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$100 Fuel Card Contest: 2012 Top Mod Showdown

Show us your best truck camper modification for a chance to win a $100 fuel card and bragging rights of the Top Truck Camper Modder for 2012.

Camper Modification contest

Walking through the truck campers at the Lobstah Bash last month reminded us of how much fun we had with our 2009 Camper Mod Showdown Contest.  Before us was indisputable evidence that our wonderful readers have made some incredible truck camper modifications since then.  Plus, we have added thousands of new readers in the past three years with fresh and exciting truck camper mods to share.

And that’s when we realized… It’s time for another all-out truck camper modification showdown contest!

What qualifies as a truck camper modification?

A truck camper modification is physical change you made to your truck camper to improve the stock design, appearance, or functionality of your truck camper.  A modification can be a simple cosmetic change like new fabric for the seat cushions, or a floor plan change like a re-arrangement of the camper dinette, or the addition of a new or better component or appliance, and anything in between.  Interior and exterior truck camper modifications and decorations count.

The best modifications are things you did to improve the aesthetics or function of the camper to better suit your personal needs.  Did you alter your camper to make it better work for your truck camping lifestyle?  Chances are you made a qualifying modification.

Every modification counts.  Just because a modification is simple or small doesn’t mean it won’t win.  We’re looking for clever ideas, not just big projects.

Here are the contest rules:

1. Submitted camper modifications must have been made by yourself on your own truck camper.  We have a small army of well trained cats who will circle the globe to verify this.

2. Camper modifications must result in a physical change to the camper; cosmetic, decorative, and/or functional.  Repairs do not count, unless they also improved the stock design, appearance, or functionality of the truck camper.

3. You can enter up to three modifications per truck camper.

4. Please include a brief written description of each modification, why you did the modification, and how the modification has worked out.

5. If possible, please include photography of your modifications as a bonus.  At least one photograph per modification is preferred, more is better.

6. The deadline for entries is 11:59pm PST, Saturday, June 16th.  That’s this coming Saturday!

7. Send your submissions to [email protected].  Please include your first name, last name, and home state.  Please also include the year, make, and model of your truck and camper.

For example:

Gordon White, Pennsylvania
1998 Dodge Ram 3500
2012 Travel Lite 1000 SLRX Ultra

That’s it!  $100 fuel card is on the line.  May the best truck camper mod win.


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Truck Camper
Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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