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2018 TCM Reader Survey: What You Like And What You Want Changed

We have read every comment and have made detailed notes on what you like and want changed about Truck Camper Magazine. We have also made a few references to the Frequently Asked Questions and answered a few comments and questions. Thank you for your feedback.

I always enjoy your stories about how people that are full-timing in a truck camper and how they earn a living.

I love the mods and have found a lot of ideas.

Love the monthly mod contests and yearly calendar photo contest. I participate in both!

Always looking for new gear to make camping easier. Also enjoy the mod articles.

I’ve used your maintenance and camper review archives numerous times before buying a camper in 2017. I very much appreciate your publication and the ability to search archives. I love the new camper reviews, too.

Good source for truck camper information.

Great resource. Get great modification and where to visit ideas from folks with experience in truck camping. Love the pictures to inspire us.

Mods and travel articles.

More reviews of smaller light weight campers including midsize truck campers.

We all know what CYA is, but your obsession with staying below manufacturers ratings is over the top. There are millions of trucks on the road which have been modified to successfully carry heavier loads, and they are all doing fine. Get a life. Lighten up a bit and perhaps read some of the comments about you in the various forums on the internet. A lot of campers shake their heads at your unbending attitudes.

Editor’s Note: We are obsessed with the safety of our readership. People read Truck Camper Magazine and spend tens of thousands of hard-earned dollars to assemble road-traveling vehicles based on our information. That’s a responsibility we take very seriously. Let people shake their heads at our unbending attitude towards safety. Safety first. No compromise.

It’s short, sweet, and to the point. It’s weekly.

TCM is fine the way it is.

TCM is a great portal to all that is truck campers, of which I am obsessed. However, I didn’t end up buying a truck camper opting for an Airstream instead. The sole reason was the kayak dilemma. But I continue to use TCM for updates on the industry, education, and selection in hopes we will get the answer to our needs.

Editor’s Note: Kayak dilemma? You need to read, “Canoes, Kayaks, and Inflatable Boats – Part 1” and, “Canoes, Kayaks, and Inflatable Boats – Part 2“.

The only thing I would change is that there are truck campers out there you don’t talk about, and it may be you don’t approve of their quality, but I can be the judge of that.

Editor’s Note: See FAQ question number 7 – Why doesn’t every truck camper manufacturer, gear company, and dealership participate with Truck Camper Magazine?

Your off-road adventure stories give me lots of ideas of places to go and things to do. Your being a stickler for matching truck and camper weights are important cautionary tales for newbies that would otherwise get sucked into the biggest and most luxurious campers- which I have found almost all the dealers to exaggerate. You do a great job!

Don’t touch a thing. It’s great just like it is!

Nothing. Keep doing what you guys are doing. I appreciate that you guys have been very consistent in the quality that you provide with each release. So much so, that it is apparent to me that truck camper manufacturers are listening to you and your followers. That level of influence is hugr in my opinion and definitely results in a higher level of customer service for all of us. Integrity is everything.

We are new to TCM. Used it when recently purchasing a 2018 990 Arctic Fox. Have recommended TCM to a lot of people. Wish we had known about it long ago. We like the archived articles. We especially like reading about what other campers do because we have traveled to all the Canadian Provinces and US states (except Hawaii), so always looking for new things to do. A recent article has us talking about doing the Maritime Provinces again.

More tech stuff.

Editor’s Note: I agree.

I like articles with truck camping hints and tips. I’m still exploring your content so I don’t have any changes.

Current information on truck camper subjects.

I knew nothing about truck campers until I started researching them on the web. Of all the sources I looked at, nothing was better organized, easier to understand, and had more clarity than this on-line site. I found it more helpful to look up information on specific models here than even on most of the manufacturer’s websites that I looked at. I’m going to purchase something in 2018 and probably 75-percent of the information I’m using to evaluate models has come from this site.

I understand for liability reasons you must state that you never should overload your truck. However, your constant rant on truck and camper matching is to the point of being OCD and gets very annoying reading time after time. Make your point of the truck and camper match in a couple of sentences, and leave it at that. Stop the long ramble over that topic. It’s annoying.

Editor’s Note: I will never stop focusing on proper truck and camper matching and overall truck camper safety. Never.

The destinations archive. Modifications done to different truck camper units.

I cannot think of a thing to change right now. You are dedicated and passionate about truck campers and I like that. We love our truck camper because it suits our lifestyle and like your magazine because you can’t find more relevant truck camping information elsewhere. Thank you and keep it going!

Like: Your humor and the broad range of unbiased information.
Change: More pictures of Harley camping, please.

Editor: Imagine a cat sleeping, napping, and otherwise lazing around. That’s it.

Unbiased reviews of campers and gear. Gordon and Angela tell it like it is with honesty and humor.

I recently received a free sample of an RV magazine directed at owners of vintage trailers and was immediately struck by the contrast to Truck Camper Magazine. The vintage trailer magazine was full of grammatical errors, the articles lacked depth, and they were not well written. It made me appreciate all the more the quality of Truck Camper Magazine!

Great stories about places to visit.

Let me just say it’s one of the few emails that I actually open. TCM is one of a kind and fills a niche. Where else would we go besides maybe a truck camper forum? Sorry, I can’t really suggest a change.

Enjoy the mods. Great practical ideas.

We’ve been truck camping since 2003, but only discovered TCM a couple years back. The mods are terrific, reviews are great, and we really appreciate the advocacy. Your recent article on the politics of truck camper exclusion in the RVIA’s, “What kind of RVer are you?” was superb. I had no idea of the issues involved. And great interview about the sale of Lance Campers to REV Group.

We really appreciate the effort you put into the e-mag. Our leap-of-faith from “off the ground” to a truck camper in 2003 has been richly rewarded. And, better late than never, we’re so pleased to have you along for the ride.

I like everything about TCM and I look forward to every issue. Gordon and Angela do a fantastic job. Our truck camper gets a lot of interest when we are on the road (at least weekly) and I refer people to TCM‘s website.

Editor’s Note: Thank you for spreading the word about TCM. That means a lot to us.

I like your witty writing style. It’s very personable. I like the in-depth reviews of truck campers and your nit-picks. I don’t own a camper and you bring up interesting outlooks. Your coverage of Lifestyle stories is entertaining and informative. Keep up the good work.

I love TCM just the way it is.

I enjoy the interviews with other truck campers and the destinations that they travel to.

Availability of truck camper and gear information, which I used in 2016 and 2017 to search for and select the Arctic Fox 990 I bought in January of 2017 and related gear before and since.

More articles geared towards fixing old campers rather than purchasing new.

Truck Camper Magazine is a tremendous information resource, and makes me feel connected to others with similar interests. I completely trust the information I find here, and love getting the “insider” view. But what I like best is Gordon and Angela, and how their personalities shine through their writing. Thanks guys for the information, the access, and the entertainment.

The gear reviews.

Maybe more videos relating to truck camper repair or upgrades.

Good format with lots of info. Keep up the good work.

A well rounded publication covering all aspects of the truck camper world.

The information and mod contests.

The content is truck camper focused.

Lifestyle stories, equipment and gear info, camper reviews, and truck reviews.

TCM needs an unedited column for owners to declare manufacture shortcomings on quality that cost us hundreds. Since they sponsor TCM, you’re in a tough spot. But, without reader support, you have a lesser magazine. Quality from all manufactures will increase as to not be exposed. And they will want positive exposure for repairing the poor quality mistakes – or doing the long term repairs at a fair cost. That’s exactly what happens in the auto and truck industry. They’re called recalls. Mistakes happen in all complicated manufacturing. I actually think the truck camper industry would welcome a chance to correct versus lose sales due to word of mouth and reputation.

Editor’s Note: Quality and quality control is an ongoing concern in the overall RV marketplace. To the best of our knowledge, automotive recalls and lemon laws do not apply to the RV marketplace. To learn about a brand’s long-term quality, customer service, and reliability, we recommend talking directly with truck camper owners at truck camper rallies and online via truck camper forums and truck camper owners groups.

Everything is awesome. Keep up the great work!

Keeps me informed and up to date on latest mods and items for truck campers. I also like travel stories.

Great information, photos, and stories.

I like the mod contest as it gives me lots of ideas on modifications I might do with my camper. I find Gordon’s reviews of campers and camping equipment to be very helpful and generally “spot on”! I think it is phenomenal that he is such a supporter of and advocate for truck camping.

I also like submitting and reading Question of the Week responses. There are very few truck camper enthusiasts where I live and being able to participate in the Question of the Week forum gives me a sense of connectivity with other truck campers.

