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Adventurer Manufacturing Acquires Eagle Cap Campers

James Epp, President of Adventurer Manufacturing, announces the acquisition of Eagle Cap Campers.  TCM talks to James for the details.

Adventurer Manufacturing Acquires Eagle Cap Campers

Late yesterday afternoon we received notice that Adventurer Manufacturing had acquired Eagle Cap Campers.  To get the official story behind this acquisition, we talked to James Epp, President of Adventurer Manufacturing.

TCM: How did the acquisition of Eagle Cap come to happen?

James: We became aware of the opportunity to acquire Eagle Cap last summer and gave it consideration immediately.  We finalized the acquisition internally yesterday and sent out a press release.

TCM: Is Eagle Cap moving?

James: Yes.  We initially considered running Eagle Cap as a stand alone company in La Grande, Oregon.  After much consideration, we decided that we could best serve the Eagle Cap product by manufacturing the campers in Yakima, Washington.

Adventurer in Yakima has the capacity, production team, and product development talent to take Eagle Cap Campers to the next level.  We plan to run Eagle Cap Campers down their own production line side-by-side with the Adventurer production line.

TCM: Will existing Eagle Cap warranties be honored?

James: Yes, we are honoring Eagle Cap warranties.  Eagle Cap warranties will be administrated through our existing channels at Adventurer in Yakima.  Warranty work will be set up through Eagle Cap dealers.  Whether an Eagle Cap customer bought their camper a month ago or two years ago, this should be great news.

TCM: Are there changes planned for the Eagle Cap product line?

James: Cosmetically, there will be very few changes.  From a structural and engineering perspective, we are going to review each of the Eagle Cap products and may fine tune the line.

TCM: Will you keep the wrap around fiberglass front nose and rear end caps?

James: Absolutely.  I can’t commit to where in Washington State the fiberglass caps will be manufactured, but we have the fiberglass molds and will keep the fiberglass features that made Eagle Cap campers unique in the marketplace.

TCM: When do you anticipate having the first Eagle Cap off the new production line?

James: Early in the new year.

TCM: Will all existing Eagle Cap dealers continue to sell, warranty, and service Eagle Cap Campers?

James: Our hope is to continue to service our customers through reinvigorated Eagle Cap dealers.  We will keep all dealers who are committed to Eagle Cap and share our passion for success.

TCM: Why are you bringing an Eagle Cap Camper to the industry only show in Louisville next week?

James: The show in Louisville, Kentucky is a flagship event and an opportunity to make a statement to Eagle Cap dealers.  The statement is that the Eagle Cap Camper you’ve seen in the past from a cosmetic perspective is what your going to see in the future.

At Louisville, our product development team will also gather feedback from the Eagle Cap dealers on improvements they would like to see on the Eagle Cap product line.  There’s no better way to accomplish this than by having the dealers walk into a unit.

TCM: Is there anything we didn’t ask that you would like to add to this announcement?

James: I want to reiterate that this is great news for Eagle Cap owners.  They will be serviced with diligence through our Yakima, Washington location.

The other thing consumers need to know is that we will keep Eagle Cap Campers unique.  We are committed to keep the features that make Eagle Cap a great truck camper brand in the marketplace.

We believe that as the industry strengthens and comes back, Eagle Cap Campers will be well positioned to flourish.  Our team is strong and passionate about taking Eagle Cap to the next level.

TCM: Thank you James.  We’ll see you in Louisville.

James: You’re welcome.

For more information about Adventurer Manufacturing, visit their website at


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