result in a mess oozing from the refrigerator. We arrived home from a trip to find beer all over the floor below the refrigerator. When we opened the refrigerator, beer was everywhere inside.
I had placed several bottles on their side on the top shelf with a couple of them pointed in opposite directions. This allowed the sides of the caps to touch. Due to the bouncing and jostling of the camper, both of the caps unscrewed and allowed beer to spew everywhere. The moral of the story is, don’t lay bottles of beer on their side in a camper refrigerator. It works every time.” – Jim Finck, 2001 Chevrolet 2500HD, 2004 Lance 1010
“In all our years of RVing we’ve hardly ever had anything fall because I keep everything put away in containers and use bars where needed for traveling. Our first time with the Lance though we heard a very loud thud and found the heavy, deep pantry drawer on the floor. That door doesn’t like to latch well. Luckily it didn’t do any damage. I still don’t know why that one drawer is made out of metal and so heavy. We are the second owners, so it could be a modification.” – Connie Westbrook, 1997 Ford F250, 1997 Lance Squire 5000
“Just about everything in our back two-door closet fell out until we started using a small bungee cord to tie the handles together.
Everything in the medicine cabinet in the bath has fallen out. We started using rare earth magnets for their strength as well as inside shelf ledge expanders. I’m sure there will be more to come.” – Greg Ruebusch, 2001 Chevy 2500HD, 2015 Northern Lite 8-11
“Nothing, which is one of the many benefits of owning a pop-up truck camper.” – Bob Meigs, 2011 Ram 1500, 2012 Four Wheel Camper Raven model
“We once had a battery operated nine-volt clock come off a wall. We found pieces of the plastic lens on the floor, table, seat, and comforter. We didn’t find the clock itself until we got home and took the bed apart to wash the linens. There it was, wedged between the mattress and the headboard! Did I mention that we had to perform an emergency braking maneuver?” – John Desjardins, 2007.5 GMC 2500HD, 2002 Globetrotter
“We have lost food out of the refrigerator and dishes out of the cupboard. Our cupboards have airplane style hatch locks and we need to have a pre-flight checklist before taking off. This includes items outside the camper like tie-downs during and after driving a rough road.” – Ted and Joan Berger, 2001 Dodge Ram 2500, 2012 Northstar Laredo
“Drawers! The manufacturer’s plastic catches broke very early on. I have tried everything from velcro to other types of stops and latches. So I usually take the drawers out and lay them on the cabover bed prior to traveling.” – Neal Williams, 1996 F350 Ford, 2000 Bigfoot 2500
“A brand new portable video tape recorder was stored in the upper cabinet and we thought it was secure. While traveling heard the KA-BOOM and the recorder was laying broken on the floor. Never again will heavy items be stored in cabinets including canned goods. Now, they are either on the floor or on the bed wrapped in a towel so they do not slide around.
I have also have experienced jugs of milk and yogurt falling out of refrigerator while traveling. I bought the refrigerator door locks. They failed. Then, I bought piano wire to secure a lock to eye hook across the face of refrigerator door. Any empty spaces in the refrigerator are filled with towels to stop items inside from sliding around.” – Vic Smith, 1980 Ford F250, 1980 Vanguard 810SW
“We started bungee cording the refrigerator and freezer shut after going over a corrugated road and having the refrigerator door jump off depositing the contents on the floor.” – John Beyer, 2006 Ford F350, 2016 Arctic Fox 990
“A near full bottle maple syrup in the top cabinet tipped and the pour spout wasn’t snapped into place. I had syrup on the shelf, under other items, and it found its way through a small crack down the wall.