If I could change anything about TCM I guess it would have to be in regards to the geographic areas of the United States that are featured as travel destinations. I know that truck camping is more prevalent in The West than in the Lake States and in The East. Just the same, it seems that many articles concentrate on the opportunities for truck camping in The West with the other areas of the US getting somewhat neglected. Being from one of the Lake States (Wisconsin), I would like some ideas on truck camping adventures closer to home.

Editor’s Note: You have a fair point. We will work on an East Coast and/or Lake States destination story. Thank you.

I enjoy the reviews and introductions to current and upcoming truck camper models. I would like to see a more specific listing of likely truck models and campers included with each review. For instance, a recommendation that “Truck camper model A is best paired with a one-ton dually such as the TruckBrand 350 SuperPickup with a long bed”.

Editor’s Note: It would be great to have pre-matched truck and camper rig suggestions, but there are a lot of variables and individual preferences to consider. We will look into this.

Like: Reader mods. Don’t like: Nothing.

Your independent attitudes. Telling it like it really is without allowing pressure from the manufacturers put words in your mouth. Your articles are not only informative but very entertaining. Love you guys!

Timely information without all the small bits of advertisement falling onto the floor.

We love the functional information available to us on the site including camper brands, gear, mods and maintenance. We also find the reader suggestions offered via the “Question of the Week” to be invaluable in helping us choose the right gear and mod options for our new Northstar.

We would love to see more articles and information on mods and gear, perhaps even a well-administered forum for sharing of information and advice. We would also be very enticed by a “pro deal” type of arrangement, whereby TCM would offer compelling discounts to TCM subscribers on truck camper gear and select adventure/expedition/camping gear brands such as Oztent, Torklift, Thetford, Dometic, Fiamma, Weber, Frontrunner, etc.

Editor’s Note: Interesting suggestion for the discount program. See FAQ question number 24 – Why doesn’t Truck Camper Magazine have an online forum?

That it has the ‘pulse’ of the industry.

Focus is just on truck campers.

Your headlines are a tad proud for my taste.

Editor’s Note: We are unashamedly proud of the truck camper industry and community. If that comes through in our headlines, so be it.

More lifestyle articles. I really enjoy the mods.

I like most everything about TCM. It is my favorite read twice a week. Articles which provide information on interesting destinations and networking are especially appreciated.

The how to articles, travel articles, and mods.

I like it all.

Lots of useful information.

I particularly like that the magazine is dedicated to truck campers! Keep up supporting and looking out for us.

I would recommend that you keep discontinued camper models in your truck camper Buyers Guide and not just include new campers. Previously owned models may be the best buy for those on a tighter budget, and your camper finder would be very helpful in that regard. You already had the info if it was included in a previous version. You could just note that it is no longer in production.

Editor’s Note: Good point. We’ll look into a discontinued camper archive.

I like the mod of the month. I would like to see more features about where truck campers travel in the East Coast as well as the western use.

Editor’s Note: Another East Coast destination request! Got it.

I like the reviews and your interviews with camper manufacturers.

I like the mods, hearing about the technological advancements, and national and state park circuits. My suggestions for additional content includes what one needs for an Alaska Highway trip to the Arctic Circle, techniques to deal with weight and stability issues, and leveling techniques.

Editor’s Note: Check out our Alaska and Canada sections.

I like Truck Camper Magazine for all of the information it shares.

Don’t change anything.

Love the in-depth reviews of gear and equipment.

Please address the shortage of RV parks and places to stay, not so much high priced “resorts”.

Editor’s Note: There does seem to be an emerging problem with too much demand being placed on campgrounds and escalating campground prices. We experience it too. Look into BLM, Harvest Hosts, and other free or inexpensive camping opportunities. Our lifestyle stories are full of examples.

I like articles regarding equipment use and modifications. I do not believe any changes are necessary. Keep up the great work.

I look forward to your articles twice a week. It keeps the truck camping spirit alive through the grey and rainy winters. In summer it drives me to get out and camp more, instead of doing chores. Thanks for all that you do. Keep up the good work.

Keep up the honest reviews and evaluations.

More articles about 12-foot flatbed campers.

I like the mods, interviews about rigs and destinations, and pictures.

It conveys information in a sincere manner and with integrity. Good technical conveyance. I would like to see more technical drawings and schematics of the actual systems that are utilized in truck campers.

I like the variety of articles, the mods, and technical content. I like the lighthearted “can do” perspective you have and realize your readers have a similar take on things. You realize we’re not dumb, like to learn new things, and live life to the fullest. Thanks for producing TCM and sharing it!

I’d like to see an article on home builds, or maybe truck camping history. I’m currently in a truck cap conversion, but would like to buy a full truck camper some time in the future.

Enjoy keeping up on the trends in truck camping. I also found a wonderful rally group to join (East Coast rallies) though the magazine.

It keeps me connected to the truck camper culture.

Yes, love it and no I don’t want it to change.

Love the mods!

Would love to see more destination articles east of the Mississippi. There are a few of us on the east side.

Editor’s Note: The third East Coast destination request. We are on it!

The articles about the truck camper lifestyle and ways to improve our camping experience.

The incredible places to go and explore.

Great writing style, in-depth interviews, articles and photos with good variety. The Question of the Week is a lot of fun and the mods are a good read with great ideas. TCM has something for everyone. Keep up the great work and thanks for our TCM connection.

Truck camper reviews, and the mod contests. You’re doing fine!

Mod contests.

I devour every issue. I am in Virginia and starved for truck camper news. This is the best source for up to date, relevant information. I love and need the Newbie Corner.

I enjoy all the articles. You do an excellent job in choosing what to post. Keep up the good work.

I like the destination articles the best. I would like to see more stories about boondocking.

I think you guys do a great job.


Would like more info on boondocking setups such as batteries and solar panels, etc.

Editor’s Note: Good idea. Maybe a Question of the Week on what folks have done to extend their boondocking capabilities and time?

I really like the camper reviews and the locations that some of your subscribers go to.

Honest, seemingly unbiased reporting.

I think you keep it fresh and interesting with a broad spectrum of articles for all types of people who are interested in truck campers. I don’t have any suggestions.

It is the only place with information concerning truck campers.

Great resource for seasoned truck camper owners, newbies, and anyone researching camper options. I’d like to see more on hitch types for towing, full-time truck camper stories, and links to more options for mods that we all seem to run across when we’re out camping.

More maintenance, modification, and installation articles.

I love everything about your magazine and all the hard work you both do.

I like the electronic format. The variety of topics means I can always find something which interests me.

Sometimes searching (for old topics) seems difficult and cumbersome.

Editor’s Note: Try using our search feature. Click on the magnifying glass symbol in the top right corner and enter a subject. Chances are you’ll find what you’re looking for, and then some.

Unbiased reviews, interesting destination pieces, up-to-date information on the latest things applying to truck camping – all written well and with a touch of humor. Thanks for a great magazine.

I’ve only been following your magazine for a couple of years, but I’ve felt the last year had fewer trip stories and camper/factory reviews that I have been interested in.

Editor’s Note: We may have had fewer lifestyle stories (trip stories), but we published more truck camper reviews in 2017 than ever before. There are lots of truck camping lifestyle stories and reviews in development.

More stories about boondocking.

I like everything about your magazine! You are the best promoter of the truck camper world we all know and love. Your articles are right on target, very informative, factual, unbiased, oftentimes witty, and I just really look forward to each and every e-mail alert I get from you! I read every article, and especially love the monthly mod contests where I have learned so much, and received inspiration to try to solve problems to make our TC life more enjoyable!

More technical articles.

I’d like to see more reviews and user submitted photos.

Really enjoy the TCM website overall. Please keep it up.

I think you do a great job.

I like all the features, but would really like more tech.

I really would not change anything. I would like to see more product reviews as I find your reviews to be very thorough and from an independent view point.

I like looking at campers I could never afford.

Keep up the good work!

I love that you are keeping pickup camping, activities, and uses alive.

More videos like you guys did way back.

I enjoy the facts about the industry and how surveying owners affects design. I also used the Camper Chooser to find the available brands with the proper weight. I did call GM to verify with my VIN the exact payload our vehicle will carry. It was larger than posted in the truck and I received a confirmation number from an engineer. The writing is fun and helpful in finding full enjoyment out of our camper.

Like it just the way it is. Keep up the good work!

You have done a good job covering a wide variety of truck camping topics. We read it twice a week. Don’t change anything for us.

Unbiased information, concisely presented, and laced with a bit of humor makes for enjoyable reading. I can’t think of anything significant that I would change.

Nice to hear what other truck campers do, where they go, what they modify, and new products.

