TCM walked the expansive camping fields at Overland Expo West and photographed 122 magnificent truck camping rigs. Tired of the shiny new fru-fru at Expo West? Take a look at what actual truck camper owners brought to the event. Bonus discoveries ahead!
Saturday at Overland Expo West is a zoo. Crowds from the camping fields and the day pass parking lots fill the show aisles, walkways, and booths to human capacity, and then some. This is not conducive to talking with industry leaders, photography, or really anything on our Truck Camper Magazine docket. So what do we do? We zig when everyone else is zaggin’.
First thing Saturday morning, Angela and I went to separate areas of the camping fields and went searching for truck campers. Think Easter egg hunting, only better. With the population of a small town packed into the expo, the camping fields were nearly empty exposing dozens upon dozens of truck and camper rigs set up for a real truck camping.
Almost none of the impossibly clean, impossibly fancy, impossibly expensive truck camper fru-fru on display at the show were to be found. The truck campers in the field were real rigs, owned by real truck campers, really truck camping. Love it!
As a bonus, we are including—in no particular order—some of the random non-demountable rigs and vehicles that caught our attention along the way. After all, it’s Overland Expo and people being some of the craziest stuff imaginable. Can a VW beetle be overland? Apparently so.
Take a walk around the camping field with us to see the demountable hard sides, pop-ups, and pickup tent toppers that we found at Overland Expo West 2024:
Here are some other fun rigs in the camping fields of Overland Expo West 2024: