Here’s how we solved the problem of our Sirius XM Radio Antenna not getting reception because it was blocked by the camper.
Bruce and Kim Scott have modified their Northern Lite for extreme cold weather boondocking. This is winter truck camping, Upper Peninsula style.
Mike Tassinari shows us how to install an hour meter on a portable Honda EU2000i generator.
TCM readers share their truck camper modifications, from new dinette chairs to Thule Racks mounted on the back wall.
Truck Camper Magazine readers share their truck camper modifications, from grey water holding tanks to hitch steps.
Truck Camper Magazine readers share their truck camper modifications, from camper telescoping steps to storage solutions.
Truck Camper Magazine readers share their truck camper modifications, from camper dinette changes to exterior storage compartments.
A modification is physical change you made to your camper to improve the stock design, appearance, or functionality of the truck camper.
Check out the truck camper decorations, adornments, enhancements, improvements, garnishes, and gussy-ups.