I just signed up for Boondockers Welcome as a host and was wondering if you thought anything about having something like that with truck campers? Maybe there are too many out there already. With the lack of places to stay I believe this might be the next big thing for people to have a place to put up for the night. Reading RV Travel the number of rigs being manufacturerd each year and no new RV sites coming aboard and some closing or reducing the spots for yearly rental or making spots for cabins.

Lance owners (LOA) have a catching phrase; freeLOAders. I am a member but haven’t had anyone stop yet (except yourselves) but the site is hard to use and Eric is redoing it.

Editor’s Note: Interesting idea. Yours is the second comment concerned about diminishing places to camp. Clearly this is something we need to address.

Camper reviews. Maybe more on the trucks and what camper matches up best for certain trucks.

I like the mod contest and travel stories.

I like articles on trips, gear, and mods. I would like more of that.

Products from Europe, Australia, and South Africa are different than those of the United States. Could you cover any of them?

Editor’s Note: Sounds like a great idea, and one heck of a road trip. I wonder how our United States and Canadian readership would respond to more international c overage.

Like everything. Please don’t change a thing!

Please don’t change anything.

I like the camper reviews, info on camper mods, and travel stories. This would be quite an undertaking, but an interactive map of obscure truck camper destinations would be cool.

I’ve followed TCM since 2012, enjoying every article written! I recently purchased a 2002 Sun Valley Apache 8.6 WSSB. This purchase would not have happened without TCM and their advice. I would not change anything about what Gordon and Angela publish. Thank you for everything that you do!

Keeps me up to date in the truck camping world.

The reviews.

We just purchased our first truck camper and haven’t yet put it on the road. We especially enjoy articles from the Newbie Corner and articles about places to visit. We are currently struggling with how to locate the low underpasses. Until we have that information, I’m afraid each trip will be just a little bit nerve-racking!

Editor’s Note: Most of the low overpasses are on the East Coast. Once you’re into the Midwest and West Coast, they all but disappear – just like tolls! The only good answer to your concern is to always pay attention. When driving our rig, we are always looking out for low overpasses, trees, and wires. Make it a habit.

Love the articles on people and what they are doing with their truck campers.

I like the weekly email newsletter because of its content and because it is up to date in what is presented.

Love the reader surveys and questions and then getting to see the responses.

All things relevant to truck camping.

You’re doing just fine!

Truck Camper Magazine was instrumental in helping us to select a new truck camper for our planned trip to Alaska this summer. The reviews were extremely helpful, as it is very difficult to see many of the brands in the Eastern United States. Thanks TCM!

Everything is so great. I just retired and using camper a lot more now. Freedom is great. You all are doing a super job.

Love it as is.

Almost everything. Although it’s nice to see what is new, I also like to read about the older models and learn what is happening in the RV industry. Reading of the mods and additions people have made always gets me thinking about changes I can make to my RVs. Added topic: What impacts selling an RV? For example, if decals have curled, is it better to remove them without replacing them or buy new ones?

Editor’s Note: Condition, condition, condition. No leaks, well maintained seals, everything works, no funny smells, no obvious damage. Then price it right and watch it disappear.

Good quality content for those people who want to keep up with the industry and learn about truck campers.

I enjoy Truck Camper Magazine very much as is.

I like the travel articles.

Please keep up the good work. I enjoy all of your articles and features and will use the information provided to buy a truck camper when I retire.

The mods contest is the best! Love the reviews. You two are a crack-up!

Maybe do some older model camper reviews, as we can’t all afford a new one.

Editor’s Note: We need to do a better job with older campers. This topic comes up again and again.

Information and advice, particularly the Question of the Week and Mods, are invaluable. The lifestyle stories are also an excellent resource.

I’d like to hear more from Harley!

It is a fine magazine.

I like to see the stories about truck camper journeys. They give me ideas of places we would like to visit.

I enjoy seeing the mods that people have done.

I can do without all the dealers.

I like everything, especially the calendar contest and stories about truck camping travels.

The balanced review articles. I’m even laughing now at the dry humor! Always pleased to see the incremental improvements provided by your website. Look forward to every issue. I’ve been hooked since around 2007!

My favorite are the mod articles. With the size of our campers, it’s nice to see how others have been creative.

TCM is the best source of answers for nearly any truck camper question or problem. I really can’t think of any improvements that I could recommend except more articles on how people have improved their campers such as, (1) how to mount a generator on a camper not designed for generator, (2) how to improve the shower area. I have read some and I am in the process of a complete bath, shower and holding tank remodel.

Editor’s Note: Sounds like a future Mega Mod entry! And your generator question is a great future Question of the Week. Thank you!

Thank you for a great magazine.

It is interesting to read. I like the fact that there are multiple of items to choose to read rather than just one. I wish to see you advertised at RV Shows.

I would not change anything. You do a great job of offering a variety of articles!

Truck Camper Magazine has well researched information about buying and maintaining a truck camper. Brand specific forums would be useful.

Basic info for RV beginners thinking about going the truck camper route.

I like the new model, new gear, and off road articles. I love how you have assembled what is currently available into one site.

I would like to see more info on flatbeds – they are coming. I can’t imagine what a triple slide flatbed camper would look like. More info on truck trays (or flatbeds).

Articles on the used camper sector.

I like everything.

More articles in each issue, because I want to know more.

TCM is the only in-depth source of information on truck campers, the related equipment, and the lifestyle offered by truck campers. TCM was the only place on the web that we could find informed answers to the questions we had in our initial search for a truck camper. Dealers were always trying to sell us something and so we never really trusted their advice.

Content and style are unique and useful. Keep going!

All of it!

Stories from trips taken by truck campers. Good website serving the interests of truck campers.

More how to articles and reviews. It’s the small stuff I would need help with. For example, tying the camper down to the truck, hints on backing up to the camper, safety checks before hitting the road, and tips for a better ride. Plus articles for future buyers. I plan on purchasing a truck camper in a couple years when I retire and any article pertaining to expectations, truck and camper combinations, and prepping your truck would be helpful. Lastly, I would love to see TCM in a printed magazine format!

Editor’s Note: Great Newbie Corner article ideas. Thank you. See FAQ question number 31 – Why doesn’t Truck Camper Magazine have a print edition?

More destination stories.

Absolutely love TCM and recommend it to any other truck campers we run across. Very informative and helpful. I think my favorite articles are about mods as we plan to improve upon our camper instead of purchasing a new one.

I think you’re doing a good job. However, I don’t think you are critical enough in your reviews of campers.

Editor’s Note: There’s always room to improve, but TCM already has more pros and cons in our reviews than any other RV publication.

I like what you are doing and enjoy website. Keep up the good work.

I enjoy the mods and camping experiences.

Would like to see more about families with kids and truck campers. Find most everything on truck campers is for couples and very little for those with families.

Editor’s Note: Check out “Road Schooling With The Kids“, “Off-Grid With the Kids“, “Are Truck Campers Kid Friendly?” and “Two Adults, Three Kids, and One Truck Camper“.

Like every thing about TCM, would like to see more travel destination and or adventure articles.

I like the new campers, their layouts, and the new products for truck campers. I would like instructions on how to start a topic on the website.

Editor’s Note: Contact Us and suggest one.

I like the story about people and their adventures. What I don’t like is that there is not enough of these stories. It would be nice to see one an issue. These stories are what I look forward to. The anticipations is like the night before Christmas anticipation when I was a young lad. But the last several additions have been greatly disappointing. Something my wife and I like to do is sit together on the couch and read the adventure. We are new to truck camping.

Editor’s Note: If you’re new to truck camping, chances are you’re new to Truck Camper Magazine. If that’s the case, click on Features and start reading the Lifestyle Stories section. Once you finish that, start Off-Road Adventures, Extreme Rig Adventures…

I like the new products and modifications.

I like everything about TCM. I look at it at least once a day, sometimes more. I especially enjoy the lifestyle stories, destinations, and all the calendar pictures submitted. Angela and Gordon do a terrific job! I’m not sure I would change anything.

Best is maintenance issues and mods of all sizes.

I like everything I read, especially reader responses to Question of the Week. I wish your site had a “ASK US” where you could ask questions.

Editor’s Note: We have long thought about an, “Ask TCM” column. Maybe it’s time to give it a shot.

I can still dream and read the adventures of truck campers, especially boondocking and interesting National Parks. I enjoy the articles from various manufacturing facilities. Capri and Northstar Liberty would be my first choice of a truck camper.

Like it just like it is.

Could you put up an alternate index for back issues by topic? For example, I remembered your article on caulking but had to search for it. Thank you.

Editor’s Note: You can always use the search feature. Click on the hour glass in the top right corner and enter, “Caulking”. That article and many other related articles comes up.

We find the information on truck camper maintenance and mods most useful and interesting.

