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Truck Camper Magazine Announces All-New Website

It’s finally time to reveal what we’ve been working on for the better part of two months; an all-new, totally redesigned Truck Camper Magazine website.


Welcome to the new Truck Camper Magazine!

As you can see, we have kept the basic structure of the old website while refreshing the visual aesthetic and layout to make the new website more clear and easy to use.

We started by simplifying the main navigation and adding a drop-down Features section.  If you can’t find a favorite section from the old site, it’s now in the Features drop-down.  We are very excited about the new Features drop-down because it gives us the flexibility to add new content sections.

Speaking of new content sections, readers have been asking us to create a section for Question of the Week responses for years.  Previously, these responses were in the Blog section and would all-but disappear after a few months time.  Now we have a Question of the Week section in the Features drop-down with 42 Question of the Week responses.  Check it out; Question of the Week.

Another enhancement is the addition of the social media icons at the top left of the website.  Along with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube we have added Google+ and Pinterest.  If you haven’t seen our Pinterest page, it’s definitely worth checking out.  In the almost four years since our last major refresh, social media has become an increasingly important and active part of our readership base.  Putting these icons top left makes our social media pages easier to find so you can join the conversations.

Everything else is essentially just new banners, new icons, new logos, and new graphics.  Of course there’s always more in development, but those announcements will have to wait for another day.

Your Feedback Wanted

Please tell us what you think of the new Truck Camper Magazine.

Also, if the new website doesn’t look right at first, please clear your cache and refresh your browser a few times.  The first time you visit a refreshed website it can take time to properly load.  After a few reloads it should look like the image below our signatures.  If it doesn’t, please let us know.

Click here to give us your feedback on the new TCM

As always, thank you for reading Truck Camper Magazine.  We hope you like our new website.


Gordon and Angela White
Truck Camper Magazine

The new website should appear like this (if it doesn’t clear your browser’s cache and refresh the site a few times):



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Truck Camper
Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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