Lesson learned: check all lids and spouts, and put liquids into a secondary container or a zip lock bag. This applies to refrigerators also.” – Rick Herrington, 2006 Ford F350, 2006 Host Tahoe DS
“Disaster avoided. I had an overnight relief jug that was capped but not emptied in the morning. As I drove through the mountains, I thought I heard a slight KA-BOOM, but thought nothing of it. When I arrived at my destination I realized the sound was the relief jug rocketing to and fro in the truck camper. Fortunately, the cap and integrity of the bottle stayed in place and total disaster was avoided. I can’t begin to imagine how I would clean up if the situation deteriorated. I think that would have been a good time to simply light the truck camper on fire, and call the insurance company. I’m sure they’d understand. Who wouldn’t? Phew!” – Zebco Kid, 2015 Ford F250 Super Duty, 2009 Lance 835
“I’ve learned from two instances about hauling liquids in a truck camper. The first being that we never place water jugs on the floor anymore. We always make sure they are securely placed in the sinks. Once we opened the door and found a gallon jug of water emptied and rolling all over the floor.
Secondly, we don’t know what the cause is, but on two occasions we have opened the refrigerator door to find almost empty beer bottles inside. It must be the shaking of the bottle causes an explosion of some sort which loosens the cap and makes for a hell of a mess.
We’ve learned from these mistakes and hopefully will never happen again. We’ve had items fall on the floor, but nothing drastic. We always do a thorough check before leaving to make sure all cupboards are latched and everything is in its place where it will stay while traveling.” – Richard Luczynski, 2015 Chevy Silverado 2500HD, 2015 Lance 1050S
“When I got my camper the dealer said that the bathroom door had broken and put a dent in the floor. He took a little off the price and I didn’t think that much more about it.
After using the camper a few times, I forgot to latch the bathroom door. I found it on the floor with the rollers on top of the door broken. While trying to locate new rollers, I found they made exact replacements out of metal. I haven’t tested the new ones yet but I’m sure they will do better than the original plastic ones.” – Bryce Dillree, 2007 GMC 2500HD, 2013 Wolf Creek 850
“I guess the worst that happened is when I opened the cabinet door where I store the coffee grounds. Well, it spilled all over the floor. I have a small vacuum I store in the truck that runs off AC, so I turned on the inverter and cleaned up. I was without coffee until a fellow camper gave me some to last a couple of days.
You are right. Watch out for falling supplies after a trip!” – Jeff Hagberg, 2002 Ford F250, 2006 Travel Lite 800 SBX
“A dish drainer fell onto the floor and worked its way back to the door and over to a row of switches next to the door, activating one of them. The switch that was activated was for the outside flood lights that are LED and very bright. I actually had a guy follow me into a gas station and give me hell for half blinding him and anyone else unfortunate enough to be behind me.” – Steve Timmings, 2003 Ford F350, 2013 Four Wheel Camper Hawk SC
“The one time my parents went camping they borrowed a truck camper from a friend. They packed up about half the house to go away for the weekend. My dad drove and my mom told him where to go and how to get there. I sat in the center of the bench seat and got the gear shift in the knees. My poodle rode in the camper on his bed.
All was going well until my mother very loudly told my dad to turn just as we entered the intersection. We were going at a fairly good speed. He cranked the truck over hard and made the corner, but the camper they borrowed was a home built and lacked a few very necessary overhead cabinet latches. My mother had packed half the house with all the good china, plates, saucers, and tea cups and placed them in the overhead cabinets.
When my dad cranked the corner, everything hit the floor with the exception of the poodle. He jumped from the floor to the top bunk in one leap before the first plate even hit the floor. I thought it was funny as heck. It was the quietest weekend we ever had as a family.
I guess the one thing that comes to mind about all this is to not go camping with a dad who thinks he is Mario Andretti and to not let your mother be the navigator if she has no idea what a map is. Also, don’t bring along all that really fancy china that you never use and put it into borrowed cupboards without any latches. That was the most exciting camping trip ever.” – Brad Slatford, 1997 Ford F250, 1980 Edson 10 foot
“I had dishwashing liquid tip over and leak out in my pull out pantry. It got all over everything! I wiped and wiped forever.