I can’t think of one thing I’d like changed about Truck Camper Magazine. We have a truck and camper setup that we love and that works perfectly for the two of us. That is in a large part due to information and insights we got from reading your magazine and speaking with Gordon. Above and beyond that is your responsiveness and genuine concern for your readers. You truly want the truck camping community to love what they do and be safe while doing it. Thank you!

I enjoy the stories that people submit. For example, taking on the more remote trails and areas. I enjoy nearly everything in your magazine.

I’m a big fan of reading about the truck camping adventures of others and touring their rigs and modifications. I also enjoy the manufacturing tours and their upcoming camping. Especially like your reviews of campers. Could we possibly get three articles a week? Time to grow.

Truck Camper Magazine’s articles and interviews are fun to read and informative. I always look forward to the mods contests for ideas!

I’m hoping you will review Arctic Fox campers (which I own) soon.

Editor’s Note: We reviewed the 2017 Arctic Fox 992 and Arctic Fox 990. More to come.

I like it as it is now. Change nothing.

The humor, in-depth reporting, and mods. I like the smaller mods as I’m majorly ‘mod-challenged’ with tools, etc. Would like to see what’s in peeps tool bags. I remember you had one, but might have missed it. Y’all are doing a great job. Love the “questions” as I probably hit 2-3 things in them for a Google search to figure out the things I simply can’t live without. Keep up the great job and thank you for your time and effort.

All is good, although so many mods junk up the camper. I like things perfect, not half ass.

Love everything. Change nothing.

The mods are very useful!

I like it the way it is.

I especially like the in-depth, unbiased reviews of new truck campers. I enjoy the humor that is often a part of an article. I like the fact that it is free, even though I would be willing to donate to the magazine. I can’t think of anything I would change. There seems to be something for everyone.

I would like to see more how-to and do-it-yourself articles about maintaining and repairing. Also, more places to access parts to repair and maintain campers and RVs in general. Dealers don’t want us to repair or maintain because they want to sell us a new one. At $40K a copy, I want to keep my camper as long as I can and be able to repair things like damaged outer skin and roof leaks myself. Show us how to do it and where to buy the parts.

Editor’s Note: Check out our Truck Camper Maintenance section. Focus on maintaining your seals.

Your content is excellent. There are only a couple of things I would like to see added or reviewed. Batteries for trucks and campers and tires. I believe these have been touched on in the past but some manufacturers have changed their product line. For instance, Sears no longer carries the Platinum battery. They are/were excellent. Must have been too good I suppose. No change necessary. Keep up the good work and thank you.

More mods and storage ideas.

An option to buy a bigger calendar!

Editor’s Note: We always look for a better calendar printer, but so far the other printers are much more expensive. We can usually sell the calendars for about $15 each. With’s deep Black Friday discounts, it’s a no brainer. The alternatives we have found are pushing $25 and even $30 each.

Like to see the different national parks and the boondocking adventures by the campers. I like to compare the trucks versus the campers as far as the total weight the truck can carry.

You cover so many great topics. When I see TCM in my email, everything else stops until I’m done reading. Your reports are fair and balanced, unlike most other reviews.

Keep up the great work!

I like gear reviews the best. I’m already an owner of a truck camper but looking for improvement ideas.

Just continue your fine work.

Too many emails. Have a longer span between articles with more articles.

Editor’s Note: We send out Email Alerts twice a week. If that’s too much, please unsubscribe and just check back now and then.

I have been reading since day one. Keep up the good work.

It gives me insight on what camper I would like to buy.

I like that it is free and delivered via email. I also like all items checked above in question #11, “Which types of Truck Camper Magazine content do you find most interesting?” A few times when I’ve submitted a response to a TCM question, Angela has responded directly to me. I really appreciate that personal approach and feel like I’m part of a community because of it. I really have no suggestions for improvement.

Dedicated to truck campers. Not a generic camper site.

Everything. Don’t screw it up.

Love the conversions, pictures, and articles showing people and their travels. Would like more articles on where to buy replacement parts for things you’re able to fix yourself.

Truck Camper Magazine keeps me up to date on modifications, new camper models, and maintenance tips.

I would love camper reviews on light-weight units for a Ford 150; camper weight around 2,000 pounds.

Love the information available and the stories. Would really like to see more info for the Midwest states.

Truck Camper Magazine was an excellent source in choosing a truck and camper, and finding a dealer.

Reader stories and gear reviews are my favorites, followed by mods, destinations, and pictures, pictures, pictures. Thanks for a great email magazine!

I enjoy reading about the adventures of other truck camper owners and would love to see more articles about European trips.

You are doing a very good job. Some of the surveys questions apply to Americans only.

Some Australian content.

Editor’s Note: This is amazing! We are hearing from more and more European and Australian readers. Check out our World Travel section and “Truck Camper Rigs Around the World“. And clear a space in your driveways. We’re coming over.

Informative and helpful for considering a truck, camper, and lifestyle for retirement and travel.

Maybe more factory upgrades that can be done and salvage yards for RVs.

I really like this magazine.

Love the mods. Love the destination articles.

Really like the whole thing.

Stop telling people that a pickup truck can carry a bigger truck camper than the reality. Most of the 1/2-ton truck campers really need a 3/4-ton truck. And all the big rigs that you show need a 450 or 550 truck. The real wet weight will be around 5,500 pounds. So forget it; a 1-ton truck it is not able to support those big campers. You have to calculate the full fuel tank, passengers, dog, potatoes chips, everything. Tell the truth.

Editor’s Note: It’s hard to believe that you’re suggesting that Truck Camper Magazine isn’t strong enough on the subject of safe and proper truck and camper payload matching. From our calculated wet weights in the Buyers Guide, to the Truck Recommendations in our Reviews, to the entire Newbie Corner, you will not find a more conservative voice on this topic.

Just keep up the good work! Always look forward to reading it.

I love the mod ideas and travel destinations the most.

Extend the list of suppliers to other manufacturer such as Host.

Editor’s Note: See FAQ question number 7 – Why doesn’t every truck camper manufacturer, gear company, and dealership participate with Truck Camper Magazine?

Twice weekly, good reviews on new truck campers, and other good stories. I would like to see more write ups on older truck campers.

I enjoy the lifestyle articles. Because of the wide variety of interests and background of your readers, it must be a constant balancing act to please everyone. I wouldn’t change anything.

I would like to see an article about how truck campers wire their winches, both front and rear.

Editor’s Note: We could do a winch Question of the Week, and ask about the wiring and set-up. Good idea.

I like reading the reviews and reading about new campers coming out. I also love seeing the mods. I currently have a travel trailer and would like to get a truck camper sometime. In the meantime, TCM serves as inspiration.

Review a wider range of products, Phoenix, Hallmark, Outfitter are some that I haven’t seen any info on.

Editor’s Note: Phoenix Campers and Hallmark RV have a lot of coverage in Truck Camper Magazine. Check out the Phoenix and Hallmark sections at the bottom of the website under Articles By Brand. Also see FAQ question number 7 – Why doesn’t every truck camper manufacturer, gear company, and dealership participate with Truck Camper Magazine?

Love the objective articles.

Full-time lifestyle articles, especially with Alaskan Campers.

Editor’s Note: We would love to interview someone living full-time in an Alaskan Camper!

Reviews of truck campers, especially non-slide.

DIY truck camper builds.

I am new to truck camper ownership, but have owned travel trailers in the past. I just recently discovered TCM so I read most anything you publish. I would like to see something about the structure and utilities which are hidden to me. Thanks, and keep on truckin’.

I like most everything. It is very informative and entertaining.

Ask the people you interview more about their MPG. What kind of mileage and what are their driving habits.

Convenient, always with me, and goes with our lifestyle of traveling. After reading a story, I can’t get back to home page without logging out and reloading the app. Maybe add a button to click on to return directly to homepage.

Editor’s Note: You can always click on the top logo to go to the homepage. If that doesn’t work, there might be an issue with your browser.

I like the camper review articles. I also like the mod contest articles. I would like to see more mechanical, electrical, and how-to articles.

I enjoy Truck Camper Magazine very much. Keep up the good work!

Love the reviews. Love the photos of truck campers.

Like your travel articles, mods articles, and pretty much everything. Don’t read much on new designs as I’m not in the market to spend that kind of money! We full-time now in our 5th wheel, but miss our slide-in. So we will be looking for a used camper to have for shorter trips. As a reader of your superb website since 2011, I’ve learned much from the information you provide. It has evolved every year, and is still the only site with comprehensive truck and camper data.

The hard work you’ve put in is revealed each and every week. I can’t think of anything you haven’t covered. Thanks again!

I like articles about boondocking areas in the wilderness. I enjoyed the article about the Bigfoot factory as we own a Bigfoot truck camper.

