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Operating a Slide Out Camper With a Dead Battery

There are three ways to operate your slide mechanism if your camper’s battery is dead.  First, you can plug in your camper to shore power and operate the slide mechanism with the shore power.  Second, you can run a generator to move your slide-out room.  And finally, you can start your truck and run your slide mechanism with the power from your truck.

Some slide out camper mechanisms allow the slides to be operated manually.  For example, Arctic Fox slides are designed to be manually operated through an outside compartment door.  To move the slide, the campers come with a tool called a T-assist handle.

Using the T-Assist Handle For Your Slide-Out Camper

Slide Out Camper T-Assist handle pieces

The T-assist handle quickly assembles to manually move a slide out room.

Manual Crank T-Assist Handle Camper Slide Out

In the Arctic Fox camper Doug showed us, the T-assist handle was located under the step leading to the dinette.  For his demonstration, Doug assembled the T-assist handle, opened the outside compartment door, and disengaged the slide mechanism motor by pulling a handle on the motor.

Manual Crank Slide Out Camper Area

Opening the exterior door, Doug demonstrates manually moving a slide with the T-assist handle.

How To Use A Manual Crank For A Slide Out Room

Doug connects the handle to the slide-out gear mechanism on the motor.  Once it is connected, the slide room can easily be moved manually by turning the T-assist handle.  It works well and can really save the day in the rare case of a slide-out mechanism failure.

Continue Reading About Slide Out Campers:
Slide Out Camper Seal Maintenance
How To Winterize A Slide Out Truck Camper
Slide Out Camper Maintenance and Use

Check out more articles on how to maintain your truck camper.


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