Truck Camper News

Camper Chooser: Find Your Best Truck Camper

The Camper Chooser helps you to find your best truck camper.  Warning: The Camper Chooser is fun, fast, and addictive.  What’s your best truck camper?

Truck Camper Chooser System


In the spring of 2015, we published, “The Best Truck Camper”.  The article answered a reader question we hear often; “Who makes the best truck camper?”

The response, as you might imagine, was considerable.  Sorting through the reader feedback, one request repeated again and again; “Please automate the best truck camper process”.

At the time, our website did not have the required database and sort technology.  Thankfully, we were already planning an all-new website and made this technology an important part of our development process.

Introducing the Camper Chooser

Imagine if there was form that asked you a few questions and then revealed which truck camper was the best match for you.  Wouldn’t that be great?

After writing “The Best Truck Camper” we knew exactly what questions that form would need to ask.  We also had current and industry-verified Buyers Guide information to populate the required database.

Well, we finally did it.  Actually, Angela did it.  Angela designed it on paper, variable by variable, camper by camper, and then programmed the system in a matter of days.  Thank you, Angela.

Per the original vision, the Camper Chooser is very simple to use.  When you start the Camper Chooser, you will be asked to choose a hard side or a pop-up truck camper.  From that point forward, the available choices will change depending upon what camper models fit your selections.

When your selections have narrowed the truck camper options down, the Camper Chooser will reveal the truck camper model(s) that fit your selected criteria – your best truck camper(s).

Camper Chooser Tips and Tricks

1. We strongly recommend reading “The Best Truck Camper” prior to using the Camper Chooser.  This will explain the process the Camper Chooser takes, and its purpose.

2. Prior to launching the system, have your truck camper preferences in mind.  For starters, pop-up or hard side, long bed or short bed, non-slide or slide, and wet bath or dry bath?

3. Once you have the results, research the named truck campers in the TCM Buyers Guide and read, “Matching a Truck and Camper”.

The TCM Buyers Guide will show you the MSRP, dry weight, wet weight, dimensions, holding tank sizes, and other important capacities and specifications of the units.  “Matching a Truck and Camper” will show you how to properly payload match the truck campers to a truck.

4. With your final selection ready, visit the Dealer Inventory section and find the closest dealer with the brand and model you have discovered.  Then stop reading TCM and go check out some truck campers!

Find Your Best Truck Camper

We are very excited to launch yet another powerful tool to help you find your best truck camper. Alongside the TCM Buyers Guide, Newbie Corner, and our in-depth Reviews, the Camper Chooser will make finding your best truck camper easier, better, and more fun.



Truck Camper Chooser
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