The reviews and lifestyle stories.

Love the stories and travel destination ideas.

I love the off-road stories and rigs. Nothing exemplifies the benefits of truck campers like these stories. Seeing the amazing places owners travel and the photos they take really inspire me to do more and go more places. I was even inspired to purchase a 4×4 truck to replace my 2WD truck I had used for many years.

I look forward to travel stories, camper brand interviews and reviews, calendar contest, and surveys. I enjoy most of the magazine. I wouldn’t know what to change.

I would like to see more manufacturers represented on your website.

See FAQ question number 7 – Why doesn’t every truck camper manufacturer, gear company, and dealership participate with Truck Camper Magazine?

I love the articles about people and their adventures.

I plan to go from a travel trailer to a truck camper. This site has wonderful information; everything you need. Don’t change anything.

My wife and I are planning to purchase a new truck and truck camper in the future. We enjoy the stories of real people traveling in truck campers! Reading your reviews also helped us to start a list of things to look for in a camper and how best to match the camper to the truck, or the truck to the camper.

Innovative format. My favorite non-print magazine.

Don’t stop!

I enjoy the twice weekly articles and reviews of all things related to truck campers. Always interesting to see what others have done with their camper mods and read about trips and adventures that others have experienced.

I like everything about TCM – just like it is.

Keeps me up to date with the RV camping community I like the most.

Everything. Don’t change a thing. You two do a great job. Thank you.

I like most of it. No need to change. Maybe add the odd truck review with specifics about truck behavior when carrying a camper. But I understand that may be too involved for your organization.

The interviews with the manufacturers.

I enjoy all your articles. I am growing tired of manufacturers only building heavy campers for heavy hauling trucks. Very very rarely using your formula does an actual half-ton truck camper come into the picture. I don’t read the heavy camp,er articles any more. There is plenty of those for every taste. Four Wheel seems to be the only American company paying attention to actual half-tons. Maybe Europe needs to start shipping over here. I have a 2,000 pound payload and Four Wheel is the only consideration. Keep up the good articles.

I enjoy the Lifestyle Stories and Off-Road Expedition stories. Please add more of these types of stories.

Doing a great service for truck camper owners.

I would like to see which state people are from when they submit or respond to TCM questions, articles, or mods.

Article content, pictures, and the calendar. I wouldn’t change anything. There is something for everyone.

I love your magazine. The only thing that I would like changed is the listing on your used camper listings be kept up to date better. It’s frustrating to see the same camper listed month after it has been sold.

Editor’s Note: We partner with the dealers to gather this information and request updates weekly. Some are better than others at keeping their inventory current.

I enjoy the interviews with manufacturer CEOs, Owners, and Presidents.

In-depth model reviews, gear reviews, and mods.

As I live in Australia, a lot is not relevant to us but the magazine is still great reading. Keep up the great work.

I like it all!

I mostly like the stories of people’s adventures and would like to see more of those.

Mods section and any info on pop-up truck campers.

I like the length of each issue. Some detailed info, but also quickly readable.

Like: Exposure to everything truck camper. Change: Make sure prices are up to date in the Camper Chooser, and add whether or not they are basement models.

Editor’s Note: The Camper Chooser does not have price information. The Buyers Guide does, and that information is current and verified by the manufacturers. Your idea to add basement model identification is something we will consider.

Great information about most things to do with truck camping. I would like to see you have more trips covered and other campers such as Host.

See FAQ question number 7 – Why doesn’t every truck camper manufacturer, gear company, and dealership participate with Truck Camper Magazine?

More trip articles.

This is a great source for truck camper specific information.


A few more homebuilt campers would be nice. Liked the old camper thing you did about a year ago.

I enjoy reading the lifestyle articles and have been disappointed in how few there have been in the last year. Please find more folks who full-time in their truck camper, especially women, and interview them.

Love your personal travel stories.

You guys are spot on. A good balance of do-it-yourself as well as new designs from vehicle manufacturers and camper manufacturers. Particularly newsworthy to me was the article on the new Chevy/GMC design changes.

Lots of information that’s helpful to the truck campers. Good stories and places to visit.

I like the way that information is presented. Nice job.

All is good. Don’t change!

Actually, I prefer a printed magazine sent in the mail like it used to be. There’s just too much computer stuff now a days.

Editor’s Note: I agree. Unfortunately, the world has long since changed.

I like the product that you put out. I use my set-up to go to motorcycle races around the country. I would like to see more tech articles about truck set-ups for ride quality, trailer towing, and load control. Do it yourself or dealer installed would be fine. Thanks.

Editor’s Note: That’s a good idea for a Question of the Week.

I like everything.

Like it all. I read every inch of it.

Nothing to change that I see.

The volume of information is incredible. I almost wish it came a little less often!

I like it pretty much as it is. I would like to see more camper and truck mods that people make.

Has a lot of practical information. Not sure I would change anything.

Everything. Nothing.

I enjoy your features. Keep up the good work!

Sorry, but there is nothing we don’t like about Truck Camper Magazine. We particularly like the mods and have incorporated several of them into our camper. We religiously search your archives when planning our next trip for your readers travel stories and suggestions. Keep up the great work.

All of it.

I like it all, and really enjoy the frequency of the publishing.

Being somewhat new to this type of RVing, I learn something new almost each reading. Thanks.

Pretty much everything.

Truck camper reviews, updates on products, stories such as favorite winter destinations.

It keeps me up to date with new truck camper models.. so I can dream!

The articles about special areas to visit are my favorites!

I love the destination and lifestyle stories. I also love the mod articles. Some people are pretty creative. As far as a change goes, I would like to see more video content. Keep up the good work.

Overall, an excellent choice for truck camping.

I like keeping up to date on changes and improvements to truck campers. I enjoy and get ideas from the travel and mod articles. I would appreciate more articles on maintenance and repair.

Perhaps there is something that could be changed or added to Truck Camper Magazine to make it better. I can’t think of anything that would make it better for me. Thank you for publishing this magazine!

Daily updates needed. I love everything except mention of Harley. I hate cats. Snooty little things that make my eyes red and my nose run.

Editor’s Note: You better hope Harley doesn’t read your comment. He’ll unleash the Ninja Cats!

Fine as is.

It is specific to truck campers only! Thanks.

I like the Question of the Week, and destinations.

The ideas are fresh and relevant. Gear talk isn’t so nerdy that even I can understand the content. I always learn something from the stories and information. I feel invited and welcomed by the site and I enjoy that culture.

More articles on truck campers in other countries. I am in Australia.

More in-depth information on campers, like the dimensions of storage compartments.

Camping and activity stories from the United States and Canada.

Camper reviews.

More lifestyle stories.

The model reviews are the best way to get a look at a new truck camper, truck, and gear. Mods and rally/show info are great as well.

For me, a truck camper is a way to explore communities and local customs, as well as historic national sites and landscape. I would like more articles what to do and see along the way. When possible, I try to be on the highway only 50 miles at a time, taking local roads if time allows. Then I hit a VFW dinner, local jam session, or coffee house. The people I meet briefly along the way all add to the experience. Would love to see the calendar with people enjoying their camper. Not my thing to be in a dry dusty desert looking at barren rocks.

Your reviews should not be about a camper that an advertiser pays to run or feature. It should be an unbiased magazine, or start a new magazine that all the manufacturers pay to run. Keep paid advertisers out of your magazine.

Editor’s Note: Without sponsors, there would be no Truck Camper Magazine. That said, our articles and reviews are not paid. TCM reviews are wholly independent and posted without notice to the industry until the morning of publication. The industry learns about the in-depth pro and con reviews at the same time you do.

Talk about ATVing, snowmobiling, and motorcycling. We’ll be truck camping in the Northeast.

TCM is great the way it is.

I like and use all of it. Even though it was done in the past, updated reviews like tires, suspensions, and helpful upgrades would be nice.

All the time and effort that they put in to make everything they do so successful. We will always support them. Thanks.

I like the truck camper reviews.

Best reviews I have read on campers and equipment.

I’m not sure I would change anything. I enjoy your format, and I have commented and complimented you folks along the way. You have my dream job!

I enjoy reading all the articles. I especially like to read about the journeys of others. Yes, I am living vicariously until retirement!

I would change the pictures. It is very difficult to get the scale of a subject when there is no one in the shot. For instance, can my wife, who frequently has to sleep sitting up at a 45 degree angle even with her CPAP, do so in a cab-over? I don’t know. You never show Angela sitting on the bed.

Editor’s Note: Most full-size hard side truck campers should have enough headroom to sit up in the cabover. Honestly, the only true way you will know is to go check out the campers in person. A cabover might be tall enough, but is it comfortable for her? Is there an outlet nearby for her CPAP? My suggestion is to visit a dealership with confirmed inventory (call ahead) and try it out.

