Truck Camper News

2018 Ultimate Truck Camper Survey

Take the 2018 Ultimate Truck Camper Survey and determine the future of truck camper design, materials, construction, features, and options.  The truck campers of tomorrow start here.  Take the survey, and weigh in.

2018 Truck Camper Survey

Every two years, Truck Camper Magazine conducts an in-depth survey on exactly what you want in your next truck camper.  The results are carefully examined by the entire truck camper industry as a definitive source of consumer preferences and demand.

Your selections will have a profound impact on the future truck camper design, materials, construction, features, and options.  In fact, many elements of today’s truck campers were determined by past Ultimate Truck Camper Survey results.

To further encourage your participation, we have some good news.  Overnight our team of elite ninja cats stole your truck camper, destroyed it, and placed the shredded remains in the parking lot of your insurance company.  Thank you ninja cats!

Now that you’re in the market, please take a few minutes to complete the 2018 Ultimate Truck Camper Survey.  Start by selecting the survey that best represents the type of truck camper you prefer; hard-side or pop-up.  You can take both surveys if you’re interested in both camper types.



Thank you for taking the 2018 Ultimate Truck Camper Survey!


Gordon White, Publisher
Truck Camper Magazine


Truck Camper Chooser
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