Lesson learned; be sure all lids fit tightly and are original to the bottle/jar. A full pantry shelf can help keep items like olive oil from tipping over in the first place.” – Susan Milner, 2004 Ford F350, 2000 Lance 1130
“Nothing but pillows has fallen over. We only use paper plates and cups and store any other dishes in a storage box. We pull the whole box out to get at our coffee mugs and plastic wine glasses. The toaster and portable fan are stored in a lower cabinet.” – Jody Herman, 2001 GMC Sierra 1500, 2010 Palomino Bronco 1200
“We have had our refrigerator open and the dish bin slide out of the cabinet on rough roads. Luckily, nothing spilled or was broken, but we added a turn latch to hold the refrigerator door closed and used rubber bands on the cabinet knobs to keep dishes inside. We often forget to close the sliding doors where we keep pills and we have found those in hidden places months later. Now we keep pills in a plastic bag to contain the mess.” – Laurel Wilson, 2013 Ford 350, 2000 Four Wheel Camper Grandby
“A gallon of milk went KA-BOOM on the floor. Yes, it was quite a mess. A coffee container from the top cabinet shelf fell and the lid came off.” – William Sargent, 2012 Ram 3500, 2009 Lance 971
“I carry my folding lounge chairs up on the cabover bed. On more than one occasion while traveling on dirt roads, one will work its way off the end of the bed and crash onto the main floor below. I’ve also had the over dinette cabinet that can open into a bunk bed come open while on a gravel road and had reusable plastic water bottles and chips launch to the floor below.” – Allen Jedlicki, 2012 GMC 2500HD, 2014 Wolf Creek 850SB
“I had a jar of homemade pickled beets, which I smartly put into a plastic container before taking it along. While at a rest stop, I opened the refrigerator door and the container fell out. I picked it up and put it back. What I hadn’t noticed is that the bottom had cracked when it hit the floor.
Beet juice was everywhere and we continued to find traces of purple for weeks. We found it under the crisper, in the shelves on the door of the refrigerator, in the drawer below the refrigerator, floors, walls, and other food. Definitely the most memorable of things busted!” – Sue Graf, 2008 Ford F350, 2013 Arctic Fox 865
“I’ve always had a rule. I can be outta here in five minutes. Several times as a woman traveling alone, I’ve really needed to do it. So I tape, glue, or velcro everything in place for security. The refrigerator contents and overhead cabinet stuff go in plastic baskets. If I’m cooking and have stuff all over the place, I pack it in the sink, set it on the bed, or on the floor. In a campground, I plug in only electricity.” – Janet Carter, Chevy 2006, SunLite 6-foot
“We had a glass shelf in our refrigerator and we had some cold beer in the camper and you know what happen next? They rolled and smashed the glass shelf!
We pulled over for lunch and opened the door and beer and glass came out on the floor. Uggh! I thought the glass was suppose to be tempered. I went to the glass store and had him make a new plate and learned to not put the beer on the bottom shelf so they can roll around! What a mess and loss of a good beer.” – Neil Steirer, 2008 Ford F350, 2015 Lance 1172
“I think every one has had the refrigerator fall out episode, so we always latch the door. We have had both the silverware and cooking utensil drawers open and actually come out and break. To cure this I have added childproof latches (the kind that you have to open a little to push the catch down to open fully) to all the drawers. We still find the drawers open a little, but never all the way open.” – Mike and Nancy Pohl, 2015 Ford F250, 1985 American Pilgrim 8.5 hard side
“I gave thought of wiring the camper for sound to detect falling objects. But, when I see the movement of the bed area after hitting approaches and exits of bridges and other variances in the pavement, I decided I don’t want to hear that.
So far on this trip I have only forgotten to batten down the hatches once. I opened the door and had about 75 pieces of plastic ware everywhere. I had forgotten to put the mini bungees on the closet door. They go from the door knob to the range vent cover.