Forums would be nice. You may also might want to add a question for your survey. Something to the effect of do you plan to purchase a truck camper in the future?  How far in the future? I don’t own a truck camper but spend a lot of time researching them. Right now we have a Lance travel trailer but plan to purchase a truck camper in 4 years.

Editor’s Note: See FAQ question number 24 – Why doesn’t Truck Camper Magazine have an online forum?

A magazine about slide-in campers and their trips and problems.

Lots of info from different campers as well lots of great tips and info from our fellow camping people.

More open to campers that you are not accepting advertising money from (aka, Outfitter).

See FAQ question number 7 – Why doesn’t every truck camper manufacturer, gear company, and dealership participate with Truck Camper Magazine?

I like the format and everything about Truck Camper Magazine. I can’t think of any changes.

Regular postings. Great articles. Well written and independent. Love the mods. I am renovating a 1993 Sun Lite pop-up and have a full photo gallery. I will send photos to you when it is all done. Sometime this spring or summer. Keep up the great work.

I really like the detail of the camper reviews and the writing style as it makes articles fun to read. I appreciate finding new ideas and answers to items I may be working on.

No changes are needed.

Lots of facts and input from variety of truck and camper owners. Product references by owners are great.

Likes: Informative, current, practical, and focused on the recreation of truck camping. Receptive to customer feedback, and humor is appreciated too! Like changed: Nothing. Just keep it coming!

I like the wide range of information and the quality of the writing. You produce a product that is entertaining and friendly while remaining professional in appearance and tone.

If you ever need a place to park your rig near Toronto, we’ve got plenty of space in our driveway.

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the invite!  Please contact us so that we can put you on our Google Map.

The honest camper reviews, travel articles, and lifestyle articles. Your publication is great. I can’t think of anything that should be changed.

I like everything about the magazine! I would like you to add more off-road and overland stories, and articles about building overland truck camper rigs would be great. How to mount accessories like MAX tracks on the sides of a truck camper would be really helpful.

I think TCM has a good balance of articles… maybe more puns needed (or maybe not!).

No offense Gordon, but your dry attempts at humor in your writing are futile and groan worthy. Please just stick to a professional and objective journalistic approach and leave the poor attempts at humor out of it. It’s not funny and rather makes me less apt to read the article thoroughly.

Editor’s Note: Sorry, but funny isn’t going anywhere. I don’t think I could cut it out if I wanted to. I try very hard not to let my humor get in the way of conveying the facts, but I think it’s important to entertain as well as inform.

It’s relaxing!

I like it all.

Your Truck Camper Magazine is a very informative read for all types of truck camper owners, and future owners.

Keep up your excellent work. Thanks.

Like the variety. No changes needed.

Always look forward to it. Don’t see that it needs any changes.

Great magazine. I like the interviews with people who are out using their truck campers, and the in-depth pros and cons on new campers and equipment.

This is a good magazine.

You do a good job and definitely have found a niche. Carry on!

Like: Question of the Week and the responses.

Great stories and reviews with a wonderful sense of humor.

Best unbiased source of information on everything related to truck campers.

Nothing. Since my divorce and selling my truck camper, I enjoy reading about new campers and planning on what to get next when I can afford one.

I became interested in camping after visiting friends at a camp site. I had a pick up and that lead to investigating a truck camper. Wife ended up hating camping (both of us grew up in big city and never had chance to go camping growing up). No chance of buying a camper anymore, but I am still fascinated by what is out there. I read each email when it comes; knowing full well it’s a pipe dream.

Editor’s Note: Truck camping is not tent camping. If there’s a truck camper rally near you, take your wife so she can see what real truck camping is all about. You can stay in a nearby hotel. The experience might just change her mind.

My only issue was regarding the new pick up trucks that are coming out, specifically the new dimensions of the bed. I was quite wide eyed to read the criticism from TCM. The truck makers are innovating. The articles about how this will effect truck campers seemed very one-sided, and short-sighted. Innovate or die. Stagnate and others advance. That’s business. Pretty sad if truck camper makers can’t “keep up” with what’s out there for hauling their product. From what I have seen the truck camper manufacturers are some of the most innovative designers and adaptive for specific situations regarding what a customer needs/wants. Your article seemed to sell them far short of their potential.

Editor’s Note: If the truck camper manufacturers keep up with the changing truck beds, the resulting campers will likely be fit-limited to the new trucks. In reverse, if you buy one of these new trucks, you might be very limited to what campers will fit. Besides, changing the dimensions of a truck bed is hardly innovation, it’s just change. Are you really impressed with a bigger truck bed?

Well rounded content and thoughtful research!

I have not found anything I dislike. I especially like the ability to look at back issues easily since it is internet based rather than print.

TCM is pretty much perfect just the way it is! Thank you for providing so much interesting and informative material.

Peoples camping experiences and different camping locations. I would like to see more of this.

Like everything. Change nothing!

Keep up the great job.

I really enjoy the weekly issues, the articles, and the overall interest you give to truck camping.

I like the info pieces on campers and gear, especially the mod articles. I also enjoy the destination stories, calendar entries, and particularly the articles on the full-time camping lifestyle. I understand the financial aspects of operating the magazine, but I am much more interested in reading about innovative ways of living and maintaining the camping lifestyle than seeing full-article reviews of one camper or the other.

Great unbiased information.

All of it.

Nothing. You guys rock!

Good magazine and informative. Leave it as it is.

Everything. Keep up the good work.

I like seeing what people do and things I could do.

I would like to see more Canadian place to visit. Looking for things closer to home; Alberta area.

Nothing. Seems to be complete and work well.

Information mostly specific to truck campers. No need to change anything.

I particularly like the mods. They give me ideas. Not only the mods to the camper but the truck also.

As for changes; more reviews on products, good and bad.

Keep doing exactly what you’ve been doing.

Helps keep me informed about truck camping.

Content. Thought. Personality. Would like to see more Canadian content; RV shows, dealers, service providers.

I love what you guys do for the often neglected truck camper industry. I like that you give realistic expectations to weights and truck payload capacities. I hate when dealers or manufacturers point out that their campers are half-ton capable when they are no where close. I do have one suggestion for the calendar photo contest. Instead of having one time to vote on them, you should do it monthly and have like 5 or 10 winners every month and the winners from each month would move on to the final voting in October. It seems like there are so many photos to look through now people only look through the first few pages of photos and stop looking through the rest.

I love that Gordon is so funny. I hate that he’s funnier than me.

Editor’s Note: Funny looking, maybe.

Just keep doing what you are doing. Great information.

I especially like your truck camper review articles. It is good information if we decide to upgrade from our 2000 Lance 835. You are very thorough describing not only the great things, but also the irritants. Also, the best info on weight and balance I have seen. The handling of the vehicle and camper is very important. The dealers will sell anything to get it off the lot. My brother bought a pickup to tow his sailboat from MA to FL. He had to turn around because the handling was so bad, also he did not listen to me to get a 3/4 ton truck!

I like the destination stories.

Like everything. Love the trip ideas.

I like everything.

Good information source. Would like to be able to search all dealers inventory by model. Say I want an Adventurer 89RB. It would be nice to just put that in a search, then have it show all the dealers that have one.

TCM offers current information about most aspects of the U.S. truck camper scene. I would like to see more articles on European and Australian slide-in units as well as accessories from those locations.

Like everything.

I like the positive stories about truck camping. Most RV magazines and ads are about 5th wheel or bumper pull trailers. Truck campers seem to be forgotten market. Truck Camper Magazine features thorough reviews of all aspects of truck camping to broaden reader’s views of what is possible in the truck camper lifestyle.

I love the reviews of the different brands of campers. I read each one carefully and the reviews will influence my next purchase. The reviews of the different brands of pickups helped me chose a new pickup to match the payload of my current camper. I also have added new places to visit and camper modifications after reading the articles. I really don’t want to see anything changed.

I like the opportunities to give our opinions, hoping the manufacturers are listening. My favorite thing about TCM is reading articles about different destinations that I never would have thought of. Even if it is just dreaming for right now. It’s giving me lots of ideas. I also like the truck camper reviews. We currently have an old Alaskan camper and are hoping to upgrade in the next 2-3 years.

Ya’ll do a great job. Keep the information coming.

I like the present format now. Congratulations, and keep up the good work.

Reviews. Mostly, I like to see new features on new truck campers. Specifically around dinette/seating options that are so limited right now. When will the lighter truck campers innovate a better seating system? You pretty much have to go to a 5,000 pound camper to get something good. I have a 2016 Wolf Creek and would upgrade immediately if there was a good seating option in a 3-4,000 pound truck camper.

