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Truck Camping To Denali National Park

Denali National Park By Truck Camper

MAK and Owen of Bound For Nowhere have produced an informative truck camping (and beyond) lifestyle video about exploring Denali National Park in Alaska and the surrounding area.

Denali requires everyone to leave their cars, RVs, and campers behind and take a bus. From there MAK and Owen reveal what you can see and do from the bus including gorgeous shots of Denali. Their video work of Denali’s mountains, valleys, waterways, and wildlife had us underlining the National Park on our bucket list.

Leaving their camper behind, they tent camp at Wonder Lake Campground and go a hike. This shows how your camper can be a basecamp for hiking and tenting. Just because you have a truck camper doesn’t mean you can’t go tenting anymore, unless you want to.

As a side note, these two live full-time in a flatbed Four Wheel Camper and have mastered the art of maximizing storage. The video showcases numerous ways they pack food, clothing, and gear down to the smallest possible size and weight. We were particularly keen on their pre-packaged meals. Pay attention and you might pick up an idea or two.

Nice work, MAK and Owen! Your production values are getting better and better. The beaver sighting at the 17-minute mark was truly remarkable.

For more information about these two and their story, check out, “The Hard Road To Independence” in Truck Camper Magazine or visit MAK and Owen’s YouTube channel.



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