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Zero Breeze 2 Battery Powered Air Conditioner

Infinite Explorers showcase the Zero Breeze 2 portable battery-powered air conditioner. Could this device keep you cool while boondocking?

Zero Breeze 2 Infinite Explorers

Portable battery-powered air conditioning has been something of a holy grail for off-grid truck campers. Recently there’s been some significant breakthroughs in 12-volt air conditioners that can run on larger (300 amp hours and above) house lithium battery banks, but the battery AC has remained a challenge.

The one exception to this is the Zero Breeze 2 ($999 USD). When we first came across this portable battery-powered (optional) air conditioner in July of 2020, we contacted the company for information. They didn’t respond so we moved on. Consider our enthusiasm chilled.

Fortunately, it appears that Zero Breeze has emerged from the vaporware to produce a very real and seeming effective product. We still haven’t put our hot hands on one of these cooling devices, but we were happy to see Matt and Sarah of Infinite Explorers have. Nice score you two. You beat us to it!

Matt and Sarah have put together a straightforward run down of the Zero Breeze 2 product, what it can do, and – more importantly – what it really can’t. First off, at 2,300-BTU, the Zero Breeze 2 is more of a directional area fan than something you’ll use to cool off your entire camper. Want air-conditioned air in your dinette or cabover? This product can do that. Want to cool down your entire double-slide? Forget-about-it.

Second, the five-hour battery is optional and expensive ($699 USD). The price comes down considerably if you order the Zero Breeze 2 with a battery ($1,499 USD for both).

Another wrinkle is the multiple extendable hoses – one for air take-in, one for hot air removal, and one for the condensated water that collects – that need to be handled. The set-up and installation of the device and these hoses should be considered prior to purchase.

Matt and Sarah go into more detail and show the Zero Breeze 2 in action in their Arctic Fox truck camper. Thank you, Infinite Explorers!

Feel free to follow along with Infinite Explorers on Instagram and YouTube.



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