It is the only place devoted to those of us who prefer truck camping to all other forms of RVing.

I like that you take an impartial view on the different models (for both campers and trucks). It’s very helpful to have this unbiased (except for maybe Gordon’s feelings on slides which I happen to share!) perspective to really help people think about what options are important to them, and to how they plan on using their rigs.

More stories on older used campers. Everyone doesn’t have the resources for a new one.

It’s a great free resource. Access to any article of interest is very easy.

I like reading about how people use their truck campers and where they go in them.


I like all the stories you do. Keep up the good work. Thank you for all the truck camper stories you provide. Plan on truck camping when I retire from work. On my bucket list.

It is great to read about the adventures of other truck camper owners and get ideas for where to go or how to improve our camper.

I like everything. No changes.

Destination articles. New camper reviews. Monthly mod contest. Do not change anything.

More lifestyle stories and manufacturer tours.

TCM is a wonderful resource that always provides valuable information and interesting, inspiring articles. I eagerly look forward to each issue.

Information on the details; specs of campers and trucks.

Easy to use. Relevant to how I use my camper. Good ideas and reviews.

Like it as is.

Like that it is about truck campers. Might include a map in stories about trips.

It would be nice to have more destination reviews with lots of pictures.

Do more camper reviews. Different models from the same manufacturer. For instance, do all the hard campers from Northstar together for easier comparison.

You do a great job and cover all the bases.

More editorial freedom and choice to publish information about truck campers that are not your sponsors.

See FAQ question number 7 – Why doesn’t every truck camper manufacturer, gear company, and dealership participate with Truck Camper Magazine?

Would like more articles about older used truck campers.

It’s good to see all the new features and stories, like taking a trip! I like Harley!

It has given me some good ideas, and it’s a good starting place for research into gear and modifications.

Everything! It is both informative and entertaining!

I enjoy reading about adventures other people take with their campers.

General information on all subjects.

As a new owner of a Four Wheel pop-up, I like information on setups and and destinations.

I love it all! Nothing needs changing but, if you could find a way to include more personal stories it would be nice. A competition for three or four paragraph stories to nominate the best, for example.

Editor: A lifestyle story competition? Well, that’s an interesting idea.

I look forward to my weekly dose of TCM. Reading about other people’s adventures provides motivation for me to plan more trips of my own. The articles where readers share their favorite spots in a specific location (e.g. the Death Valley article) are excellent. I’ve bought several items that were recommended by readers in the weekly question responses. Thank you for creating such a fun truck camper community!

I don’t own a truck camper but I did in the past. I took a trip to Alaska with it. I love the adventure stories.

Everything! Maybe a few articles on seniors with medical experiences and how did they handle them. We still like to truck camp, too.

Editor’s Note: How to handle medical emergencies on the road is a good idea for an article. Thank you.

The information.

I like the articles about the people enjoying their truck campers.

I wouldn’t change a thing.

Change nothing. Fantastic publication and I look forward to every issue!

Didn’t realize you guys worked so hard to do this magazine! Then I read your article regarding all the computer issues. Thank you, it’s a great magazine!

Editor’s Note: I believe you’re referring to the article, “Truck Camper Magazine: The Never Before Told Story“.

I like it all and really don’t see anything that I would change.

Love the well written reviews, humor, and information. Each individual photo with text are outstanding. No change whatsoever for the things I read.

Reviews, factory tours, mods, and travel experiences.

Covers the things I’m interested in. Well written articles.

The travel stories.

Include links to the recent issue in the alerts. I find I’m not seeing all the articles because the alerts do not highlight the fact that an issue is available.

Editor’s Note: The Email Alerts have links to the latest articles. For additional content, visit the homepage or the Back Issues section.

I enjoy the straight-forward, user friendly simplicity of the site. I think your most enjoyable feature is anything that tells a story about real people and their adventures and lifestyles. Those are wonderful and always inspiring. I wouldn’t change a thing about the site!

TCM covers the waterfront of truck camper issues and products. It is an unbiased source of good information. Keep up the great work!

Great magazine. Enjoy reading peoples adventures in this great country. Why can some RV parks ban truck campers? KOA San Diego, Tiger run KOA, Breckenridge, Colorado?

Editor’s Note: We need to dig into the story behind truck camper bans. We have never run into one ourselves. Maybe we’ll do a Question of the Week asking for anywhere that has denied a truck camper.

You both do a great job! Keep up doing what you are doing. As far as the future, you both seem to anticipate the needs and successfully address them. Great job! Regards to Harley!

I like it just the way it is!

To kind of make it a club; having a sticker on our camper that will identify TCM followers.

Editor’s Note: A TCM sticker has been on my to-do list forever. Thank you for the nudge.

I love that it is an e-magazine and has great articles.

TCM covers most truck camper issues so one can find exactly what he is interested in and can skim over the articles in which there is no interest.

I would like to see more articles on truck issues that would be of interest to camper owners. For example, factory suspension upgrades, extra springs, F450 axle on F350, 17 or 18 or 20 inch tire diameter, etc.

Like: Journalistic integrity and objectivity (sadly lacking in many areas of journalism), and light-hearted sense of humor. Change? Harley wants a shrimp.

Like it all. Great job!

In your camper reviews, you never turn on the air conditioner. If you did, you couldn’t ignore how loud that current model is and the air duct location; terrible.

Trip reports with pictures.

TCM is a great information and instructional resource.

My request: Please add a filter to the Camper Chooser for “Camper Superstructure: Wood Framed or Aluminum Framed”.

Editor’s Note: Interesting idea. Might need a different system for structural choices.

I really enjoy most topics and find it very useful and most informative.

It is a great look at the industry and the folks that support it. A smaller and more personal group than the mainstream RV crowd, and usually more active.

More destinations. More reader stories.

Like pretty much everything! Would like to see more travel stories.

Nothing. Keep doing what you are doing. Maybe more truck camper stories on new models.

The camper modifications – great ideas!

I would like TCM to be more inclusive of brands such as Bundutec USA.

Editor’s Note: See FAQ question number 7 – Why doesn’t every truck camper manufacturer, gear company, and dealership participate with Truck Camper Magazine?

I like everything about TCM, especially the personal interviews and plant tours.

I like everything! I can’t think of any changes that need to be made.

I like the responses to the questions of the week, and the lifestyle stories.

Everything. Don’t change anything. Great job TCM.

Being a new camper owner, the Newbie articles are very important to me. I have learned so much from reading the articles and watching the videos. So very thankful that you guys are here for all the truck campers in the world.

Good has it is.

I like the articles about the new campers and the analysis of the various trucks.

Info on a camper for a 1/2-ton pickup truck?

What is a T-17? I see that a rental company is renting a slide-in on a F-150?

Editor’s Note: You are referring to Lance Camper’s rental partnership with Cruise America. See here, “Lance Announces Partnership with Cruise America“.

Not much I do not like. You do a really great job. What would I like more of; extreme rigs, and destination stories. Where did you go, what did you do, would you go back, why/why not? What was involved. More history on those in the story as well. But I understand time and space it limited.

Keeps me informed and up to date on truck camper topics.

The sense of humor is good. I would like a place to list for sale by owner stuff.

Editor’s Note: See FAQ question number 25 – Why doesn’t Truck Camper Magazine have a classified section?

I like the updated information on campers all in one location. You have left out a major pop-up camper manufacturer though and that bothers me. Outfitter is a great company and camper.

Editor’s Note: See FAQ question number 7 – Why doesn’t every truck camper manufacturer, gear company, and dealership participate with Truck Camper Magazine?

Good mix of articles.

Excellent content in all respects.

The focus on new products for truck campers, answer to questions by TCM, rallies and camper shows. Doing great, do not change.

I like some of the travel stories and recently I enjoyed the story about how to receive mail while on the road.

There is a lot of great info for newer truck campers, those who are active in attending rallies and other gatherings, or anyone who is interested in the truck camper lifestyle.

So what would make TCM better? Well, for me it would be more travel stories and other articles related to camper repairs and maintenance. Reviews of maintenance products such as exterior cleaning or polishing products would be good as well.

Please provide a table comparing payload capacities of trucks. Finding payload capacities is difficult and a consolidated table would really help.

I like checking out other people’s ideas and the articles on tech.

I like it all.

How about some articles about people (like us) who used to have a truck camper but now have to go to a trailer due to physical limitations?

Editor’s Note: We focused on this issue for the article, “Special Report: Mobility and Truck Camper Design“.

I really like the camper reviews, especially when you take it out and use it. Unless, you use it for a few days, it is not a review, it is more of a feature presentation or a walk through.

