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Feedback Request: New Website and Email Alert

The response to the all-new Truck Camper Magazine website and Email Alert has been incredibly positive.  That said, we are always looking for ways to improve the presentation and ease of use.  On that note, we want your feedback.

We will read and strongly consider every submitted comment.  Thank you!

1. New Website

The all-new Truck Camper Magazine launched last week with a fresh design and navigation.  The look and feel of the website underwent some significant changes, as did the content structure.

TCM Homepage Featuring Discover Truck Camping

Above: The new Truck Camper Magazine homepage

What do you think of the all-new Truck Camper Magazine website?  Please focus your feedback on the overall website presentation, functionality and ease of use.  The feedback form is at the bottom of this page.

2. New Email Alert

As a Truck Camper Magazine subscriber, you receive an email from us twice a week alerting you to the new published content.  The article links in the Email Alert link directly to the articles on the Truck Camper Magazine website.

Readers have already shared some good feedback since the launch last week.  For example, the black background made the blue and red text hard to read.  To fix this, the main text area now has a white background.

There also were some compatibility issues with few Windows desktop systems.  For those Windows systems, the Email Alert font was replaced with very small type.  To address this problem, we changed to a more universal font.  If you are still experiencing one of these two issues, please let us know.

Email 2019 Upgrade

Above: What the new Email Alert should look like.  Note the changed white background and width.

What do you think of the all-new Truck Camper Magazine Email Alert?  Again, please focus your feedback on the overall Email Alert presentation, functionality and ease of use.

To give us constructive feedback, please answer the form below.


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Truck Camper
Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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