The next morning, while barefoot, I found that a salt shaker had also leapt on to the floor and spread part of its contents. Then, it hid under the step stool. Nothing broke, but I might have to make a check list for securing the camper for travel.” – Larry Kelly, 2016 Ford F350, 2015 Palomino 8801
“Everything! Our camper shows little forethought in this area. There are cheap, weak latches on the cabinet doors, no bottom rail on upper shelves, and no rails in the refrigerator. As an ex-sailor, I can tell you that sailboats almost all have much better cabinet latches, so why not truck campers? Why not a raised lip on the top shelves and in the refrigerator? None of this would be hard to do.” – Robert Mayton, 2014 Ford F450, 2015 Lance 1172
“Items from the refrigerator have fallen out. But, only once. Heavy duty industrial velcro solved the problem.” – Brian Hudson, 2013 Ford F150, 2013 Palomino Maverick 800
“Glasses made of hardened glass have a tendency to explode, and sometimes hours after a bumpy ride. They have to be individually wrapped in protective bubble plastic or something.” – JW Korthals,1992 Iveco 40-10wm
“While I am dealing with sewer hoses and cord outside, my wife goes through a repetitive process inside the camper to make sure everything is locked, closed and put away to avoid KA-BOOMS.
However, early on when we first got our Chalet, one of my hats fell off the bed during traveling and got behind the slide-outs such that when we opened the slide, the hat got crushed! We learned a valuable lesson that day, and pay extra attention to anything that can slide off the bed and get caught behind the slide-outs!” – Charles Coushaine, 2001 Ford F350, 2012 Chalet DS116RB
“Well, Lance decided to change a design element and moved the convection microwave to below the stove. We gained an upper storage compartment in the process.
We were in a hurry to get on the road and we forgot to put the locking pin in the drawer under the dinette seat. Needless to say, I turned into a parking lot and hit the curb. That tossed everything in the camper including the drawer which flew open and shattered the glass door on the microwave oven. The microwave is history. The lesson learned was to always check the locking pins and latches on all drawers before leaving the campsite.” – Mark Peters, 2008 Ford F450, 2015 Lance 1172
“I took along a spare 19-inch flat screen television. After I tested it all out prior to leaving, I disconnected it, and laid it face down on the bed. Well, it wasn’t very long when I heard the thud from the back. Yes, it slid off the bed and onto the floor. Simple bone head move on my part, live and learn.” – Doug Colfer, 2011 Ford F350, 2000 Lance
“Before I bought a television bracket, I would place the TV on the floor on top of a quilt in the front of the camper. Well, when I stopped for the day and opened up the back door, the TV was there. Luck was on my side because it wasn’t broken. It was mounted for the next trip.” – Charlie Young, 2013 Chevy 2500HD, 2016 Palomino SS-1200
“Unfortunately, we left our kettle on the stove, partially full of water. It took the short route to the floor which received several bad dents. Some of them I was able to press back out with a carefully crafted stick of wood from the next campground. We have traveled with those memory marks for all of our regular camping around home, plus three extensive trips across North America. We also have several chipped dishes because we did not close the upper cabinet door.
The one we love to tell about is the time we stopped at a tourist bureau for information. I stayed outside in the camper to make tea for the road while my wife proceeded inside the bureau. Out she comes with the information and we are quickly on our way.
She turns to me after several miles down the road and asks about the tea. Oh my soul, it’s still on the stove steeping. I come to a very slow stop and go inside the camper, expecting a catastrophic mess. There sits the tea on the stove and the two travel mugs on the table ready to be used.
We both sat right down and added cookies to the fare and thanked the good Lord for the safe passage. The tea was well steeped!” – Lewis Turner, 2003 GMC 2500HD, 2008 Northern Lite SE
“On one of the very first trips to the mountains of Colorado, my mother went with me and my four kids. My wife was studying for a college exam and couldn’t go on that trip. She made a very large bowl of potato salad for the rest of us to enjoy on that mountain trip.
When we got to the first food stop we set up before opening the camper’s back door. There had been a big KA-BOOM that none of us heard because we were so busy having a great time in the roomy crew cab. But when we opened the camper door, there was the much-looked-forward-to special potato salad all over the floor and the bowl smashed into many pieces.
The Lesson? Make sure both the upper and lower pins that hold the refrigerator door closed are in place. Of course we’ve gone down the road a time or two with the back door held open, again not checking before starting the truck. We quickly developed a checklist.” – Jack Fletcher, 1969 Dodge 2500, 1969 Mitchell 11 foot