All reviews or feature presentations should include at a minimum, MSRP, dry and wet weight, all tank capacities.

Editor’s Note: And they do. And then some.

We like the ‘how to’ and ‘what to do’ articles. Keep up the good work. Thank you!

Lots of good and helpful information, interesting articles, and reading where people have traveled withe their truck campers.

I am inspired by the lifestyle stories and monthly mod contests. I plot and plan my dream vacations with your destination articles.

Relevant, up-to-date, balanced between existing truck camper needs and those looking to buy a new camper.

I love the travel stories because it gives me ideas of places to visit. I like all of the great information that I can put to good use in my truck and camper.

I wouldn’t want to see anything changed because, while there may be articles that are not of interest to me, I know they are of interest to other readers. Keep up the good work!

Everything. You’re doing a fantastic job!

We like Truck Camper Magazine because we find new places of interest to pursue. Thank you for those.

The articles are very interesting.

More lifestyle stories would be nice.

My favorite thing is you tell it like it is.

Very informative and free.

Update YouTube videos.

First of all, you two do a great service to the truck camper community with all the stories concerning equipment, supplies, truck campers and most of all places to visit and camp. So I want to say, thank you!

Everything. Great job!

We’ve owned truck campers since the late ’60s and this is the most helpful source for information we’ve found. Thank you!

I like most all of it, except for the personal RV trips.

It needs a table of contents so one could look up articles of the past.

Editor’s Note: Try the search feature or Back Issues section.

I like the lifestyle and technical articles as well as product reviews. I enjoy Gordon’s humor.

More lifestyle and destination articles with specific info on places to visit.

The information. I would not change anything.

Well written.

I like it just the way it is.

I enjoy reading your magazine and look forward to it coming out. Please keep it coming.

I enjoy reading TCM. The articles are well written, brief and I don’t have to recycle. You folks do a good job keep up the good work.

Excellent product articles.

Maybe a PDF list of all camping sites (off-grid, boondocking, and dry camping) and other regular sites in each state/province. Also, what amenities each camping site offers (kayaking, boating, hiking, ATV riding, etc.). As well as trail rating (for type of truck, 4×4 stock, 2wd, 4×4 modified). Nearby recommendations for side trips to visit (monuments, special interest). Climate for time of year, etc. I would suggest charging a fee for the work involved in putting together such a guide, but make it a living document so changes can be added without having to buy another PDF.

Excellent magazine. One of my favorites to read.

Very informative. Thank you.

Good information, great stories. Change nothing.

More reader stories.

I think the magazine is great the way it is. I think the only thing I would like to see would be more Canadian content, dealers, factory tours, rallies in Canada (if there are any), parts and service options and locations. Other than that, I read it every time I get the new email. Keep up the great work and give Harley a good scratch. He looks like he needs it by the looks of the pass thru picture.

I love some of the Question of the Weeks, especially asking people what accessories they prefer.

Like more for Canadians. I read it every week. I’m looking for a Lance 830. Very rare here (I live in Québec). Thanks.

Reading about the personal experiences that truck camper make on their journey. Experiences with theirs rigs and gear too.

I would like to read more about the above mentioned and more in-depth reviews about some gear and repairing issues.

Just right. Keep as is.

Everything. Nothing.

Very informative in all things towards truck camping. More travel stories. Even with that said, I enjoy everything about Truck Camper Magazine.

Focus more of your articles on reviewing truck campers. It seems the majority of articles are either about mods or lifestyle stories. Honestly, I could care less about how Billy Bob and Betty got into truck camping, or how they use their camper. Take a look at Motor Trend and similar automotive magazines. Try to model after that. Most of their articles are reviews and tests of the latest models. Those magazines are super successful, and that model should help your publication excel.

Editor’s Note: We would like to see Motor Trend operate with just two people and our budget. As it is, they’re part Discovery Communications, have a staff of hundreds, and enjoy an advertising base beyond our imagination. Truck Camper Magazine and the greater truck camper industry isn’t even in the same zip code. That said, we continue to push forward with the best truck camper reviews and product information possible. Finally, I think our truck camper reviews and features compare favorably against anything they publish. We can’t compete on quantity, but we can compete on quality.

I like stories about travels in truck campers. I also like to see mods which folks have made to their campers.

More videos.

I like the variety of articles. I wouldn’t change a thing.

We love the wide variety of information provided. Everything truck camper in one location. We do however miss your YouTube videos. We enjoyed the reviews as well as clips on your own travels. And, of course, the cat cameos were a favorite! We realize the magazine is an incredible undertaking and so is a YouTube channel and of course the Magazine must prevail.  But an occasional video now and then would be most welcome!

Frequency of your publication and depth and breadth of reviews.

Fresh content, mods.

I truly enjoy every issue. I can’t think of anything that really needs changing.

My favorite parts of Truck Camper Magazine are the articles on new features from the manufacturers, and the modifications that people have made to their own campers. It’s really good to know where the industry is going, and what I can look forward to as I plan for a future purchase (after the kids college tuition bills). In the interim, having a community of people share the ways in which they’ve customized / improved their experience is quite useful in helpful me make my old camper as fun and functional as possible. The ingenuity of Truck Camper Magazine readers is quite amazing.

Oh! A special thanks to Gordon for giving us all the heads up that the truck manufacturers were changing their bed-sizes. That is hige news, and definitely stopped me from looking at new trucks.

In-depth, complete, thorough and excellent reviews. Real life truck camper use enables the Whites to ask appropriate questions-and persistence to get answers. Sense of humor, and such a great source of information! Just don’t stop. Keep it current and keep expanding discussions.

Current editions offer great variety and I would not change anything.

Tell builders to camp 1 week in their truck campers.

More on trip locations.

On the Buyers Guide, publish weights of typically equipped truck campers rather than just the weight of the base model that you will never be buying or finding anywhere.

Editor’s Note: The Buyers Guide includes calculated wet weights with 500 pounds allotted for cargo; gear, food, clothing, etc. It’s up to the consumer to add in the option weight. We make this point as clear as possible in the Newbie Corner and Reviews.

I enjoy reading about more experienced truck campers travels. I am not new to camping, but am new to truck camping.

Informative and current. Always an interesting read.

All in all, entertaining and informative. Would like more travel articles.

I like reading about where others have been. It gives me ideas on travel destinations. We travel mainly not on main interstates. I’d like to see other folks routes to different spots by going back roads. Maybe a section on truck camping sports like; mountain biking, ATV riding, fishing, skiing, hiking, triathlon any sport where folks travel by their truck camper. Thanks!

We like the places to go articles and the ones that inform us of camping apps and travel apps.

More about different truck options. Freightliners, internationals, flatbeds.

I like TCM best for travel information in areas we may want to visit. We think you’re doing a great job and wouldn’t change anything.

I like Harley! And everything else about the emails and ezine. It’s so feature rich it’s impossible to suggest how to improve it.

You are doing a great job. If you take a trip to Canada in the summer, there’s a lot to see and talk about. We live near Ottawa and lots of space and four 30-amps with water. If you decide to visit…

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the invite!  Please contact us so that we can put your location on our Google Map.

We like the weekly information. It keeps us informed. We also like the mod contest, which we have implemented.

I like the stories of truck camper adventures from your readers best.

Please add weights to the Camper Chooser so that it would narrow down some long lists.

I like it as is.

We have only owned our truck camper a year so we have learned a lot from this website. I enjoy the mod contests and the section for new owners has been helpful. The destination articles have added locations to our bucket list.

Just love your magazine and you two are wonderful. Have met you a few times at rallies. Keep up the great work.

I like staying current on the truck camper industry. Can’t think of anything to change.

Really like the mods.

Like it all. Keep up the good work

I have followed TCM since its beginning.

I am new to Truck Camper Magazine and enjoy all aspects so far!

The how-to information and people’s suggestions.

Keep up your current format.

Stories on people’s trips.

I like that it’s informative, interesting, and presented with some humor. I like to see how people outfit their campers and what kind of “stuff” they use.

I like the mods and have done some of them to my camper.

I like everything! More articles on the types of items other owners are using i.e. tires, solar, etc.

I like the choice of content. No suggestion for change.


You guys have hit a perfect balance between too many notifications and not enough. It’s just enough to keep me interested without overload.

Look forward to ideas and information on new units coming out. Still waiting on information on Camp Lite 6.3 if it is ever released.

You guys do a pretty good job already. I have been checking in for many years. Regularly for past 5 since your servers have gotten better.

I like the monthly mod contests. Also like the stories of travel on the road by fellow campers. Like info on new products for truck camping.

Gathering info to plan out my retirement.

TCM is a great site. It gives me more info about RVing than any other site that I go to.


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Truck Camper
Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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