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Demountable Chassis Mount Fire Truck Uses Happijac Jacks

Demountable Fire Truck Happijac

I am endlessly fascinated with different ways to mount and demount truck campers. Sometimes this inspiration comes from outside the industry, like in this demountable flatbed and fire truck concept.

What really caught our attention are the removable Happijac jacks. The manual jacks have been modified with bracing and tongues that insert under the flatbed. Once installed, they run a beam between the jack posts and crank up the jacks to remove the flatbed. The bracing presumably adds strength and stability once the flatbed is removed.

The video shows a flatbed being removed with this approach, followed by the mounting of a fire truck body; all with removable Happijac jacks. They show the use of manual Happijac jacks and a lot of hand cranking. Someone needs to get these guys a cordless drill!

We know a lot of truck campers that would leave their jacks at home if there was an easy way to remove and re-install them. We also know a lot of folks would love to go with a flatbed design. And who doesn’t want their other camper to be a fire truck? Whatever your take is, there are a number of clever design ideas here. Hey industry, check this out.



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